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Chapter 81

I had barely slept all night. The morning came, and two omegas were awaiting to take my measurementsfor a gown. “Colour, miss?” Odessa asked. 1 “Neckline, miss?” Leonora added. “Let me see what there is, and then give me the options on which can be most easily adjusted on suchshort notice.” I said, looking over at Charlene, who was looking through the gowns. I hadn’t gotten to talk to her about what Theon had told me. “Yileyna, I think you should wear silver.” Charlene added suddenly. I nodded and the two women rushedto bring every silver gown they had brought with them. “As commanded, we went to every designer in thecity and asked for their best.” Odessa stated. When I had been asked this morning, all I had said was to not exclude fae designers. “These all can be adjusted to your size madam.” Leonora added. I looked at the gowns, although all my mind could focus on was how I would approach the topic with theking. I was lucky enough that he himself wanted a word before the ball in the evening “These two… One for me one for Charlene. Charlene choose first.” I stated. “They are meant for you, you’re the one to who this night belongs to. I will go for this satin gown.”Charlene said, shaking her head as she held up a pink gown. “Since when have we ever thought so hard? I was all dolled up on your night, Charlene.” I reminded her. “A night I didn’t want.” She whispered. “And this is a night I want? These two.” I said firmly, makingCharlene sigh and smile in defeat, giving me a nod. “I haven’t worn anything from Fae designers… are you sure it’s ok?” She asked hesitantly. “Yes, the princess is correct… Perhaps designs from our own people for a special ball.” They didn’t know what it was regarding yet, otherwise, I knew they wouldn’t speak up to me.

“The fae are part of our kingdom, why can’t we wear their designs? They are our people too. Come, thiswill be the start of our statement as a kingdom that respects all its people.” Charlene smiled and nodded, picking up one of the two dresses. “I’ll wear this one, you can wear silver.Frankly, I’m bored of being expecting to wear grey and silver all the time.”

We both laughed, she was right, growing up she often had to wear the pack colour, something she gotfed up with, being a girl who loved her summery colours. My laughter faded, that same wave of guiltwashing through me. This should have been hers… I hid my thoughts as Odessa discussed jewels and hair. Leonora had taken our measurements beforetaking the dresses and leaving. I was relieved being free from it all. I glanced at the time, it was almosttime to go see the king… “Is there something important you want to discuss with Dad?” Charlene askedquietly. . “Kind of…” I said glancing at Odessa, Charlene gave a small knowing nod. “Have you spoken toyour mother?” She frowned, shaking her head. “No… I’m not ready to talk yet.” She said forlornly, I gave her a comforting hug. “Take your time. I’mgoing to leave, wish me luck!” “Good luck to you both!” Charlene giggled as I left the room. I glancedtowards the queen’s room, seeing the two guards that stood outside her door. The king hadn’t decidedwhat to do with her… When I had left the bathroom at night after showering, the queen was in her roomand two royal guards had been standing outside her door, but the king had vanished. The fact that Gamma Grayson was her fated mate… and she had used an enchantment to hide that…She had planned it from the start. It was appalling, to say the least. Was that why she had miscarried twopups? Because she was not built to carry an Alpha heir? Those Alphas who didn’t find their true mates,often mated with Alpha-blooded females, so they could bear their heirs. Lost in my own thoughts, I found myself outside the king’s office. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on thedoor. The two guards watched me until the king called for me to enter, and I stepped inside. His officewas messier than usual, as if he had been searching for something. “Ah, Yileyna.” “You wanted to talk to me?” I asked, glancing around at the books and scrolls that were now scatteredeverywhere. 1 He nodded, brushing his long hair back. “Yes, close the door and take a seat.” He commanded. I shut thedoor and walked over to his desk, taking a seat as I watched him clear the shelf. He sighed in frustrationand turned toward me. “As you know, tonight I am announcing you as my heir, There are alphas invitedand many more, with Charlene being born and raised as an alpha’s daughter she knew what to expect.

