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Chapter 476

Everything seemed to be the same except for Christina, who had recently become very silent.

Strictly speaking, she didn't like anyone here staying in the Hopkins family now. In addition, she was

not even willing to talk to Nancy, the maid closest to her.

"Since grandpa doesn't think I deserve to be the mother of the twins and doesn't let me see them, then

why doesn't he find a new mother for the children!"

Christina was outside the nursery. The old nanny and a few maids stopped her from going in to see the

twins. So she immediately lost her temper.

The old nanny and a few maids were for grandpa, and they were old and somewhat arrogant. They had

already known what always happened to rich families and wives thereof would be forced to divorce by

being paid much. The old nanny especially did not like a woman like Christina at all. Christina did not

know how to curry favor with others, and even if she married into a rich family, she would gain nothing.

So the nanny did not take what Christina did seriously at all.

"Please don't make things difficult for us, it's all up to your grandpa." The old nanny said respectfully,

but her eyes had a glint of provocation.

"Okay, okay, how dare I make things difficult for you!" Christina gritted her teeth.

It was today that she said something unpleasant and burst in. These servants immediately went to


"I'm telling you now that I'm coming over this weekend to take my two sons away from home. You'd

better keep an eye on me, or I'll run away with the children, and all of you will be punished by grandpa


Christina said fiercely, "See and wait!"

After all, Christina had been spoiled by people since she was a child. She had been with Patrick for two

years and had learned to show willfulness. The nanny and maids were a little scared by her.

The old nanny, however, scolded, "What are you afraid of her for? A woman like her won't be in this

family for long." The nanny has met so many rich ladies and none of them were as ostentatious as


In the company, Crystal suddenly offered to skip work. "Christina, can you accompany me for the B


Christina had been very annoyed in the Hopkins family recently. She looked up at her old friend and

asked, "Will Chandler not go with you?"

Crystal lowered her head in shame. "In fact, I didn't dare to tell him myself."

"You coward!" Christina slapped the table and got angry.

Others around them all turned to look at them and most of them looked at Crystal with sympathetic

eyes. In recent days, Christina had been working unhappily. Everyone was very sensible and did not

dare to disturb Christina. However, Crystal was unlucky to anger her.

Others didn't know what happened actually, who only knew Christina was bad-tempered. It was

obvious that they could tell Christina was in a bad mood.

Christina dragged Crystal out of the company and glared at her with hatred. "It's been so long, Crystal.

You're too timid."

Crystal stammered in a low voice, "I'm just worried that if I'm really pregnant, the Stephenson family

people will think it's too sudden. If I'm not pregnant, it's not good to make a fool of myself."novelbin

"You worry about everything useless all day long. Have you ever thought about yourself and the baby

in your belly?"

Christina was very angry and she spoke quickly and vented her anger. "We can't just tolerate it. We

must fight back when necessary. Do you know that those people really went too far? Why should we

stand it? I won't tolerate it!"

Christina said these to Crystal and herself, who had been really upset in the Hopkins family recently.

"Now, let's go to the hospital for a B Ultrasound pregnancy test immediately!"

She immediately called a taxi, lest Crystal would hesitate again.

Crystal followed Christina obediently and she also felt that she was too cowardly and sighed in her

heart. Even after thinking deeply for several days, she still had no courage, so she asked Christina to

accompany her to the hospital to confirm. She felt more at ease with Christina.

Christina was efficient. The two of them queued up to register. They met the gynecologist and went to

the examination room. Soon, the B Ultrasound results came out.

"She has been pregnant for four weeks ."

"You need to take folic acid early and get the nutrients... You must pay attention to the fetus in the first

three months. Don't eat some inedible food. Don't stay up late and don't lift heavy things..."

As the doctor wrote down the nutrition list, he talked about the precautions for novice mothers during


When Christina heard that, she suddenly felt a little depressed. In the past, she had heard these words

all day long when she was pregnant. Time passed so quickly that her twin son was almost a year old.

Crystal, on the other hand, was completely confused.

Crystal was not in the mood to hear what the doctor say after the doctor said "pregnant for four weeks",

and she put her hand on her abdomen and her mind went blank. She was excited and also felt


"Silly?" Christina laughed and shook her.

The gynecologist also smiled when he saw Crystal's dazed look. "There are a lot of new mothers who

have been diagnosed with pregnancy being dazed for the first time. Next time, you should come with

your husband for regular checkups, the hospital has some courses for prospective parents..."

"Patrick used to be very unhappy accompanying me to the hospital, but he also needed to go to class

with me." Christina thought of the past and paused for a while.

