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Chapter 430

At night, something interesting happened.

It was rare for Christina to have a chance to visit a foreign country. She then dragged Patrick to taste

the snacks in all kinds of food stalls, but he suddenly had a stomachache and was sent to the hospital

for emergency treatment. The doctor said that he was allergic to food and had to receive drip infusion.

Finally, she could make jokes about him.

"Patrick, you were allergic to mangoes last time. This time, even the doctor is not sure what the

allergen is. Your stomach is too delicate and weak."

At this moment, she looked serious and ordered him to be hospitalized for an injection treatment until

he recovered.

Meanwhile, she quickly posted it on Instagram to tease him. Back then, he had always said she was

picky about food. Now who was the bummer?

Patrick was fine and didn't agree to stay in the hospital, but she insisted. Therefore, he put on a

hospital gown and lay on the bed, closing his eyes to rest.

Christina then pulled out a chair and sat beside him. With his eyes closed, he looked much paler than


"Patrick..." She called him in a low voice.

Hearing her call, he opened his eyes lazily, feeling unwell. Even his reaction was slower than before.

Yet she felt that his reaction was very interesting, and there was an inexplicable sense of joy surging in

her heart. She then leaned close to him, ruffled his short hair with her right hand and asked him gently,

"I'm gonna go get a pot of hot water and drop by the convenience store downstairs. What do you want

to eat?"


He then said in a hoarse voice, pretending to be angry, "I will never be tricked into eating something

with unknown food ingredients."

Immediately she swore to him, "I'm going to buy a pure porridge this time. It's absolutely eatable and


Seeing that he looked quite pitiful, she couldn't help but hug him and kiss him on the forehead.

At present, he was still in a daze, yet felt surprised by her kiss.

The smile on her face became brighter. She then joked, "Don't worry. Although we are in a foreign

country now, I won't leave you here. You wait still here for me. I'll be back soon." After that, she smiled

and waved at him with the hospital's hot kettle in her hand.

Amused by her response, he looked at her and couldn't help but laugh.

But when she pushed open the door of the ward and walked out, a woman happened to come in with a

large bag of daily necessities and some fruits in her hands. Just then, the plastic bag suddenly broke,

and bags of apples fell to the ground. Christina stepped on an apple and almost fell.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that, Patrick shouted hurriedly, then quickly got up from the bed, pulled out the syringe in his

hand, and held her from her back.

Yet she turned her head and said angrily, "Lie back down."

"I'm really sorry..."

After this ruckus, the nurse came in to insert the syringe for Patrick, and the woman in the same ward

sincerely bowed and apologized to them.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Looking at that woman's sincere face, Christina felt a little embarrassed. The woman just accidentally

dropped the fruit. Yet he made such a fuss.

Now that they were in a foreign land, so Patrick didn't specifically ask for a VIP room this time. There

was an honest middle-aged Japanese man in the same ward with him. And the woman carrying fruit

was obviously his wife.

Patrick remained silent, but his aura was too strong. Right now, he looked cold. Perhaps because of

feeling that Patrick, a foreigner, was not to be trifled with, the woman kept bending over to apologize,

and even her weak husband on the next bed slowly got up to ask for forgiveness.

In the end, Christina said in her poor Japanese that they really didn't mind. Looking at Patrick's cold

and arrogant expression, she felt ashamed and almost wanted to apologize to the woman instead.

And she even felt bad for this Japanese couple to be in the same ward with Patrick!

Patrick's treatment would last at least four hours. Yet after that accident, the awkwardness loomed in

this ward. Christina couldn't stand it anymore and decided to break the silence. She then walked over

to the next bed with a friendly smile.

"Are you going to cut the apple? I'll help you." The couple was worried because they had forgotten to

bring a fruit knife. But the apple was so big that it was inconvenient to bite it directly.

She then took it over and prised it with bare hands. The big apple was divided in two and she handed it

back to them.

The couple looked shocked, then soon smiled and thanked her.

She then asked them in English if they also wanted a pot of hot water. She planned to go downstairs to

buy porridge and biscuits. If they needed something, she was happy to buy it for them.

Yet they shook their heads at her and said a sentence in Japanese.

