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Chapter 70

70. Buried

She was mine… My daughter, and I hadn’t even realised it. 3

Why had I not seen it? Did William know that she was mine? Is that why he never told me she wasadopted? I had not realised nor suspected it, not until tonight, the moment she had turned I thought Iwas seeing my past… A secret that I had not told anyone, not even when I told Theon had I revealedthe full truth. Deliana had not been a one-night stand…

The memories of long ago haunted me, and no matter how much I wanted to push them away, Icouldn’t.

We had met by accident; I had been injured by some rogues and I was by the coast at night. I hadheard her singing and it had drawn me, yet instead of ripping my heart out, she had helped me whenshe realised I was injured. Stemming my bleeding and wrapping my wounds.

She had been the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, goddess there was no woman who held evena candle in comparison to her beauty… Despite being a siren, she seemed to be innocent and pure-hearted, curious to learn about our world. That night she kept me company since I couldn’t move frommy injuries, I had put up with her knowing she could kill me within seconds. The wolfsbane in mysystem stopped me from mind linking for help too… That had been the start of a forbidden love story.

(FLASHBACK – NINETEEN YEARS AGO) “Are you waiting for me to heal so you can rip my heartout?” I asked, wincing in pain.

The weather was warm, and the only reprieve was the slight warm wind that sometimes blew past onthis hot humid night.

She giggled, batting her gorgeous big deep blue eyes rimmed with thick dark lashes. Her tail was apretty silver and blue, and although I knew she could kill me with ease, I was helpless.

“Why would I kill such a handsome man?” She ran her hand down my chest and I flinched, feelingsharp pleasurable sparks rush through me. She removed her hand instantly, cupping my face. “Are youalright?”

“Yeah, don’t touch me.” I growled. Why did I feel those intense sparks? I only felt them with Soleil… Istared at her, trying to ignore the intense emotions that rushed through me. 4 She tilted her head, ahuge smile spreading on her lips. Her teeth were pearly white yet almost normal, but I knew thosecould transform into extremely sharp ones if she wanted.

“Is my appearance scaring you?” She questioned.

“No, sirens don’t scare me.” I shot back, watching before my very eyes as she transformed into awoman. It was more dangerous than before as she stood there in all her beauty, but this timeaccompanied by a very appealing sexy lower half of a woman’s body one, that awakened somethingdeep within me, blood rushing south as she did a slow twirl.

“Tell me, Alpha Andres, do I look pretty now?”

I swallowed hard, trying not to look at her pussy.

“You may look like a woman, but you aren’t acting like one… cover-up.” I muttered, sounding rathergrumpy.

She giggled. “You are so adorable.”

But she didn’t bother covering up as she sat down by my side cross-legged. At least her hair coveredher perfect breasts, but her smooth lower region was still distracting me. So I instead stared at the

ceiling of the cave she had brought me to. The sound of the waves lapping against the rocks filled myears. Something she said came to my mind and I paused, looking at her sharply. “How did you knowmy name?” She blushed lightly and looked down. “I just do…” Her eyes softened, and if it were not forher beauty, I would have almost forgotten that she was a siren…

“What do you want in return for helping me tonight?” I asked instead. “Or are you just waiting to rip myheart out the moment I’m healed?” “No, I already told you I won’t do that, but I request you spend onenight with me every week for four weeks. To tell me about your world, your kind, how things are onland?”

I narrowed my eyes as I sat up, holding my chest, trying not to grunt in pain.

“Why are you so curious about it? Are your people not trying to kill us?”

She looked at me and shook her head.

“No, we just want what is ours, what the people of land stole. I want to learn so that in the future, weare friends.” She smiled brightly, and I wondered how many sirens were truly like the one before me…


One night a week became two… then three… She and I had a connection that confused me, it wasalmost parallel to the mate bond but far more intense, but I guess it was the seduction of a siren thatmade me feel like that.

I continued to walk through the silent halls of the castle, the very castle she had always wanted tosee…

Yileyna… She was my – our daughter…

The signs had always been there, but I never thought it was possible. Growing up, I kept her at arm’slength because she reminded me somewhat of Deliana. I had never actually thought she

was ours, it was just her hair colour that had Irked me. Soleil had also never questioned my nightsaway. Although she knew I was cheating on her, a true mate would always feel it… But she never saidanything, not until she was pregnant with Charlene, telling me that I needed to cut it off with whoever Iwas seeing, saying she had given me the heir I wanted…

I also knew I needed to, I was the Alpha, and our enemies were the siren’s, the Dark Fae Kingdom, theRogues, and above all, the Obsidian Shadow Pack…

I knew that no one could find out about what I had done. She was a monster…

Keeping that in mind, i had drunk plenty before I had gone to see her, to end it once and for all.

