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Chapter 467

Christina woke up with a headache from her drunken stupor.

She lay tossing and turning on the bed and then opened her eyes slowly. Nanny Faang knocked on the

door and came in. She looked at Christina and noticed that she was awake, so she walked over to her

and said, "Would you like some water?"

Actually, Nanny Faang didn't have much experience in taking care of people who were drunk. People in

the Hopkins family didn't like drinking alcohol and they were very cautious of things that were addictive,

such as alcoholic beverages.

Therefore, Nanny Faang was shocked when she saw Christina and Brianna were carried back

unconscious last night.

Those two women drunk themselves into oblivion. Nanny Faang thought that they didn't behave


"The Senior Mr. Hopkins got very angry last night." Nanny Faang sighed.

Christina's mind was in a fog, and she rose from the bed. "Did I make a lot of noise when I was drunk

last night?"

Nanny Faang looked at her. Christina had just woken up in a daze. Although Nanny Faang was just a

maid, she decided to give Christina a reminder of her obligations in case she would get drunk again.

"You've been sleeping for a long time. It was Lady Brianna that..." Nanny Faang said slowly.

Nanny Faang remembered that the Senior Mr. Hopkins flew into a rage seeing them getting drunk last

night. He got even angrier when Lady Brianna, who looked pale and weak, was crying and shouting

due to discomfort.

Nanny Faang asked the doctor to come and she fed Brianna the medicine. However, she was still

vomiting and messing around out of control. Lady Brianna, who was quiet and well-behaved, grabbed

the collar of a footman and punched him on his face frantically. She completely became a different

person after getting drunk.

When such a drama finally came to an end, the Old Madam Hopkins cursed that Brianna learned from

Christina's bad behaviors and she hadn't drink too much before. The Senior Mr. Hopkins's face took on

a ghastly expression after hearing what she said.

"Take good care of your wife." The Senior Mr. Hopkins gave a significant glance to Patrick and said in a

low voice when he left with a stick.

Nanny Faang looked at Christina who was standing in front of her and sighed. "Don't drink too much

outside again and don't take Lady Brianna with you anymore. Am I clear?" It was just a piece of advice

to Christina.

Christina could get drunk, and it was not a big deal. But if something happened to Brianna, Christina

was definitely the one to blame, and Patrick would be blamed either.

Everyone wanted to marry a good wife that could take good care of them when they came back drunk

because of social engagements. Unfortunately, the wife got drunk and she was sent back home to the

Hopkins family, in which case the husband should look after his wife, which was totally unacceptable.

"Where's Patrick?"

Christina had never thought of the consequences. She had no idea what happened after they got drunk

and came home last night, so she looked around. Suddenly, she wanted to have a conversation with

Patrick about some issues.

"Did he return to the company?"

Christina seemed a little bit anxious. She reached out her hands to fetch the phone on the bedside

table and wanted to give Patrick a phone immediately. Nanny Faang noticed that she was in such a

hurry, so she handed the phone to Christina. "Young Master Hopkins didn't come back to the company

this morning. Actually, he's in the study room now. Don't worry. I'll ask him to come here."

Nanny Faang could only sigh with profound resignation. The Junior Mrs. Hopkins was the most

troublesome woman she had ever met among all the masters in the Hopkins family. However, she

couldn't say anything about it because it was Young Master Hopkins's choice, which was quite different

from others.

Patrick came to the bedroom from the study room. "I will not resign." Christina said instantly upon

seeing him.

Patrick stood beside the bed, looked at her, and then frowned. Christina leaned against the headboard,

held the quilt in her arms, and looked up at him. Her long hair was in a mess due to her hangover.

"I will not quit my job anyway, that's it."

Christina emphasized her decision again with a firm look as if it was quite reasonable.

She drank too much last night, but she woke up with a dry throat and her voice sounded a little hoarse.

She rolled over, got back to the bed, hid into the quilt, and continued to sleep.

Standing outside the door, Nanny Faang got nervous. She was shocked that Christina asked Young

Master Hopkins to come here and gave him an order.

