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Chapter 437

"Miss, wait a minute. You missed a thing..." The logistics officer in the prison suddenly shouted at her,

"This coin is yours..."

A silver-black coin was put in her palm.

The coin felt slightly cold, which made her shiver. A chill ran down her back.

"This..." Christina seemed to think what she was holding was something dirty and wanted to return it,

"This, I didn't bring it here!" Even her voice was trembling.

People in the prison were more irritable. The people queuing behind shouted at Christina, "Don't block

the way. Take your stuff and get out of the way!"

The logistics staff did not bother to pay attention to her.

Everyone who came to the prison to visit, their personal belongings like phone shall be stored in a

small box. They could only bring papers from lawyers in the prison. No matter how Christina said that

the coin was not hers, it was indeed the item discovered in her small box. According to the rules, it

should be returned to her.

Christina was pushed to the side by the crowd behind her, and she still looked dull, staring blankly at

the silver-black ancient coins.

"It was thrown into the lotus pond by Charles last night. How could it be..."

There was a scratch on the ancient coin, which was caused by the needle last time when she was

attacked in Japan.

This was the same ancient coin.

Christina froze for a long time, and her face looked pale. An armed guard in the prison noticed

something unusual about her while patrolling, so he walked over and rudely picked up an iron bar. He

knocked hard on the iron window beside her, banged, and warned her, "This is prison. Leave quickly."

Christina was still in a state of shock. She looked up at the majestic prison guard in front of her and

nodded dully. She then walked out and felt that she was floating.

"This ancient coin..."

"It really came back on its own." It deliberately pestered her.

Christina was instantly terrified by it and shuddered.

At this moment, her cell phone suddenly rang. The sudden sound startled her as she was already


She looked at the familiar number on the screen. It was from Patrick.

Christina pressed the answer button and suppressed the nervousness in her mind. She said nervously,

"What's the matter?"

"Where are you now!"

Unexpectedly, Patrick asked her back anxiously.

"At, at the company..."

She knew that Patrick was still in Europe, and people in the Hopkins family didn't know that she was on

leave today. So she naturally lied to prevent him from asking further questions.

Patrick was even angrier when he heard her say that. He asked her directly, "Why did you suddenly go

to C City?"

He was prepared early. Hearing her speak so confidently, his tone became a little harsher.

Patrick was still in Europe, but an hour later, he received a call from his home, reporting to him that

today Christina drove out to somewhere but the company. The one called also reported to Patrick that

Christina had deliberately asked for sick leave to the company. He kept calling her just now but her

phone was turned off.

Patrick remembered that recently Charles's elder brother could not be contacted. When he heard the

report from the Hopkins family, he immediately sent someone to investigate. The project he was

working on was also left to his subordinates to discuss. Now he was flying back with his exclusive


Now that Christina's phone was connected, she even dared to lie to him!

Patrick looked unhappy, but Christina on the other end of the phone had no intention of explaining

anything. He became angrier and angrier, "You'd better explain it clearly!"

Christina was so confused by the ancient coin in her hand that she didn't have the mood to think about

anything else. She was also angry when he became angry out of nowhere.

He clearly knew that she didn't go to work today, and he also found out that she had taken a short flight

to C City this morning. Now the way he spoke with her was like he was questioning a prisoner.

"Can't I come to C City? Can't I ask for leave from the company? Do I have no personal freedom at all?

Should I be locked up like a prisoner?"


Patrick was so angry that he didn't know how to scold her. He shouted her name angrily.

She, she was being unreasonable.

"What are you trying to lecture me again? Do you want me to shut up? I'm sorry, I'm not an employee

of IP&G Group. I'm not your subordinate. You have no right to order me to do things!"

Christina seemed to get angrier as she spoke.

In the past two days, she herself had been driven mad by these strange things. Patrick's anger towards

her today was like a fuse for her to vent her anger out.

Patrick was usually very indifferent to what was going on outside, but now he was so furious that he

gritted his teeth, "You suddenly asked for leave, and you did not answer the phone. Others will worry

about you."

"My phone is only turned off for an hour. I came to C City in the morning. I'll be back in the Hopkins

family by 7 pm. Don't worry."

She had already thought about it. She came over in the morning and went back before dinner. She

didn't want them to worry. How did she end up making others worry about her?

Hearing her talk about her arrangement, Patrick became aware that she was not forced by others and

felt better gradually.

After all, he was not angry because he restricted her from going out, but because he was worried that

something unexpected might happen to her.

After calming down, he tried his best to use a gentle tone with a hint of coaxing, "Why did you suddenly

go to C City?"

Listening to his soft voice, Christina also calmed down.

