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Chapter 474

After Patrick went home, he couldn't find Christina in the bedroom. He asked the servant and found out

that Christina had gone to the nursery.

[In the nursery.]

The nanny and maids who took care of the baby looked at Christina in surprise.

Christina sat by the baby's bed with a fairy tale book in her hand. She was telling the baby a story.

"After defeating the evil witch, the prince and princess got married in the castle." She told the story of

Snow White.

Then, Christina closed the fairy tale book and told the baby seriously, "Son, this fairy tale is actually a


The baby didn't understand.

Christina reached out and pinched Small's chubby face. The baby smiled so contentedly that his eyes


Big barely laughed or cried since he was born. However, Small looked at Christina with his bright eyes

as if he was trying his best to remember his mommy. He was very focused and serious, and it looked

very funny.

Every time Christina was in a bad mood, she liked to come to the nursery to play with the baby.

Senior Mr. Hopkins set a time limit for her to stop disturbing the child's rest. But when Christina was

angry, she didn't care about these restrictions, and the servants didn't dare to stop her.

An old nanny stepped forward and said, "Madam, it's getting late. You'd better go back to bed early.

The child is almost going to sleep..."

Christina turned around and her face darkened. "I haven't finished telling my son the story yet."

The old nanny was sent by Senior Mr. Hopkins, and she was not afraid. "Madam, you have finished

telling that story. Please don't disturb the child's rest anymore. If the child doesn't get enough sleep,

Senior Mr. Hopkins will blame..."

Christina said coldly, "You can complain to Senior Mr. Hopkins now."

No matter what, Christina was the granddaughter-in-law of the Hopkins family, and the nanny was just

a servant. Although the old nanny was a little angry, she did not dare to say anything more and only

warned Christina.

"If lack of sleep affects the child's health, I won't be responsible for it."

"It's none of your business!" Christina could not bear it any longer.

The old nanny was startled by her, and the rest of the maids did not dare to speak.

There were so many rules in the Hopkins family. In order for her babies to be as outstanding as Patrick

when they grew up, Christina could bear it, but she couldn't tolerate a servant's provocation.

Christina ignored them, reached out, and rubbed the twins' curly hair in boredom. The babies were not

afraid of her and let her rub them. They waved their hands and giggled, and they fluttered their little

bodies and tried to climb to her side.

"After the prince and princess got married, one day, they quarreled."

Christina continued to tell the story to her twin sons. As she spoke, she picked up them and kissed

them on their chubby faces.

"The prince didn't allow the princess to eat and that the castle belonged to the prince. Everyone must

listen to him," Christina said with an angry expression.

The twins fixed their big clear eyes on her as if they could understand her.

"Then, in a fit of anger, the princess ran away from home."

The maids standing by were surprised. Did the fairy tale develop like this?

Christina tucked the twins in and played with the baby for a while. She was in a much better mood and

smiled. "Don't worry. I'll take you with me when I run away from home."

"Young Master Hopkins."

The nanny turned around and found Patrick outside the door.

When Christina heard this, she immediately got up without looking at Patrick. She walked past him and

walked out of the nursery.

Patrick stood there and did not reach out to stop her. He turned his head and watched her walk past


The maids in the nursery also felt that it was a little strange. Did they quarrel?

It was very common for couples to quarrel after marriage. Christina figured out that marriage was

indeed a very boring thing.

But it was too empty to live alone for the rest of one's life.

So when a man married a woman and gave birth to a child, they would spend the rest of their lives

together. This was similar to doing business together. With a child, there would be common interests.

Those fairy tales would always end in the marriage because the author did not want to write about the

messy life after marriage.

Christina didn't even want to argue anymore now.novelbin

She was not as angry as before. She didn't throw pillows or lock the bedroom door to prevent Patrick

from coming in. Now, even if they slept together, they were on the edges of the bed and had nothing to


Late at night, most lights in the bedroom were turned off, and the bedside lights were dim, illuminating

Christina's sleeping face.

Christina had to turn on the bedside lights at night before she could fall asleep.

Patrick, on the contrary, slept soundly in a dark bedroom, but after marriage, he got used to it.

It was dark outside the window and it was quiet at night. Patrick was not sleepy and did not hug her as

he usually did. He fixed his eyes on Christina's side face.

He didn't explain what happened this afternoon to her, and he didn't intend to explain it to her.

He was thinking about a question. Christina might be angry for a long time this time.

The next morning, Christina deliberately woke up very late. She was not willing to get up until Patrick

left because she didn't want to see him or talk to him.

Christina went back to the company. She had no pressure in Shepherd's company and she just needed

to memorize the manuscript. If she didn't have to go there, she would be really free.

In the afternoon, she made an appointment with Crystal and skipped work.

"Let's go to the hospital to see Derek. The last time I went to his apartment, Larry said he was


Since the last pregnancy test at the Hopkins family with a pregnancy test stick, Crystal had been out of

spirits and was not in the mood to work. So she sneaked out with Christina.

