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Chapter 83

83. More Lies

The grand hall was lit brightly. I waited for her arrival, but to my irritation, Bolton came over. Clearly Ihadn’t hurt him enough, since he was up and walking again.

“Hey, so I heard the news.” He said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“Told you she was mine, one way, or another.” I replied arrogantly.

“Yeah, you did… as long as she wants you. Treat her well Theon, she’s a jewel that many would love toattain.” He said, his eyes hard as he looked at me sharply.

Yeah, you have no fucking idea.

“I second that statement, Yileyna is ravishing.”

I turned my cold glare on Zarian. He smirked as he tapped his arm where he wore the band of a memberof the royal court. Yileyna’s trainer and with it, untouchable – for now.

I didn’t bother replying before he shook hands with Raiden.

“It’s an honour to meet you again, Sir Raiden Bolton.”

“Likewise, Lord Zarian.”

I ignored their petty exchange. So Andres had let the gammas know that Yileyna was his? Well it madesense since they had seen her display of power… I saw Grayson standing beside Henry, but despiteAndres being here, the queen wasn’t… interesting

The doors opened, and a silence fell as everyone turned their attention to the double doors that werekept only for the royals to enter from, and there she was… looking beyond breath taking My heartskipped a beat as time seemed to stand still, the lights in the hall only making her glow even more… Shewore a floor-length gown, with a sheer bodice, it had long sheer fitted sleeves encrusted with diamonds,while the belted skirt was a shimmering silver. 1 I won’t deny that my gaze lingered on her breasts for afew moments longer as she descended the stairs, the jewels on her bodice expertly concealing hernipples. I wouldn’t mind tearing that dress from her…novelbin

Blood rushed south and I forced my gaze up to her gorgeous face. Her make-up was alluring, but it waslighter than the other night… working on highlighting her natural beauty. Her hair was styled up, and ontop of her head sat a tiara, a blinding reminder of who she truly was…

She turned and smiled at Charlene before taking her hand when they reached the bottom. Both womenwalked towards where Andres was standing. He greeted them both, with a kiss on the forehead, one thatCharlene welcomed and Yileyna remained indifferent to.

She was not his daughter by anything more than blood… The music stopped and the chatter died downas he stepped forward. “My people! Welcome once again. Tonight is a very important night, yet with itthere are

some concerning matters that I must address…” He placed an arm around both Yileyna and Charlene,both having different expressions on their face at his move. Charlene smiled up at him whilst Yileynapursed her lips, forcing a small smile. I smirked, Goddess she was so fucking beautiful and real. Theallure of a crown and title didn’t make her blind to Andres’s antics.

Just like the storm she is…

But it seemed everyone now noticed the king’s gesture and her appearance. “Isn’t that YileynaDe’Lacor?” “Why is she wearing a royal crown?”

“Why is the king with her…” “As you can see, I have these two young women with me tonight. It is withgreat disappointment that I must share something that has recently come to light. My Queen, your Luna,has committed a great crime!”

I raised an eyebrow, I wasn’t expecting that…

Bolton exchanged looks with Zarian and me as we all listened to what the king had to say. Was heactually going to announce the queen’s infidelity? “A heinous crime that I could never imagine…” Henry,Grayson, and their mates looked confused too, as the king let go of Charlene and placed his hands onYileyna’s slender shoulders. “This woman before you, a woman who was accused of possessing anartefact of the Hale family, is innocent. You may have heard that I had Gamma Grayson Sanchez throwninto prison, well the truth is, I did.”

I frowned. Something wasn’t right here…

A ripple of confusion flowed through the crowd as Andres nodded gravely.

“However, behind it all, was the hand of none other than your Luna! Not only did she try to frame thisyoung woman by giving her this amulet! But when Gamma Grayson, who suspected it, questioned her,she lied and said he was a traitor!”

A murmur of gasps rippled through the room, and I frowned.

Painting Grayson as a hero… Realisation of what he was trying to do dawned upon me. He was going tomanipulate the entire situation to suit him.

I crossed my arms, waiting to see what exactly he was going to do… “As you all know, years ago Soleilwas not able to conceive, and so we decided to try other means to secure an heir. This was kept a secretand was always meant to be a secret, Soleil played along… Playing the role of being pregnant.” He saidgravely, I narrowed my own eyes. He was going to save his own reputation…

Yileyna looked confused as well, glancing over at Charlene. The crowd were buying it… I could see fromthe concern on their faces.

“We sought out a strong she-wolf to be the mother of my child, and she delivered!” He

motioned to Charlene, who was pale, before he shook his head. “Or so we thought, for out of herjealousy, Soleil decided to betray me! She sent the she-wolf away and brought home the child ofanother.” And I didn’t think you could fall any lower Andres. He was throwing Charlene under the cart.The expressions on both Yileyna’s and Charlene’s faces were opposite of one another.

Yileyna’s chest was heaving, her face livid, whilst Charlene looked devastated.

“Charlene… my dear Charlene… She is not my child, but I raised her as my own.” He patted her backdespite the fact she was fighting back her tears.

He may think he was being loving, but he had just stripped her of everything in a matter of seconds.

“The queen was kept away from the public eye for her pregnancy…”

“No wonder… it wasn’t only for her safety…”

“Who would have thought.”

The king raised a hand as Yileyna took deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

“As for my real daughter. Once she was born, Soleil had her cast in the sea to die, and that was whenWilliam De’Lacor found and raised her as his own. Perhaps the only good thing he has done! I may nothave known it, but my daughter has always been close. It has been confirmed that she is mine, and withit, she is my true heir!”

The sound of thunder in the sky outside was deafening, but despite it, Yileyna remained silent. Her angerwas making her tremble, but she didn’t speak… I wonder what Andres had said to her for her to listen tohim, when I could tell she was seething.

I could feel her aura, seeing Zarian motioning for her to focus. Her eyes were locked with his, and herbreathing became erratic as she fought to control herself.

“How shocking…” “The Luna is despicable!”

“I hope she is punished… My, if not for her, we wouldn’t have had to see this day…” “And so tonight I willtake the oath, making Yileyna my true heir! And to have her engaged to Theon of Westerfell!”

Everyone but me and Bolton clapped. Charlene gave a trembling smile before she muttered an ‘excuseme’ and tried to walk away as gracefully as possible, but her expression was crumbling with eachpassing second. Yileyna pulled away from Andres, rushing after her friend. I could see the pain and guilton her face, and it irritated me. Indirectly, Andres the Bastard had hurt her as well. “That was…” Boltonmurmured.

“Low.” I said before I walked towards the exit where Yileyna had disappeared…

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