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Chapter 392

The avalanche was coming and crashing down. She could hear screams of panic.

Christina was glad that she was forced to ski down the mountain, so she was wearing winter clothes.

When she rushed over and grabbed Geoffrey, she immediately unzipped her winter coat and hugged

Geoffrey tightly.

She was hit by the heavy snow and rolled down the mountain.

She felt that she might really die on this snowy mountain. Her mind was empty and she could not think

about anything. When her forehead heavily the sharp stone, the pain made her clear and she struggled

to climb behind the big stone to hide.novelbin

Christina's forehead ached. In the gelid weather, she let out a long puff of white fog and froze all over.

At least she was still alive.

Holding the stone, she slowly stood up. Geoffrey was tired from crying. He hugged Christina's neck

tightly in fear and did not dare to move. Christina stood up straight and looked at the white snow in front

of her.

How many people were buried alive in this avalanche?

Christina sniffled and muttered, "I don't know how Crystal is..." She was in a low mood.

She could no longer remember the scene. It happened too suddenly and she was flustered.

The crowd screamed in horror, scrambled to push, and there were chaotic footsteps on the snow.

Everyone ran around in a panic.

After the avalanche, it was dreadfully quiet.

She didn't know where she was now.

Christina took a few steps forward. She raised her head and could not see the hotel on the mountain

top. She thought that she was probably hit by the avalanche to the mountainside.

Suddenly, there was some movement in the snow on her left.

At night, her vision was hazy, and there seemed to be someone in the snow. The person struggled to

reach out for help and Christina could hear some weak cries.

Christina immediately put Geoffrey on the ground. She quickly ran over and pulled the people out of the



When she saw the woman's slender arm, she first thought that it was Crystal. However, when she

pulled her out of the snow, Christina found that it was Barbara.

"Save me. Help..."

Barbara, who was in a mess, cried after being pulled out. She seemed to be scared. Her clothes were

torn and her hair was in a mess. She crawled on the snow, keeping crying.

Christina was in no mood to comfort anyone even she saw how frightened Barbara was.

Christina Looked at the snow-capped mountain in a desperate mood. "How many people could still


Geoffrey's clothes were not enough to resist the cold, and he almost had a fever before. Christina

adjusted her mood and immediately turned to pick up Geoffrey to warm each other.

Barbara cried uncontrollably in the snow for a long time. Until she began to clear her mind, her first

reaction was to rush to Christina. In the face of life and death, she wanted to live.

"Don't leave me alone. I beg you..."

When Barbara was hit by the avalanche, she fell into a big tree and broke her legs. Blood was still

oozing from her knees. The frozen snow made her numb and unable to move her legs.

After the avalanche, life is fragile and vulnerable.

If Christina ignored her and left, she would definitely die here. But she didn't want to die.

Christina's right foot was tightly held by Barbara's hands. She did not move, and she was hesitant. She

need to hold Geoffrey to keep him warm. If she took Barbara with her, she was afraid that she would

not be able to walk out of this desperate snow-capped mountain.

However, Christina couldn't see Barbara die in front of her.

"Geoffrey, are you afraid?"

Christina patted him on the head and forced a smile.

Geoffrey's little face was covered in tears and had calmed down. He choked and hugged her neck with

both hands. His head was on her shoulder and he did not speak.

"Miss Parker is afraid, so we can't be afraid, okay?" She whispered to him.

Geoffrey didn't understand. His small face looked weak and pale. He raised his head, looked at her

with bright eyes, and then nodded.

Christina took out her phone from her pocket and turned on the flashlight mode. She asked Geoffrey to

hold the flashlight. In this cold and desperate snow-capped mountain, at least they had a light.

Fortunately, Barbara was petite and not too heavy. Christina was not badly injured, just her forehead

hurt a little. She bent down to carry Barbara, and she had to hold Geoffrey in front of her.

The weather was very cold, and she was also tired of carrying Barbara and Geoffrey.

But Christina knew she had to move forward. Step by step, she gritted her teeth and stepped on the

snow, leaving deep footprints.

Barbara was carried by her. At this moment, she could not express it in words.

She really thought she would be left behind.

After Christina rescued her, she did not even say a word. All along, Barbara felt that Christina, the

young lady of the Dickens family, was born with good luck, especially Christina did not pay much

attention to her relationship with Patrick, but Patrick loved her so much.

Why did Christina get Patrick's love so easily when Barbara tried so hard but failed?

She was still unconvinced, but now she was touched.

"Thank you."

Barbara's voice was hoarse and low. She was not sure if Christina had heard it or not, but she could

see that Christina did her best to help them.

She walked for about twenty minutes.

It was a dark night, and the snow-capped mountains were cold and eerie. Although there was a weak

flashlight on her cell phone, Christina was not sure if she chose the right direction or not. Although she

felt numb from the cold and her breathing was rapid, she endured it and took another step forward.

There seemed to be a sound.

Christina stopped where she was. Her eyes were blurry from exhaustion. She took a deep breath to

clear her mind.

"There's a quarrel ahead," Barbara, who was on her back, pointed ahead and shouted excitedly,

"There's someone in front!"

When Christina heard what she said, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.

There were people who could at least help each other.

With all her might, she quickened her pace and walked in the direction of the sound in front of them.

"It seems that you still have strength."

In front of them in the darkness, a voice suddenly came with a lightly teasing tone.

In such a difficult situation, he could still speak in a relaxed tone.

Christina was surprised. She could recognize the voice as the photographer man from the hotel.

She took a few more steps forward, and the faint light from the flashlight of her cell phone reflected the

figures in front of her. Not only were the photographers, but Bob and his family.

There was no glad, but Christina was more relieved to meet a few living people on such an outdoor

snowy mountain.

It was a gentle slope. Christina looked ahead to the left. Her eyes lit up and she thought that it might be

a cave entrance.

This meant that they could rest inside.

Christina put Barbara on the snow and walked towards the stone house with Geoffrey in her arms.

"This is the stone house I found first." Bob ran over and stopped her, which meant that he wouldn't let

her in to rest.

Christina frowned and shouted at him with a gloomy look, "Get out!"

The series of bad things exhausted her physically and mentally, and she had no more patience.

Bob was very strong and he clenched his fists to scare her. "I told you, I found the stone house first.

You can't..."

Christina glared at him fiercely. She felt that it was unnecessary to say anything more to this barbarian.

She squatted down and was about to put Geoffrey down in her arms and deal with this brainless man.

"I suggest you don't fight her." The photographer approached them in a calm tone.

Bob turned around and glared at him gloomily, as if he wanted to scold him for being nosy.

The photographer's face was expressionless. He pointed at Christina, who was still squatting on the

ground, and said slowly, "You can't defeat her."

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