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Chapter 455

Christina's domestically-produced car was parked in the company's parking lot, so she had to ask the

Hopkins family's driver to send her and Brianna to work this morning.

Christina sat vigilantly away from Brianna as usual. When she came back to the company to have a

meeting with Penny and the others, she was excluded again. Anyway, she was not good at talking

about discussing business, so she just left the meeting after listening to their heated discussion.

"Is Christina from the same family as that rich girl?"

"I saw them taking the same car back to the company today..." Coming out of the conference room, the

two female anchors gathered together to gossip.

Walking behind them, Christina said coldly, "She picked me up halfway and brought me back to the


The two guilty female colleagues in front of her were startled. They turned to look at Christina and

smiled awkwardly. "I see." Then they quickly left.

Christina stood there and looked at the small company which had about 20 people. She tutted, "Badnovelbin

people gather in bad place."

It seemed that her words aroused the interest of the Ancient Coin in her pocket. "Then why are you

wasting your time here?"

"I‘m killing time."Christina thought for a moment and really couldn't find any reason.

"You should go to Italy!"


Miss Dickens had always been straightforward in rejecting others. The Ancient Coin roared as if it now

understood that it was not easy to persuade this woman to help it.

When Christina was about to get off work in the afternoon, she got a phone from Patrick, "What? You

want me to accompany you to a charity party?"

She thought for a moment and found it strange. "Didn't you dislike these occasions before? Why did

you suddenly ask me to go with you this time?"

"You are my wife," Patrick explained.

It is only right and proper for a wife to be her husband's female companion.

"Is there a conspiracy?" Christina felt a little strange. He usually wouldn't let her attend such occasions.

Patrick was speechless for a moment and then he said in a more forceful tone. "I'll wait for you

downstairs at 6:00," he said.

"I don't want it," Christina immediately refused, "Don't come over..."

"Can't I see your colleagues?" Patrick was a little annoyed.

"The person in the limelight bears the brunt of the attack."

Christina explained to him seriously, "Anyway, don't come over. I'll drive over to IP&G by myself... No,

it's even more congested at the IP&G during the rush hour. Hey, why do you have to let me go to the

damn charity party? I have nothing to talk about with those rich women."

In the end, Christina made an order.

"Patrick, you're the big boss. Skip your work early to pick me up downstairs. Remember to park at least

500 meters away from the entrance of my company. It would be better if you park in dark alleys."

Patrick held the phone that had been hung up, speechless. She had learned to order him to do things.

"How did Patrick Hopkins like you?"

The coin in Christina's pocket suddenly asked her seriously.

Christina put away the documents on her table, ignoring the Coin as usual. "It's none of your business."

The Ancient Coin sneered, "You two get along so strangely."

"I really appreciate your concern for us." Christina sneered.

Having nothing to do in the afternoon, Christina killed the time in her office. She always felt that the

Ancient Coin seemed to know her very well, and all her relatives.

Ancient Coin sneered, and then its misty voice disappeared.

Christina clocked out at about 6 o'clock on time. She went down to the first floor of the company and

looked around, seeing a conspicuous silver-gray Rolls-Royce 800 meters away on her left.

Opening the door, she sat on the passenger seat directly.

Patrick leaned over to help fasten her seat belt. "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" Christina

was surprised. She thought that he would be grim-faced and unwilling to hide in this corner to pick her


Patrick drove immediately. "Am I usually bad to you?"

"It's not... It's just that you're usually too busy."

She felt that he had stayed at home longer after Derek came back.

Patrick didn't think about her thoughts. He looked straight ahead and told her, "I'll send you to the

beauty salon to get your hair done and dressed up. The party doesn't start until 10 o'clock. What do

you want to eat? I'll tell the hotel to pack the food up and send it over."

"Why do you rich guys like to hold a charity party in the middle of the night?" Christina kicked the

expensive car in boredom.

"If you kick harder, I'll turn around and take you to the hospital."

Patrick didn't care much about the party. But he was really angry when he saw Christina kicking the

carboard childishly.

Christina withdrew her feet and sat down obediently.

It was not far, but there was a traffic jam. Christina asked Patrick a question to avoid boredom, "Patrick,

I want to keep a pet..."

"What kind of?"

"I don't know," Christina thought for a moment. "There are a few cute squirrels near Charles's house..."

A while had passed.

Patrick decided, "Then find someone to bring the squirrels home tomorrow."

Christina looked at him, surprised. It was stealing. Patrick was indeed a capitalist.

Some people had said that romance itself was a boring thing.

Romance could be two people sitting in a car in a traffic jam, talking about meaningless things.

The so-called charity party, in Christina's opinion, was a group of idle rich people gathering to drink,

chat, and flatter each other.

In short, she did not like such a hypocritical and luxurious occasion.

"This is Hopkins family's granddaughter-in-law. Nice to meet you."

Patrick had no way to relax. A group of rich women surrounded her. "We long wanted to invite you to

our party... We've sent people to ask Patrick. But he didn't seem like to let you go out for social


Christina looked at them with a fake smile.

