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Chapter 469

[In the Club.]

Patrick didn't like to participate in social gatherings made up of people from many backgrounds. He did

not have so many casual acquaintances. But he was not that isolated or lonely. He met most of his

friends during boxing in the club, practicing shooting, and horse racing in suburbs.

Patrick arrived at the club and went straight to the boxing stage for two rounds of games. He had short

black hair and his forehead was covered in sweat. He fought for more than 50 minutes, then took off

his gloves and shook hands with his opponent. After that, he went to the bathroom to shower and

change into a new suit. Then he came out.

Many people were watching from the audience. Charles looked at the other player in blue who had just

stepped down from the stage. Seeing that his left face was bruised, Charles smiled and handed him a

glass of Brandy.

"Bad lucky today," Charles spoke bluntly and teased this friend with a smile.

He took the glass, drank it in one gulp, and took a deep breath. He then shook his head and pretended

he was in pain, "Patrick is in a bad mood tonight."

Tonight, he boxed with Patrick for two rounds, which was so exhausting. In the final stage of the game,

he couldn't bear it anymore. Before he realized it, his cheeks were punched by Patrick and got bruised.

Charles laughed, "I escaped a disaster. Fortunately, this idiot came on stage to take the blows.

Otherwise, I would suffer tonight."

Charles laughed gloatingly, then he was punched in the stomach by the man and screamed.

They frequented this club a lot. Men were under great pressure at work. Apart from going to noisy bars

and nightclubs, some people especially liked to vent in the sports area. They were old friends.

As a married man with a wife and a child, Chandler came a little later and missed the boxing just now.

However, looking at Charles's sly smile, he could roughly guess something.

"Did Patrick and Christina quarrel?"

Chandler sat down. The seasoned bartender at the bar counter served him a cocktail of low alcohol

concentration. His wife did not allow him to drink wine with a high concentration of alcohol. After

listening to it many times, he really listened to it and gradually developed a habit of it.

Charles was a single bachelor, and he did not have a wife restricting him. He then ordered another

glass of Brandy.

He took a sip. It was cold and chill. He then said straightforwardly, "Chandler, you're wrong. It wasn't

that Patrick quarreled with Christina."

"If you see that Patrick is in a bad mood, it must be that he quarreled with Christina. You should say it

the other way around, when did Patrick quarrel with anyone? It's all Christina's fault, that witch..."

Charles kept spitting. Then he looked up and saw Patrick had already come out of the bathroom for a

shower. Patrick had changed into new clothes. Charles quickly shut up and took another sip as if

nothing had happened.

Chandler pursed his lips and smiled when he saw Charles behave so cowardly.

Many women believed that when men were gathering together, they must do drinking, smoking, and

talk about women. It was indeed so. But when men got together to talk about their wives, it was actually

more amusing than watching many comedies.

Patrick sat down and glanced at them without saying anything. The experienced bartender served him

wine very skillfully.

Patrick was the owner of the club, and a lot of the treasured wine at the bar was reserved for him. Once

Lucy dared to steal one of the bottles and drink it, people in the whole club had been nervous for half a


It turned out that Patrick was a very generous boss, or rather, he would not care about such a trivial

matter at all. He rarely flew into a rage, but it was rare to see him laughing happily. The staff of the club

were afraid of him and also respected him deeply.

Therefore, the bartender was particularly curious about the "Christina" mentioned by Charles and

others during the talking. As he served them wine, he pricked up his ears to listen to some internal

gossip and wanted to know more about the "proprietress."

"Patrick, I'll teach you a way to deal with women. It always works out."

Charles was drinking and was in a high spirit. Everyone was having a good time at the club. He

decided to teach Patrick some private skills, "If a woman suddenly makes trouble out of no reason,

then ignore her for three days. At most seven days, then they will give in."

Charles's girlfriends used to be like this. If they were angry, he would leave them alone for a few days,

and then they would be obedient.

Patrick turned to look at him, frowning slightly, as if he was really thinking about the feasibility of this


Chandler looked at them and couldn't help laughing, "Charles, don't be full of bad ideas."

"What a bad idea? I've been through a lot of love battles." Charles spoke confidently, "If you ignore a

woman for a few days, she will reflect on themselves..."

"But there is not a single one called Christina, among all your batches of girlfriends. Haha..." Chandler

felt that his approach was unreliable.

Patrick soon understood that Charles's moves against women were unreliable, or at least they were

useless to Christina.

Patrick felt that it was practically dreaming if he wanted to let Christina reflect on herself.

Last night Christina acted with such confidence and refused to let him sleep in the bedroom. She threw

the pillow at him and refused to share the same bed with him.

Christina slammed the door angrily and shouted for him to reflect on himself.

Patrick frowned at the thought of his wife at home. It was impossible to tell these brothers about his

family matters. It was a matter of male dignity. He continued to remain silent and took another sip from

his glass.

Seeing that Patrick was silent, Charles then looked at Chandler, who was smiling gently. Both Patrick

and Chandler were all married men. How could they be so different?

"Anyway, Crystal really has a good temper. When Erica lived in the Stephenson family, she didn't say a

word. If it was Christina, she would have torn down your Stephenson family."

Charles sighed for a moment. He felt that whether a man was happy after marriage might depend on

what kind of wife he married.

"Christina and Crystal are obviously good friends. Why are their characters so far apart? Haven't they

been assimilated after being together for so long?"

Chandler reacted strongly, "Stop joking. If Crystal becomes like Christina..."

"How's Christina?"

Patrick, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly looked up and asked coldly. He was looking at

Chandler with deep eyes.

