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Chapter 420

Although it was easier to find a job after the new year, Crystal submitted many resumes but no


This morning, she received two calls to interview. She got up early and arrived at the venue with

exquisite makeup and suitable clothes. Unfortunately, before she met the interviewer, her enthusiasm

faded away because of the long line in front of her.

"Why are there so many people?"

Christina, who followed Crystal out to enrich her experience, was shocked by the long queue of people.

"How long will it take?"

"The first round of interviews are mass-election. It's not easy to enter large companies." Crystal had

more social experience.

So when Crystal graduated and joined the IP&G Group, she was envied by her schoolmates.

Unfortunately, she offended Barbara and lost her job. Although she pretended to be generous, she still

felt irritated in her heart.

Christina glanced at her and asked, "Do you want to go back to IP&G Group?"

Crystal quickly refused. "No, I want to find a job on my own."

If Christina lent her a hand, it would not be a problem for her to find a job, and she could even join the

Secretary Office on the top floor of IP&G Group. However, she didn't want to pull some strings.

"You did well in IP&G Group. Barbara made trouble on you and forced you to resign due to me."

Christina remembered the past and looked a little angry. "Now that you go back to IP&G, even if you

meet Barbara Parker, she won't dare to say anything."

Crystal and Christina lined up as they chatted. "Last time in Switzerland, you helped Barbara in the

avalanche. Did she still secretly trouble you?"

"No, I heard that she took a month off with a leg injury and applied for a transfer to the US subsidiary."

Crystal laughed. "It's tragic that Barbara met a rival in love like you. She's not purely evil, and I think

she has completely given up now."

Christina insisted on waiting in line from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

It was finally Crystal's turn to sit in the waiting room, but a tall and beautiful female employee walked

out and said, "That's all for today's interview. The rest can come tomorrow morning."

Suddenly, the people in the waiting room were frustrated, and some people cursed in a low voice.

Christina's face darkened. She immediately stood up and wanted to stop that employee. How could

they let her wait for such a long time in vain?

"That's what big companies do." Crystal immediately stopped her and sighed. "In the present poor

economic climate, a stable and reputable company like this is a hot property in the eyes of new


An applicant beside them also sighed. "It doesn't matter if we come a few more times. The most

disgusting thing is jumping the queue by pulling some strings."

Another woman, dressed more maturely, snorted. "What's disgusting about that. It's enviable that they

can rely on their connections. To put it bluntly, when we meet a well-connected individual of such a

company, we have to flatter him."

A group of people discussed in a low voice.

Christina looked back and found that the line was still long. Although disappointed, these young people

immediately braced themself up and left, ready to come back tomorrow morning.

It was the first time Christina had attended an interview with so many people like this. Glancing at the

candidates, she felt a little uneasy. After calming down, she asked Crystal, "Shall we go for lunch

now?" After all, it was almost noon.

After signing in at the counter, Crystal walked over and looked down at the time on her phone. Then

she looked up to Christina with a bit of hesitation.

"How about you have lunch first, and I'll go to the second company to apply for the job alone?"

Christina was suddenly in the mood to accompany her for the interview today.

She had waited for a few hours in vain. It would be her fault if she left Christina hungry. Before going

out, Mrs. Stephenson specifically reminded her to take care of Christina.

Initially, Crystal was familiar with Christina and felt it unnecessary, but the Stephenson family's people

emphasized Christina's gentility several times.

Even if Christina didn't mind, the Hopkins family's protective nature could clean away these ordinary

people who hurt her easily.

"When do you have an appointment with the second company? Where is it? I'm not very hungry. Let's

go and have lunch together."

Christina was not a spoiled person. She knew that Crystal's appointment was at 2 p.m, and there were

still 3 hours left. However, she immediately left with Crystal in case that they had to queue up.

Crystal was led to a taxi by her in a hurry, and Christina did not forget to urge the driver, "Sir, please

drive fast."

Looking at her serious expression, the driver thought there was something urgent and did not dare

delay. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the destination quickly.

It took only fifteen minutes to get to the entrance of the second company. Crystal got out of the car and

burst into laughter. "We needn't be in such a hurry."