She turned around and looked at the solemn prison behind her. There was a kind of resistance in her

mind which made her did not want to mention Connie. After all, Connie and her father Donald had not

officially divorced yet. It would sound boring mentioning things of her family.

Christina thought about it and then asked, "How do you know I'm not at work today?" Patrick was in

Europe now, since he got the news so fast, someone must have informed him that she secretly went to

C City.

"Did Brianna tell you?" She sounded almost certainly.

She was now sure that Connie had not asked anyone to attack or retaliate against her. So Brianna was

still her number one suspect.

Patrick knew what she meant. Grandpa arranged for Brianna to work with her in the same company, so

Brianna could learn some skills in dealing with people. He could hear that she seemed to be a little

alienating Brianna.

Patrick did not take it seriously, thinking that this might be a small conflict between women. Christina

was not a person who held grudges, and she just had a minor ill-temper.

However, when they worked together, Christina was more likely to lead Brianna astray.

"Don't ask Brianna to mess around with you in the future."

"Why am I messing around with her... I didn't ask her to join me in the same company. I even don't want

to get too close to her!"

When Christina heard this, she felt that Patrick was favoring his sister. Anyway, every time something

bad happened, they would say that she was the one who caused it.

Christina admitted that she had a minor temper and was not so generous and open-minded.

Before Patrick could say another word, she quickly hung off the phone.

Christina had become used to hanging upon him.

Christina could not clear her thoughts for a moment. She mechanically walked out of the prison and

aimlessly walked along the street. The sun at noon was full and bright.

The dazzling sunlight shone warmly on her and seemed to calm her down a little.

When she calmed down, she looked at the coin again, "It is on the day, and there's nothing to be afraid

of with such a big sun above." She muttered to herself.

"I must take it to the antique store and have someone study the origin of this thing..."

Christina kept talking to embolden herself. She had never done anything wrong, so there was no need

to be afraid. Besides, this ancient coin had saved her once, so it might not hurt her.

Because of the attack in Japan and the strange coin, she was quite disturbed. She thus decided to

sneak from A City to C City. She thought it might be Connie. But Connie told her that she was only

involved in her kidnapping in high school, and she had nothing to do with other accidents that

happened to Christina.

Christina fell into a whirlpool and the more she looked into it, the more confused she became. When

she came out, she somehow inexplicably quarreled with Patrick and was scared out of her wits by the

ancient coin.

Under the scorching sun, Christina took a deep breath.

At this moment, her phone vibrated and a new text message came.

It was from Patrick Hopkins, "I'll come to pick you up."

Seeing these simple words, she suddenly felt much more relaxed and easy. Originally she was quite

frustrated and depressed. She also found a sense of security.

This icy man Patrick had also changed a lot. When they first got married, once he quarreled with her,

he would never reconcile without ten days or half a month. At that time, he always looked cold. Now

Patrick had learned a lot of new tricks.

She hung up on him and he then sent a text message.

"No need for you to pick me up. I'll go back myself." Christina replied in the message.

In fact, it was not that she was angry. She just didn't want to trouble him to C City. She estimated that

he would rush back before the meeting in Europe was over.

"Where are you now?"

Patrick sent another message. He did not continue asking her what she had done in C City, lest she

lost her temper again.

Looking at the question in the text, she felt uncomfortable.

She knew that the relationship between them was not as affectionate as others. They did not say what

baby, honey. She really didn't like saying this when she was with Patrick. She felt that it was too

disgusting, but she also knew that Patrick loved her very much.

"I'm not in the Dickens family."

Christina guessed that when he knew that she had come to C City, he would definitely first contact

someone from the Dickens family to ask for her whereabouts.

She simply said it herself, lest there was a gap between their relationship. So she decided to confess.

"I went to the prison in C City to see Connie, so my phone was turned off just now."

Perhaps even Patrick felt it very strange that she suddenly went to the prison to see Connie. For a

while, he didn't send a text message as if he was thinking. Or he was looking for someone to go to the

prison to verify what she said.

"I'm wandering on the streets alone now. I'm not going back tonight. I'll go back tomorrow. I'll stay at the

Dickens family for the night."

Christina thought for a moment. Since she had already come here, she might as well spend the night at

the Dickens family. She hadn't returned to the Dickens family for a while.

Patrick agreed to let her go back to the Hopkins family tomorrow, and he just reminded her, "Be


Looking at the rigid words he sent, she thought she would never imagine that Patrick would one day

say sweet words to her like "I love you," "I miss you," " I'll wait for you at home".

Judging by Patrick's standard, "be careful" seemed to be the most romantic word.

Thinking of him, Christina also became happy and relaxed.novelbin

Looking at this ancient coin again, she felt it did not seem that scary...

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