She had been waiting for me, dressed in a small blue dress that revealed half her breasts and most ofher thighs. She had been happy, unknowing as to what I was there for. Wrapping her arms around myneck as she tip-toed, claiming my lips in a sensual kiss that had consumed me. She had asked me howI was.

She had worried over me, concerned about my silence and questioned if I was ok, but I had reassuredher that all was fine. I wasn’t able to end it straight away. Being with her had a powerful pull on me andso we had gotten intimate once again.

Making love to her was very different than when making love to Soleil, and so I had given in, relishingin it for the last time. Yet when I had told her this was the end of our relationship, she had lost it…

(FLASHBACK) “What? How can you end this? We are meant for one another, don’t you feel it?” Shewhispered her panic, making her aura swirl around her.

“No, we are not, I have a fated mate. In fact, we are about to become parents too.” I told her.

Her heart was thundering as she shook her head vigorously.

“No! You can’t do this to me! You are mine!”

I could see her sharp teeth now become prominent, her eyes glimmering with hues of silver, blues, andpurples. Eyes that burned with rage as she began to show her true colours.

“Now you reveal yourself for who you are.” I said coldly.

“No, Andres! You can’t do this to me, I can give you an heir!” She clung to my arm desperately. “Myfather has already become suspicious, I may have to leave the sea, I thought you would let me comehome with you!”

I cocked an eyebrow.

“Allow you to come with me? You look like a siren, Deliana, everyone would realise what you are.” Isaid frowning

I could not have her linked to me in any way. What if the other packs found out? I had just about wonthe crown…

No, I couldn’t let her ruin my life.

“Please Andres, my father will kill me if he realises I have had an affair with a werewolf.” She lookedhorrified and full of fear as she clung to my arm.

“I’m sorry Deliana. Just don’t tell him, but it’s better to end this completely from here on. My kingdomand my crown mean everything to me.” I said coldly.

Her face paled, hurt was clear in her eyes, and I could feel her anger rising. “Betray me Andres, and Iwill let the world know what you did!” she spat. I frowned, wanting to leave her right away, but… I hadto be careful… I needed to make sure no one learned of this.

A plan crept into my mind, and I looked into the beautiful face that was full of rage and sighed heavily,stroking her hair.

“Calm down, you are right, I can’t leave you like this.” I said quietly. She hesitated, searching my eyes,but it wasn’t hard to show my love for her when it did exist. She broke into tears, throwing herself intomy arms.

“I love you, Andrés. Don’t leave me.”

She looked up at me with eyes that begged for reassurance.

“I won’t.” I lied.


I stepped into the snow and sat down on the stone steps of the courtyard. A wave of guilt

I had formed a plan, I had no intention of staying by her side. I had waited for her to fall asleep andthen I had tried to take her life… She had lost it, switching back to her siren form unable to retain herlegs, the weather became violent… But I didn’t stop, it was my only chance to kill her before she gotaway. But she was powerful. She had gotten away, but not before she promised that she would releaseher wrath upon the werewolf kind, that she would get her revenge.6

That was why I made sure my men began searching for any sirens, to kill them all, I hoped she waskilled in the process and our secret would remain buried forever…

But clearly not before she left this child on shore… I sighed as I looked at my hands. I had almost takenthe life of my daughter that day…

But what do I do now? I couldn’t kill her, that much I knew the moment I saw her in those cells. Shewas my daughter, and unlike Deliana, I didn’t see myself being able to kill her.

But people had seen what had happened, I had to form a plan, I needed to protect her, I needed tomake sure no one found out the truth, because if they did

“So, she’s your daughter.”

My thoughts came to a crashing stop as I turned slowly to look at the man that stood against the stonepillar. A man I had begun to see as my closest confidant, but at this moment, he held a power over me,the power of a dark truth. Something I did not like one bit.

A confident glimmer shone in those amber eyes of his as he watched me, almost as if he knew the holdthat he now had upon me… For the first time since I had met him, I felt as if maybe I couldn’t trusthim…

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