Chandler was shocked and did not come back to his senses. He felt a little scared by being gazed at so


Charles was enjoying the wine at ease. When he heard Patrick's sudden question, he was also

stunned. A mouthful of spirit was stagnant in his throat, and he was choked uncomfortably. He then

coughed... Without considering manners, he grabbed the napkin on the table and almost got choked by

the wine.

The bartender had been eavesdropping. Their boss had always been serious and indifferent, and now

he suddenly defended his wife like this.

After resuming calmness, he then also felt a little amusing. The crystal glass in his hand was out of

grasp and fell to the ground with a clang. The crisp sound eased Chandler's embarrassment.

"I'm sorry."

The bartender apologized to them and pretended he did not hear what they were talking about. The

bartender then lowered his head to pack up the broken pieces.

Charles knew the bartender very well and immediately winked at him to change the subject.

The bartender was very helpless. He came out to make his own in society and naturally he didn't want

to offend these powerful people. He had to force himself to speak to Patrick, "Lucy said that she didn't

know why the proprietress wanted to investigate Miss Brianna."

Charles quickly answered, "What happened between Christina and Brianna? Are they not on good


Chandler had always disliked Crystal spending too much time with Christina. After all, not every family

could afford to support a daughter-in-law like Christina.

No matter how wild and undisciplined Christina was, she was Patrick's wife. Anyone could not possibly

reason with a man who wanted to protect his wife.

"Didn't Brianna almost become your wife of the Shepherd family?"

Chandler helped to change the topic. If they wanted to scold Christina in the future, they had to do it

indirectly in a subtle way.

"The last time Lassie and the others came to my home and mentioned the blind date to my mother,

they almost scared me to death. I don't understand why they wanted to set us up." Charles was still a

little frightened to think of that.

If he really married Brianna, he would be quite bored in the future.

Charles told Patrick the truth, "Your auntie Lassie has bad intentions. Though she claimed she came tonovelbin

talk about marriage on behalf of the Hopkins family, she kept mentioning to my mom that Brianna was

just a foster child. She even mentioned that Brianna's autism may be inherited by her children. She

said this to undermine Brianna..."

Charles actually preferred women of Christina's type. Although Christina was a little willful, she would

say it out when she was unhappy. Unlike Lassie and other women of her type who were born in

prestigious families, they never said what they really meant.

Hearing so, Patrick was very calm. He knew very well what kind of persons his aunts were and was not


"Lassie may be scheming to marry Brianna to her nephew, who is her relative. Brianna's temper is very

easy to control, and Lassie probably has no good intentions."

Charles was frank, "I'm really not suitable for a quiet girl like Brianna. I've always thought of her as a

sister. If we really want to find her a partner, we really should find a good-tempered and tender man..."

Patrick did not talk followingly. His younger sister Brianna was old enough to get married. His mother

and aunts would discuss the matter of marriage, and he usually did not ask.

"Brianna can do whatever she wants."

In any case, in the Hopkins family, they did not need to engage in business marriages through female

members in the family. No matter what background the man was from, grandpa's love for Brianna

would be enough to grant her choice of marriage.

"With Brianna's temper... What kind of man does she like?" Charles really couldn't figure it out.

A quiet girl such as Brianna, who seemed to lack a sense of security in this world all the time. What

kind of man would she like?

"The last time Brianna and Christina visited my house as guests, you didn't see... Tsktsk, it was the

extreme of two personalities. Brianna quietly followed me, while Christina actually climbed up a tree.

She said she was going to steal a squirrel."

Charles turned around abruptly, looked straight at Patrick, and asked him, "I heard that my neighbor's

big tree was bought over. The whole tree was uprooted and dug up."

There were three squirrels living in the hole of the tree. Last time Christina said she wanted to steal


Patrick was still calm and looked up at him.

It was indeed Patrick who sent someone to move the tree.

Charles didn't know how to continue speaking, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Just like the saying

went, people were not afraid of stealing but worried most that the thief would steal from them


Christina did not give up her intention of stealing squirrels. She must have mentioned those squirrels to

Patrick in private.

The bartender was wiping his glass and listening to their conversation. He had heard before that

Patrick inexplicably sent people to buy the tree. Lucy had complained about it at the club several times.

Christina said that she wanted to keep pets. The squirrels near Charles's house were very cute, and

then they went to dig the tree.

The bartender suddenly smiled and interrupted, "Our proprietress is actually very suitable to work at

the club."

He heard that Patrick had quarreled with Christina as she was unwilling to quit her job outside.

People working in the club were very well-informed about the news.

"You care about her?" Patrick asked calmly.

The bartender immediately felt that he had said something wrong. He then smiled, "Gossip. After all,

she is our proprietress and she seemed very interesting." It must be right to praise Christina.

Indeed, Patrick felt better hearing the word "proprietress."

The bartender guessed right what was on his mind and was a little proud. He chuckled, "Even a freak

like Lucy who doesn't fancy dealing with women also likes to befriend our proprietress."

That day, Christina said that she wanted Lucy to help her investigate Brianna. A detached person with

a high sense of dignity like Lucy actually started working immediately.

Patrick heard about Lucy checking up on Brianna from someone else. Also, he felt strange about it.

Then he asked about it and realized that it was Christina who arranged it.

But Patrick did not forbid Lucy to investigate it either.

"Christina said that Brianna had fought with her many times. Did Brianna have mania?" Patrick heard

about this mania thing from Christina when he quarreled with Christina that day. He still couldn't figure it


Charles and Chandler shared the same view, "Impossible."

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