Young Master Hopkins would get furious, rush out of the room and slam the door if a woman talked to

him in this way a few years ago. However, now he walked to a round table, got her a glass of warmnovelbin

water, and then gave it to Christina. It was totally unbelievable. "Don't sleep too much." Patrick


"I'm so sleepy now."

"Grab some food before you sleep."

Christina took two sips of the water with her eyes closed, then pushed him away. "No!"

Patrick didn't get angry at all. He stood up and asked Nanny Faang to arrange for a maid to take care

of her. He told Nanny Faang to wake her up an hour later and tell her to have lunch. Then, he went

back to the study room.

"Yes, my Lord." Nanny Faang nodded.

Marriage could completely change a man. The Young Master Hopkins became more patient and

tolerant after getting married. However, Christina was so thoughtless. The reason why she could do

anything she wanted was that the Young Master Hopkins allowed her to do so and hoped her to live a

happy life without any constraints.|

However, others would dish out criticism to Christina in privacy behind Patrick's back.

"The Young Master Hopkins is too immature in dealing with marriage."

Nanny Faang let a maid, who was called Nancy, look after Christina. She walked out of the bedroom

and gently closed the door.

The maids in the Eastern Garden often talked about Christina. They thought that Christina was so lucky

that she could marry the Young Master Hopkins.

When Christina woke up again, Nancy came over to the bedside and asked her what she needed.

Nancy was Christina's personal maid. She was very young and she was not so so calculating as Nanny

Faang, so she told everything that happened last night to Christina without concealment or deception

when Christina questioned her.

"Jesus! Did you say that Brianna beat someone up when she was drunk last night?"

Christina was surprised when Nancy told her that Brianna made a lot of noise after getting drunk and

she punched a footman on his face crazily. That man's nose was bleeding with a few bruises.

"Junior Mrs. Hopkins, the point is, the Senior Mr. Hopkins and the Old Madam Hopkins got angry with

you because you took Lady Brianna outside last night and drank beers with her. They blamed it on you.

Do you understand?" Nancy said resignedly. She couldn't understand why the Junior Mrs. Hopkins

didn't care more about her own business.

Christina asked Nancy a series of questions, "Did someone make a video recording of Brianna’s hitting

the footman last night? Did she hit him very hard? Why would she attack a male servant without any


Nancy sighed and then she told her the truth. "Actually, I wasn't there on that occasion. I heard what

they said. Lady Brianna was completely drunk at that time and it was an accident. No one dared to be

too straightforward. Someone saw that the footman was punched on the nose and it was bleeding with

bruises in the living room of the Main Residence. There was a camera in that room, but you need to

ask the old housekeeper’s permission to view the video recording of the whole process."

The servants didn’t dare to hush up the scandal that Lady Brianna was drunk and hit a footman. If it

was recorded by the camera, the video would be ordered to be deleted instantly.

Christina definitely knew that the video recording would be destroyed for the sake of the Hopkins


She looked at the young maid standing beside her and raised a question, "Nancy, are you getting on

well with Brianna's maids?"

Nancy was surprised and she could not figure out why Junior Mrs. Hopkins wanted to know the

relationships between her and Brianna's maids.|

"Junior Mrs. Hopkins, I don’t know her maids well because we take charge of different zones and we do

not live together."

"Well, then you need to apply for a job transfer."

Christina spoke out directly, "I want you to make acquaintance with Brianna's maids and get to know

what kind of person Brianna is and whether there was something strange that happened to her in the


"Collect the information about Brianna for me, and you will get a pay rise when you come back."

"Well, you know, money is not the real problem, Junior Mrs. Hopkins." Nancy felt a little bit awkward

and she would be guilty about being a spy.

"Nancy, what do you want?" Christina gave her a bright smile and asked in a soft voice. "I remember

you once said that you would obey my commands and be loyal to me forever. Remember?"

Christina continued to persuade using interests and threats. "It’s time to show your loyalty to me.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Christina smiled and patted Nancy on her head.

Nancy got nervous and she stared at Christina. Christina's smile was so sweet and innocent that she

didn’t know how to refuse her.

The Junior Mrs. Hopkins became even more unreasonable.

"Okay." Nancy had no choice but to take this job. "I will come back as soon as possible if I find out

something weird happened."

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