Christina didn't have a chance to say a word at all. They rushed to speak as if they were asking for

credit. "Old Master Smith of my family and Senior Mr. Hopkins are old friends. Our company also has

long-term cooperation with IP&G. Old Master Smith often praises that you are such a lady, and he also

reminds me to learn from you."

"My mother-in-law also said that she hoped I could have more contact with you. I had a lot about

etiquette to learn from you."

In the end, they should decide unanimously, "You are the best fit to be the charity chairman of the


Christina was shocked. "What?"

She had been in a trance, and damned Patrick had left her with these women. How did become the

charity chairman? She didn't listen to what they were talking about at all.

Christina was annoyed by these women. She smiled awkwardly, pointed her fingers casually in a

direction, and said, "I'm sorry, my husband came to me. I'll go over for a while..."

Christina hurried up to leave...

These women did not mind her cold reaction. Instead, they enthusiastically shouted at her figure,

"Patrick must have called you for something important."

"Christina, slow down. Your dress is a little long..." One woman said with great concern.

Hearing that, Christina felt goosebumps were about to appear on her fair arms.

Why did the woman call her so intimately? She didn't know them at all.

"Your treatment in your company is a far cry from here." A familiar and misty voice came from

Christina's dark green new handbag. The Ancient Coin also seemed to be very impatient with such a

gathering in the rich circle. "Humans are so hypocritical and ugly, especially women."

Christina did not understand why the Ancient Coin suddenly became so cynical.

Ignoring it, Christina looked for Patrick, but the venue was too big, with small groups of people laughing

and chatting around.

"Why did you bring me here and run away?"

She was wearing a crescent-white mermaid evening dress with delicate makeup and long black hair.

She was indeed very beautiful in this elegant outfit, but now she could only walk with small ladylike

steps and felt very restrained.

"Patrick wants you to leave your company." The Ancient Coin sneered.

"He wants me to quit my job?" Christina was thinking about it, and soon she became doubtful. "If

Patrick wants me to leave, he will definitely be very domineering and stop me from going to the

company directly. He won't make so many detours. Don't try to sow discord."

"Because of Derek..." said the Ancient Coin.

It seemed that Patrick would always have some scruples about matters that were related to Derek.

Afte Christina stood there for five minutes, Patrick seemed to feel guilty and found her. After donating

money in the name of her company, Patrick took Christina back.

"I think it's a little strange that you want me to attend such a party," Christina asked Patrick suggestively

when she was in the bedroom.

"It's good for you to make more friends."

Patrick explained simply. Then he walked out of the bedroom. He usually would go to the study.

Christina went to the bathroom to take off her evening dress. While taking a hot bath in the bathtub for

20 minutes, Christina thought that the Ancient Coin didn't have to cheat her. "

When Christina came out of the bathroom with her warm body in the bathrobe, she saw Patrick holding

their twins. He was very generous to throw the babies on the big bed, with the babies crawling on the


Last time Patrick had emphasized seriously that his children were not allowed to sleep in his bed.

When the twins saw Christina sitting by the bed, they immediately crawled over adorably. They babbled

with their chubby hands touching her warm and smooth thighs. The twins looked at Christina. Her

younger son narrowed his eyes, smiling with satisfaction.

Christina also laughed.

"They like you very much." Patrick stood by the bed and said calmly.

As if inadvertently, he asked, "Do you want to spend more time with them..."

"Grandpa doesn't agree." Christina immediately became upset.

Patrick also sat by the bed to play with the children. Watching his wife and lovely sons, who were right

beside him, he softened his voice, "I'll talk to grandpa. You can stay at home with them."


Christina was very excited. Looking at her two cute sons, she made hasty decisions. "Then I don't go to

work. I can't make much money anyway. You can support me."

Senior Mr. Hopkins had always upheld his old-fashioned way of raising children, saying that sons could

not be too close to their mother or they would become weak in character when they grew up.

Therefore, Christina couldn't see her children freely.

Patrick looked at her. "Very good." There was satisfaction in his deep eyes.

After sending the twins back to the nursery, both Christina and Patrick were in a good mood so they

had sex all night.

It was easy to confuse people at night and wake people up during day.

Christina was so tired last night. When she woke up naturally, it was almost 11 o'clock in the afternoon.

"I'm late!" This was her first reaction when she got up with her hair in a mess.

Patrick seemed to be free today. He sat by the bed and brought some porridge into the bedroom as

Christina's breakfast. He smoothed her long hair with his big palm and told her calmly, "I've already

called your company to resign for you."


"You promised me yesterday." Patrick reminded her calmly.

Confused, Christina looked at the handsome man in front of her. "Patrick, are you scheming against


"You actually planned to let me leave my company from the beginning, didn't you?" She realized


The Ancient Coin didn't lie to her. Damn Patrick...

Thinking of this, Christina reme mbered something more important than quitting her job.

If the Ancient Coin was trustworthy, then what it had said...

"Patrick, what do you think..."

Wrapped in a quilt, Christina crawled onto his lap, looked up at him, asking him hesitantly, "Could it be

that Eric harmed himself last time he was injured?"

When she asked this, Patrick's face immediately darkened. "Who told you that?"

Hearing his tone, Christina threw herself into his arms nervously and asked, "Do you think that's


Patrick was silent for a moment. "Maybe."

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