She has training you do not. Stay close and avoid conversation with anyone.” “Why?” I asked. I knowCharlene was usually with her parents during these events, but she preferred it that way. “They will grillyou on your knowledge of the kingdom. Expect to see what makes you good enough as Alpha. You don’teven have a wolf.” He reminded me with a once over, as if he was second-guessing his decision. I frowned. My father always told me to be confident… I would do as I deem fit, I’ve always talked tovisitors at these events. Why would I change that now? “Good.” He said, taking my silence as obedience. “Now, I know you and Theon are in a relationshipanyway, so I will also announce your engagement tonight. As future alpha you have a reputation, youshouldn’t be seen with young men when they are not your mates.” I almost smirked. Yet it was ok to have secret affairs… “I don’t wish to get engaged to Theon, he was happy to leave me the moment the Alpha position wasoffered to him, I will not marry him. If you want a man by my side, I’m sure you have others who could bepotential suitors, anyone but him.” I said coldly. His treatment still stung… The king let out a frustrated growl. “You are a disobedient one. William always said you were a spark.” I smiled softly at the mention of Dad. “I always have been, Dad said never to change.” I responded softly,trying to hide the emotions from my voice. “Theon is not to blame, I know you hold a grudge against him.However, I may or may not have indirectly warned Theon to stay away from you, or I would make sureyou were gone…” He said curtly, turning back to his shelf. 1 I frowned as I stared at his back, my heart thundering. “Excuse me?” “I wanted him for Charlene, and you were a thorn in my side, one I did not need. He was moreconcerned about you than he admitted, even making sure I paid you for your trip abroad. I told him Iwould make you an Epsilon rank guard. That would give you the respect and security you needed, andso he agreed. It is obvious that you are rather popular among the young men…” He gave me a side-eyed

frown. “But Theon is ideal for this position.” Theon… the man I loved for so long… the chance to have him as my mate was once something I wouldhave only ever dreamt of… But after everything, I was scared, scared to let him in only for him to breakmy heart once again. The king had threatened him… My mind was split, between that small part of me saying to give him achance, to the larger part of me not wanting him or any man, not as my mate anyway. 1 “You need notmark yet, if it helps, take your time. However, if the kingdom knows you have a man by your side, you willbe secure.” I highly doubted that… I looked at the king sharply. This was my chance… He was occupied with rummaging through a smallmetal chest on the shelf. “Fine. I will agree to get engaged to Theon on one condition.” I said, knowing that I was already boxedinto a corner. “What is it?” The king’s irritation was clear on his face. “I want to know the truth, the real truth of what happened between two friends. Andres Aphelion andTheoden Hale. How did conquering a kingdom side by side as two united Packs change to becomingenemies?” I had mulled over my words carefully, and I was now watching the king sharply. He almostdropped the box, his heart racing as he turned to me with his eyes blazing. “Where did you hear that?”He hissed, and to my surprise, his canines were out. “In Bellmead, it was the talk in the tavern when I said I was from Astalion.” I lied smoothly. My words didn’t quell the king’s anger, and he slammed his hand into the shelf. “He is spreading lies…” He spat venomously. “What exactly did you hear?” I frowned slightly, repeating most of what Theon had told me. There were moments I saw the guilt in his eyes, and others when there was outrage. “I only turned on him because I knew him well enough! He was always power-hungry; it was obvious hewould have ousted me.” He spat. I frowned as I looked at him. “If that was the case, then why did he protect you during battle?” I asked. novelbin

“I protected Nathalia! His woman! Did he forget to tell the world that?!” He spat angrily, before looking atme suspiciously. I knew that there wasn’t much more I could say without it sounding like a blatant accusation, and Ifrowned. Who exactly was right? “May I ask who told you that he was going to overturn you?” I asked the king,whose anger was rising. “Do not pry in what you know nothing of! I am the king, I claimed these lands!Where is he if he helped? I will destroy these lands before I ever let him set foot here!” I flinched as he slammed his fist into the table beside me. He growled dangerously as the table shattered, I did my all not to cower under his aura. “I am king.Remember that.” He hissed, grabbing my arm. “You may be the heart of Kaeladia, but you are just apawn, a woman can be nothing more than one to stand by the side of her man. Theon will be king!” Sothe issue was never Charlene, but the fact he wanted a man to rule… I didn’t bat an eyelid. No matterhow much his aura was willing me to yield, I fought against it. A flash of lightning filled the sky, strikingthe window. I didn’t flinch even when glass shot everywhere, making the king jump back “Control youranger.” He growled. “Likewise, my king.” I said, standing up as I glanced at the broken table pointedly. Our eyes met, grey against grey, and I realised that perhaps there really was a better solution to this fightthan to send our people to their deaths… I needed to find that solution, it’s what Dad would have wantedme to do… He always believed in peace… “If we are done, I will be going.” I said coldly. I will work night and day until I become stronger, for mypeople. I didn’t wait for a reply, turning and storming to the door. Let the kingdom know I am the heir, thatalone would bring power. I would spend the night talking to our allies, and I would derive a plan for thebetterment of everyone… I still couldn’t shake off the random thought I’d had of Theon either… but that was just ridiculous. Ipushed the thought away, focusing on what was important; to figure out a way to reach out to theObsidian Shadow pack Alpha… 6||

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