She patted Crystal on the shoulder. "Don't worry, the Stephenson family people must be very happy to

know that you are pregnant. After all, the child belongs to their Stephenson family and it should be

easier to get along with Chandler who should like children."

Crystal smiled and nodded. "Chandler really likes children." Knowing how much Chandler loved

Geoffrey now, Crystal thought he would definitely treat her baby well in the future.

Christina queued up to get the nutritious medicine. The hospital was crowded. She subconsciously

protected Crystal. "Slow down, slow down."

Crystal smiled at her. "You've never been so careful when you were pregnant before."

"That's different. At that time, my pregnancy was just an accident. I was completely unprepared, and

the doctor also said that you must pay attention to it in the first three months of pregnancy because you

are a little weak."

Christina walked slowly out of the hospital with her. After thinking for a while, Christina added, "By the

way, you can't eat crabs when you're pregnant."

"I know I can't eat crabs." Crystal seemed to know more than Christina did.

Christina smiled awkwardly. At first, she asked Patrick to fry crabs for her when she was pregnant, but

in the middle of the night, her stomach ached. Later, both of them were scolded by grandpa.

Crystal was much more reliable, and Christina didn't worry about it. "Now, just think about how to tell

Chandler about this. You can't delay it any longer. For your child, Crystal, you have to be strong."

Crystal's right hand kept stroking her abdomen. Pregnancy was a blessing to her, and she was in a

state of excitement. "Got it. Got it."

"What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Both of them turned around at the same time and were slightly stunned. It was Peter.

"You two got off work early and ran to the hospital with such a silly smile. What happened?"

Peter was modest and humorous. He glanced at Crystal and guessed, "Is Chandler going to be a


Crystal was a little shy.

Christina smiled. "You got it."

It was a good thing to be pregnant, and Christina felt that there was no need to hide it. Peter had been

in the business world for a long time and was naturally more careful. Seeing that they were so happy to

come out of the hospital, besides, Crystal kept her hands on her abdomen, he naturally guessed it.

"Peter, can you keep it a secret? I want to surprise Chandler." Crystal also followed Christina to call him


He smiled and nodded. "Of course, Chandler deserves this surprise."

"Where are you going now? Since Crystal is pregnant, don't wander around. Do you want me to drive

you back?"

Christina and Crystal slipped out of the company, and Christina quickly spoke, "No, we drove here."

Peter was usually a busy man who had a lot of companies. Christina and Crystal only worked in one of

his branches, so they rarely saw Peter.

Christina remembered the last time Derek asked her to bring a few documents to Peter, "Peter, wait a

minute. I have a few documents in my car. Derek asked me to give them to you..."

Then she trotted into her car and found the briefcase that Derek had told her repeatedly.

Christina was very concerned because Derek rarely repeated one thing.

"These are not company documents." Peter took it and read French on the file, "These are all transfer

agreements for you."

She was surprised. "For me?"

"But that day, he clearly said that he wanted me to give it to you..." Christina couldn't figure it out for a

moment. She glanced at Peter and the file bag again. "He knows that I hate French the most and can't

understand it. Why did he get me a few French documents? Is there something wrong?"

Peter also felt it was a little strange. "Do you need me to read it for you?"

Christina trusted him and muttered suspiciously, "Well, maybe he made a mistake with the envelope.

Sometimes he just randomly scratches the waste paper and wrote..."

Peter didn't think so. Derek couldn't have made such a low-level mistake, except that he did it on


He opened the file bag and saw a few documents neatly printed out. Peter took them out finding they

were all in French. He quickly flipped through a few pages with Derek's autograph and seal.

Peter's face darkened as he watched.

"Is this, is this a company document or not?"

Christina did not understand why Peter's expression was suddenly so strange.

"Out of privacy, I don't think it's good to read it too carefully for you." Peter put the contract documents

back in the file and returned them to her in a more serious tone. "This is for you."

She still didn't believe it. "Why did he give me a few documents?"

"He gave you not only documents but a lot of things." Peter didn't make it too clear. He sighed. "I don't

understand why he did this. Go back and have a good look."

Christina felt strangely upset holding the file bag in her hand.

Derek knew that she couldn't understand French, but these documents were all written in French.

Seemingly, he deliberately didn't want her to know it too early.

"What the hell is wrong with making up such an excuse that it's a company document?"

Recalling that time when Derek spoke to her, Christina felt it was a little strange. Derek was not good at

lying to her. That day, he handed her the bag and hesitated before speaking.

"Is it related to his illness?" Crystal was also present at that time. Thinking of Derek's illness, Crystal

thought it was very likely to have something to do with it.

"He can tell me directly. Is there a need to give me a stack of documents?"

Christina complained, but she began to feel uneasy.

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