She thought that the Stephenson family didn't know Christina well, and how could Patrick fall in love

with a spoiled girl?

The second company was small, and they didn't need to line up, but they arrived at 11: 30, when the

employees were having noon break, so they rushed for nothing.

"The size of the company is not important. Although some companies are small, the personnel are not

complicated, and the work is relatively simple. Of course, some new companies are squeezing every

last drop of productivity from their staff."

They bought some water and two pieces of bread at a nearby store and sat down casually, chatting

while eating.

Christina opened the bottle cap and asked, "Then you want to work in a small company?"

Crystal gave a wry smile and joked. "I don't want to go out to work at all."

Christina raised her head and looked puzzled.

"Since you don't want to work, why do you struggle in interviewing everywhere?"

Christina now understood that it was not easy to find a stable job. Maybe Chandler asked her to get

money to support the family. However, the Stephenson family didn't seem to be short of cash.

"I'm joking," Crystal gave a forced smile and took a big sip of water. She said in her usual soft tone, "It's

just that I've been a little discouraged from not receiving any reply recently. Chandler asked me to

come out to work to make more friends."

Christina did not doubt it and confided in her, "Patrick and Senior Mr. Hopkins also asked me to work


"They asked you to go to work?" Crystal was a little surprised.

"Senior Mr. Hopkins said that nowadays a woman must have her source of income and can't rely on

her husband or son. A woman's happiness comes from her wealth."

"Does Patrick agree?"

Christina told the truth. "His face darkened."

Crystal chuckled.

"That's good. Then let's find a job in the same company, work together as colleagues and go shopping

on weekends, living like white-collar workers. Besides, we can spend the money we earn and

occasionally travel abroad together."

This kind of life was quite remarkable.

The two women lost in fantasy happily and didn't want to be a housewife.

For a moment, they were filled with anticipation and felt that it was good to be together in this small


At half-past one, the employees of this small company came back to work one after another. There

were more than ten employees in this small company, and there were not so many rules for the

interview. It was the proprietress of this company who acted as the interviewer.

Crystal submitted her resume online in advance. She had studied abroad on a scholarship at that time,

and she had worked in a super large group, so the interviewer asked a few questions and immediately

hired her.

Because this small company still needed to recruit more people, Christina also participated in the


Crystal was waiting outside. Now they were only looking for a job to idle away their time. Although the

benefits and salary of the small company were not high, the staff structure was simple. Moreover, she

thought Christina might aim to experience life, so it was much more convenient for them to leave

suddenly in a small company.

When Crystal was ready to celebrate later, Christina came out of the interview room with a gloomy

face, "She doesn't want me."

"How could that be?"

Crystal couldn't believe her ears. Christina had an elite education since she was a child, and her

academic qualifications were naturally first-class. How could a small company have such high


The staff outside the door whispered to them, "Our boss doesn't like beautiful people the most."

Crystal was in a daze for a moment and then understood that if the couple ran a company together, the

wife would reject beautiful girls if she was jealous.

"It's okay. Just look for another job. She doesn't know how excellent you are."

Crystal also decisively rejected the job.

"Crystal, you can work here yourself. Ignore me."

"It's just a small company. I sent out bulk applications, and I don't like this small company very much."

Christina gazed at her suspiciously. "I just heard some employees say that the economy is not good

this year. Even big companies are laying off workers, and those fresh graduates who have no

connections can't find a good job. They also say that married women without children are the most

difficult to find a job because maternity leave affects the work." As she spoke, she was a little annoyed.

"It's discrimination. The men and women should be equal."

Hearing this, Crystal was a little disappointed. It was indeed the most difficult to find a job for a married

woman who had not given birth to a child. Besides, those large groups preferred to hire fresh graduates

to train slowly. As for others, they had to have superior strength or strong background.

"Nothing. We don't need to support the family anyway. Just take your time." Crystal patted her on thenovelbin

shoulder to comfort her.

Christina was a little depressed that she was busy for nothing.

They called a taxi and were supposed to go home. For some reason, Christina said she was going to

the IP&G Group.

This morning in the Hopkins family, she vowed not to rely on connections and wanted to find a job by

herself. However, she was busy in vain and in a bad mood, so she suddenly wanted to see Patrick.

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