"They said it was cold outside and advised you to put on your coat before you went out."

Only then did Patrick speak slowly as he glanced at the couple in the next bed coldly.

Hearing his words, she put on her coat. At this moment, she remembered the strange coin in her

pocket. She thought about it for a while and planned to talk to him when she came back. Lowering her

head, she reminded him, "Don't scare them." After that, she walked out with the kettle in her hand.

She went to the designated place to place the kettle. She then turned around and walked towards the

elevator, planning to buy porridge downstairs and come back to fetch the hot water. As she walked, she

looked curiously at the environment of the hospital. It was clean and neat everywhere, which make her


At this moment, she walked to the big glass window and wanted to touch it to see if it was spotless.

Just then, the door next to her suddenly was opened...

"Watch your left!" An anxious voice echoed almost at the same time.

Right now, she couldn't figure out where the voice came from.

She then turned to her left out of instinctive reaction, and the door of the medical sundry room was

slammed open by a man at this time.

The man lunged at her like a madman, raised the tightly held syringe in his hand, and aimed it at her

left chest.

"Oh my god, stop it" A doctor who passed by the corridor shouted in shock.

At this moment, Christina's mind was in turmoil. Everything happened too suddenly.

The next second, she was pushed down and fell heavily. Her back was slammed into the corner of the

wall. The dull pain over her body made her unable to straighten up. The man immediately fled and the

doctor strode towards her.

Yet right now, she could not see things clearly. The doctor came to her and asked her about her

condition. But she did not understand Japanese. Supported by the doctor, she slowly stood up. Looking

at the man running down the stairs in a hurry, she immediately ran after him regardless of her injury.

"Miss, you can't run now." The doctor was shocked to see that she was going to chase after the

gangster, so he immediately chased after her and shouted loudly.

"Stop, Miss. You're injured. If your chest is infected by his syringe, you'll be in danger. Stop right now!"

Yet she didn't listen to the doctor. At this moment, she had followed that man to the entrance of the safe

passage. When she heard the banging sound in front of her, she knew that the man was not far from

her. She then tried her best to catch him.

But she seemed to be a step slower, and the door of the heavy safety passage slammed shut.novelbin

And panting heavily, she stopped there when she saw a woman there. Astonished, she froze.


She was a little incredulous. Brianna fell awkwardly at the door of the safe passage, hugging her knees

and crying. She shrank out of fear. Right now, she seemed to be very scared and her body trembled

from crying.

"Brianna, why are you here?"

Brianna did not answer her. She just raised her face covered with tears and looked at Christina, crying.

The doctor behind rushed over with a few nurses. When he saw Christina, he immediately rushed

forward to examine her.

They were talking in Japanese, and she couldn't understand a word. But after a while, she clearly saw

the doctor's relieved expression.

The doctor knew that she didn't understand their language. After discussion, they looked at her with

strange eyes, and then told her the situation in English.

"I just saw that gangster use this syringe to pierce into your left chest. It's used by a patient with

infectious disease. I was shocked to see that. But you still have the strength to chase after the


When she heard this, she froze and became a little scared.

The nurses then took off her coat, and the syringe was stuck on her coat. "You're so lucky. The coin in

your coat pocket saved your life..."

The syringe was inserted into the hidden pocket in her coat, and on the coin was the sharp syringe.

The doctor told her the details seriously. "If this needle is inserted into your body, you will be amputated

and your organs will fail. In the worst case, you will faint and die on the spot."

"In the future, you must not continue to pursue the gangsters in such a situation. Seek help and call the

police to deal with it." The doctor gave her a stern lecture.

Right now, her mind went blank. Looking at the syringe that was taken away by the doctor, she felt a

lingering fear.

Finally, she thanked them in a low voice.

"There's no video surveillance on the stairs, but the police should be able to find out..." The doctor

suggested her to call the police.

Yet she rejected the proposal. "There's no need."

The doctor felt puzzled about her words and tried to persuade her. After all, it was a life-threatening

situation. Again, she shook her head at him. Since the victim did not want to call the police, they

discussed it for a while and then left.

After that, she squatted down and asked with confusion, "Brianna, why are you here?"

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