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Chapter 79

79. Two Packs

My stomach was a mess of nerves as I stood there in the pouring rain, looking at Theon’s back Iwanted to hear the story he had heard outside of Astalion, Theon had travelled a few times and hadseen far more of the world than I and Charlene ever had. I remember we would always wait for him toreturn, counting the days. There was just something fun about having a broody sexy man around…

Why did those times suddenly feel so carefree and childish?

“Do you know when the Silver Storm pack took control of the middle kingdom?”

“It’s said Alpha Andres took this land that was in control of The Dark Ones, saving the people fromthem over twenty years ago.” The Dark Ones were mages who had become necromancers, so lost intheir ways that the land had become poisoned by their evil deeds.” The king saved the people fromthem, and the land began to flourish once more as well. Bringing peace and safety to the kingdom as awhole.” Theon nodded.

“Yes, in under two weeks it will be exactly twenty-one years since that day… The day this land wasfreed, but beyond these walls of this city, with Astalion itself, the hushed whispers of another version ofthe truth are that Alpha Andres didn’t do it alone. He conquered this land alongside his closestcomrade, his best friend, Theoden Hale. Two Alphas, two Packs, one goal

My heart thudded as I stared at his back.

The Alpha of the Obsidian Shadow Pack…

“A goal that they worked on together. They were said to be such good friends that they were willing todie for one another. Theoden Hale even took a hit for his friend in battle, resulting in him gettingseverely injured.” Theon looked at the sky, and I waited patiently for him to continue. “It is said that it

was Theoden Hale who took out the final and the most powerful of the Dark Ones, and in doing sofreed the land. Yet, against what was promised, where both would rule the middle kingdom, AndresAphelion went back on his word. With Theoden being injured from the battle, he was weak, and at thatmoment Andres tried to kill him.” 2 I was unable to stop the gasp that left me. Theon turned around,brushing his fingers through his wet locks. The move alone made my stomach flutter, despite theseverity of the conversation. “And then what?” I asked quietly, looking into his amber eyes.

He stepped closer, his gaze dipping to my body, before he ran his knuckles down my arm. “He didn’tonly try to kill him, also his wife and young son… But Nathalia Hale was not weak, rumoured to be thestrongest female wolf around. A true warrior… Someone who never backed down from a fight. Theysay she caused a distraction, shifting and carrying her pup in her mouth, with her mate on her back.She fled but it wasn’t enough for Andres… not wanting the past to come back, he never rested.Seeking out where the Obsidian Shadow pack lived, to the point where they were forced into hiding…The king’s word is law, and they say he made sure

everyone knew the Obsidian Shadow pack were enemies.” 2 Something inside of me twisted as Istared into those amber eyes that held far more emotions than they should have… Yes, the story washeart-breaking but… it was almost as if Theon could feel that pain… like he was experiencing ithimself. Was it not all hearsay? “So, is that why the Obsidian Shadow Pack wishes to take over? Theyfeel they deserve to be in control of this city?” I asked quietly. “Hmm, revenge. Revenge for all that wastaken from them. To show Andres that no matter what, he will pay for the crimes he has committed.”His voice was low, sinister even…

My heart raced as I looked up into the amber eyes of the man before me… amber… like the crest ofthe Hale family…

Fear enveloped me as I held his gaze, I was suddenly seeing him in a new light.

A man who was worthy of being Alpha… A man who had a wolf like an Alpha… A man who talked ofvengeance and revenge often enough… A man who only came to this city two years ago… 2

“And does the Hale family want to take revenge on the family and pack of the Alpha king too? “I askedsoftly, trying to rein in my emotions.novelbin

The hatred towards Charlene… The look of hatred when the king had asked him to leave… Was Ioverthinking it?

What if Theon had never lost his memory? What if he came to Westerfell to get close to the king?

“What’s wrong, Yileyna? Shocked that your king may not be the man you thought?” His gaze flickedfrom my lips to my eyes, and I simply nodded.

No, I’m scared that I’m right. What if Theon was somehow more than he was portraying?