"Well, I haven't told Chandler yet." Crystal was so dejected that she almost bumped into the tree next to

her when she walked.


Christina was decisive and she did not understand Crystal's hesitation. "If you're really pregnant,

Chandler has the right to know..."

At this time, Christina remembered that Patrick was inexplicably furious yesterday and dragged her to

the hospital for a pregnancy test. Suddenly, her face also darkened.

Christina cursed in a low voice, "Bastard, bastard."

Crystal saw her angry look and smiled. "Are you arguing with Patrick again?"

"He thought I was pregnant, so he took the pregnancy test stick with two red bars and flew into a rage

at me."

Crystal was surprised. "So Patrick thought that was the result of your pregnancy test. Didn't you say

that you throw the pregnancy test stick away?"

"I don't know." Thinking about this, Christina was still very angry.

"Even if you're pregnant, he should be happy..."

Crystal couldn't figure it out. With Patrick's temper, he was unlikely to lose his temper with Christina.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Maybe he thinks that having twins is enough? And there's no need

to have another child?"

Christina was very angry. "He couldn't wait to drag me to the hospital. In front of the doctors and

nurses, he asked me to do all kinds of tests to test my pregnancy as if I was pregnant with the child of

someone else."

When Crystal heard this, she didn't know what to say.

Generally speaking, a man as rational as Patrick could not be so impatient and out of control for no


Patrick always dealt with matters calmly.

The more Christina thought about it, the angrier she became. "I can't communicate with him now. I

don't want to talk to him anymore!"

Crystal advised her, "You should have a talk. If he doesn't say it and you don't ask, then you won't know

what the problem is."

Christina was furious. "Stop talking about him. I'll take the twins back to the Dickens family this

weekend. Since grandpa won't let me take care of the children, I'll take them away secretly. I don't want

to see anyone in the Hopkins family now and I even hate the servants."

She turned around and looked at Crystal. Christina said in a low voice. "Ask Chandler to accompany

you to the hospital for a B Ultrasound to confirm if you're pregnant. If Chandler is not happy that you're

pregnant, call me. I'll go beat him up... Men are all assholes." Christina gritted her teeth in anger.

Crystal saw that Christina was angry and nodded wisely. "Yes, I know."

After walking out of the company, Christina called Larry first. After confirming the hospital ward, she

bought some cakes.

"Derek likes cake?" Crystal was a little surprised.

"Yes, he likes sweet food very much."

Everyone had some habits. Derek had no requirements for food, but he liked sweet food personally.

Only people who knew him well knew it.

Crystal smiled, "Very few men like sweet food."

Christina replied subconsciously, "Patrick hates sweet food."

Crystal turned to look at her and suddenly smiled. Though they quarreled, Patrick had become a part of

Christina's life.

The two of them went to the ward together.

From a distance in the corridor, they could see Derek by the hospital bed easily. He was so handsome

that his side face was enough to make him stand out.

When they walked in, Derek lowered his head and was thinking about something with a cup of hot

water in his left hand. Then, he put his right hand into the cup...

"What are you doing?" Crystal looked at it and immediately exclaimed.

"The boiling water is very hot."

Crystal was used to taking care of Geoffrey. She subconsciously ran over to take away the steaming

cup and scolded Derek as if she was talking to the child, "Derek, you can't play with boiling water like


Christina knew him better. She frowned and walked to his bed to sit down. First, she looked at Derek's

corrugated brow and looked down at his fingers, which were red from the boiling water.

"Don't you feel it's hot?" Christina looked straight at him and asked hesitantly.

There was a hint of panic in Derek's eyes, but it seemed that he didn't want anyone to know it. He said

casually. "I just want to test the temperature."

"Larry told me that you couldn't taste the porridge. Is that true?"

Christina stared at him with her deep eyes and asked him, "Tell me the truth. What's going on?"

When Crystal heard this, she realized that Derek seemed to be seriously ill and she became nervous.

"What's wrong? Tell us."

Why did he lose his taste?

Derek tilted his head slightly as if he didn't want to look Christina in the eye. He held Christina's wrist

with his red hand, and he suddenly held her very hard.

Christina did not understand what he was doing, but she did not push his hand away and looked at him


He didn't let go of her hand until Derek thought that it was enough.

Derek looked calm.

Christina continued to ask him, "What's the result of the hospital examination? You said your body hurt

a lot before, and now will it..."

"The doctor doesn't know." Derek had always been very honest with her.

But there were some things that Derek didn't want to tell her. He clenched his fists and didn't feel


He couldn't feel anything. It was as if he was numb and he couldn't feel cold or warm. Even if he held

Christina's wrist, he no longer felt any warmth.




Subtext: yesterday, for the first time on new year's day, a chicken soup was added to the public

number, the public number "Ls jun."

The editor said that the readers thought you were dead. I: ... "" silent

I don't have any great ideals, just to share some beautiful and interesting things.

If you're interested, come over and take a look. I'll try my best to reply to your private letter in time.

Wave it.

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