“My father said there are always three sides to a story, in this case; Alpha Andres’s, Alpha Theoden’s,and the truth… What Alpha Theoden is doing is wrong…” I trailed off, my breath hitching as I placed ahand on my chest. “He was the reason behind my parents dying. In his revenge, he is also killing theinnocent…”

If I was true… then… then…

Theon must have known of the attack…

I looked into those amber eyes that were watching me intently, and for the first time in my life, they trulyterrified me…

“Maybe so, but war always has casualties.” “It sounds like you know a lot, to a point it feels like youbelieve the version told by The Obsidian Shadow pack.” I said, trying to act normal. His eyes seemedto darken as he ran his knuckles down my cheek, making me shiver. “Of course not, I was just telling

you the other version. A version that no one really believes anyway.” He said, turning away. Everythingseemed to ease up, I let out a breath of relief and a giddy laugh at my ridiculous thoughts.

Goddess. Where was my mind going?

“Why do you look so scared, Little Storm?” Theon asked with a small smirk.

“Nothing. I’m crazy.” I couldn’t resist smiling up at him, and the ridiculous thoughts that had crossed mymind.

“I already knew that.” He whispered huskily, making me gasp when he squeezed my waist, tugging meslightly closer. “So… Will you let me take you away from here?” “Is my safety of that much importanceto you?”

He looked into my eyes, his face only inches from mine.

“Do you want it to be?” He asked, making my eyelids flutter shut for a moment as I tried to control myemotions.

“Don’t play mind games.” I rebutted with a roll of my eyes. The rain was trickling down his hair, drippingfrom his nose and lips, the urge to kiss him was powerful.

Move away, Yileyna.

I made the mistake to shift slightly in his hold, my stomach brushing against his package, which Irealised was semi-hard. Making my own core clench. My stomach fluttered as I heard him suck in abreath. I blushed as our eyes met, the sexual tension between us feeling too much.

“So what’s it going to be, Little Storm? Will you let me take you away from here?”

“I can’t.” I said softly.

He frowned, exhaling in frustration.

“It’s nice to see you so worried though, but you don’t need to be. I mean, I’m more surprised that youhaven’t told your idea to the king, you and him usually love ganging up on me, and anyone else.” I said,knowing I needed to pull away.

My core was already aching at the proximity, and I feared that he’d soon smell my arousal. “Hewouldn’t listen.” He said quietly, before letting go of me, his eyes raking over my soaking body. “Let’sget you back.”

I nodded. “Oh and one more thing, make sure what we talked about stays between us.”

I nodded. I understood that, after all, if it was treason to talk of it then I wouldn’t risk getting him introuble… however why would it be treason unless the king had something to hide..? 1. did need to talkto him…

I needed to know his full version.

I would come up with a plan to get the truth out of him. Maybe, just maybe, I would break my promiseto Theon.

Dad always said; listen to all sides of the story before jumping to conclusions… I had never heard ofthe Obsidian Shadow Pack having a hand in securing this land.

We made our way back in silence, his hand wrapped around my wrist. He took me back to my room viathe window, his hand on my lower back as I slipped into the bedroom. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He saidemotionlessly once again. “Hmm, don’t think I’ll agree to this engagement just because you werecharming for an hour or so.” I stated haughtily, reaching for the window when his hand clamped overmine, refusing to allow me to pull it shut. “We both know charming doesn’t do it for you anyway. Correctme if I’m wrong, Little Storm, but we both know it’s anything but charming that gets you soaking wet?” I

gasped when his hand wrapped around my throat, tugging me towards him. “Well, it’s definitely not youanymore.” I shot back breathlessly as he leaned in, his hand tightening around my throat. “I can smellyou, Little Storm. Keep playing hard to get and I will take the challenge. I’ll bend you over and fuck youlike the dirty little whore you are.” My pussy clenched at his words, and if he had been lying aboutsmelling my arousal before, he definitely would now. “Shame I don’t want you to.” I managed to reply,shoving him lightly, enough to make him let go but not enough to push him off the ledge. His eyesflashed and I simply smirked, blowing him a mock kiss before I shut and locked the window quickly,letting out a sigh of relief. I felt giddy, Theon was already weaving his way back in and I refused to lethim. I can’t fall for it. Not again. 2 I looked around the guest room, I needed clothes, I better go sneak toCharlene’s room and find something to wear. I made my way to the bedroom door silently, seeing thatCharlene was still fast asleep. I opened the door, exiting silently, and closed it behind me as I made myway down the hall to Charlene’s room, leaving a trail of water in my wake. I slowly opened it, andpeered inside, before turning the light on and stepping in. I went over to her wardrobe, opening it andtaking out something that might fit, when I heard footsteps from behind me. 1 “Oh, so you finallydecided to return after whoring around.” 2 I paused, turning to face my accuser…

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