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Chapter 58

58. Stopping For A Hot Drink YILEYNA I felt numb. Over twenty-four hours had passed, but as hesaid… he didn’t come back I spent the night before pacing the cabin, wanting to see him, to go tohim, until I realised I don’t hold that right…

I was a distraction, and one he didn’t need…

I didn’t sleep that night, unable to enter the bedroom after what had happened there just the nightbefore… His emotions… He… There was more to last night… I knew it… but where I thought he wasfalling for me… he was actually saying goodbye… I ran my hands through my hair once more, staringout at the blizzard. The fire in the hearth had died down yesterday afternoon, and the cabin was cold, butI didn’t care… I don’t think anything felt as cold as it was inside my heart. Ten o’clock tonight. He saidhe’d meet me… and although I was counting the minutes, what was I to do? Pretend to be normal?When Theon himself told me it was over… it made clear all I was to him: A simple pass time. I couldn’tjust sit here doing nothing, but then why did I feel like I didn’t want to do anything but wallow? “Well evenif you want to! You can’t.” I told myself, sitting up and taking a deep breath. “I am Yileyna De’Lacor, and Iam not going to let a man make me lose sight of my goals.” 2

I had been played and used, regardless of whether there were emotions involved or not… I had to stop. Ireally needed to stop letting him hurt me. Maybe tonight I’ll see how he is, but unless he says that hemade a mistake, I will not give him the time of day. 2

I will stop thinking about it, I will try to be strong and act like I am not affected. I missed him and deepdown I did want to see him again, but his actions would confirm many things tonight

For now, I would go and ask the Alpha for the proof of my parent’s crimes. Nodding with determinationand a sense of purpose, I quickly ate some food and then got dressed in white leather pants, a pale greyshirt and a white corset belt. I picked up my empty dishes and carried them over to the sink, I was aboutto place them in the sink when my eyes fell on the glass of vinegar.

“Oh shit!”

Thad forgotten it. I quickly split it in the sink, wondering if the vinegar had destroyed the metal. Turningthe tap on, 1 rinsed it off, before applying some washing-up soap to it and

giving it a good scrub with the sponge. Once I had scrubbed it thoroughly and rinsed it off with warmwater, I looked at the chain in

hand. My breath hitched; I wasn’t holding just a rusty, dull trinket. I didn’t need to take this to a jewellerfor confirmation that I was holding a precious stone in my hand. Something worth far more than a fewgold coins. 1

The jewel in the centre that had looked a dull brown under the layers of grime and dirt now dazzled agorgeous burning amber. I ran my fingers along the chain, where it had once looked grey and dirty, itnow shone a pale gold. I had hit a gold mine. Was it a stolen item? Or perhaps he had found itsomewhere? Obviously, he didn’t realise how pretty it was! I’m sure he would have tried to charge farmore.

I was about to put it down when I hesitated, if it was worth a lot… then I should wear it and keep it safe.

I dried it with a dishcloth and slipped the long chain over my head, tucking it into my shirt, letting it nestleitself between my breasts.novelbin

Theon’s face flashed to mind, the memory of his touch making my body betray me. My stomach reactedand that ache settled inside me once more. I took a deep breath, grabbed my coat and squashed thethought.

Focus Yileyna.

I pulled open the door to the cabin and stepped outside into the blizzard, it took me a moment to keepmy footing as the wind pushed against me violently. Goddess the weather was getting worse.

It seems worse than usual, despite the cold not seeming as bad.

Locking up behind me, I slipped the key into my pouch and placed it into the large inner pocket of mycoat, then began trudging through the snow. The snow was deeper than yesterday too…

It took much longer to make my way toward the castle, but it gave me time to ponder over how I wouldapproach the topic with the king. I sighed heavily as I approached the busier streets of the city. The snowwas far less here, with lots of foot traffic making it melt away. However, this made parts of the groundrather iced. I could feel the cold now. My legs felt rather numb too.


I stopped, surprised to see Charlene standing there in a white fur coat and hat. The tip of her nose wasred but the relief, worry and happiness in her eyes made me concerned and delighted to see her all atonce.

“Charlene!” I smiled, giving her a big bear hug.

She hugged me back and I smiled, feeling a little better in her embrace.

But she was the future Alpha, I couldn’t really rely on her. The king indirectly made it clear he onlytolerated me because of Charlene. I knew for a fact that if I shared my problems with her, she would onlyput herself in more trouble and take more stress due to it. “I was actually coming to see you, but I hadtraining with Madelia first.” She explained, taking

my hands in her gloved ones. “Goddess Yileyna! Why aren’t you wearing your gloves!” “It’s not that cold,I’m ok” I said. “You will get frostbite!”


“I really won’t. So tell me, how was training? And why was I so lucky to have you come visit me?” Iasked.

She looked around, as if checking if anyone was listening. “How about we get a hot drink?” Shesuggested with a smile.

But there was something worrying her… I could see it…

“Why not, we can go to Madam Marigold’s.” I suggested, it was always very packed, and you could havea conversation there.

She nodded, and we both made our way down a side street before we approached the small café.Steam was blowing out from the chimney, the promise of warmth and a hot cup of coffee was callingCoffee… maybe not. We exchanged looks, a smile crossing both our faces before we hurried to the door.Charlene skidded on the icy entrance, I grabbed hold of her as she yelped in alarm before we burst outlaughing “Oops, careful.” I giggled as I pushed open the door and we stepped inside. Instantly I was hitwith the smell of coffee, roasted walnuts, and so many more delicious scents. Music played in thebackground, blending in with the hum of chatter. “Did you ladies not see the warning outside to be carefulon the ice?” Madam Marigold questioned, raising a brow sceptically. “No.” Charlene and I said in unison,we hadn’t.

“Oh, that sign is long since covered by snow, Marigold!” Someone called out, making the woman roll hereyes.

“Right, but I don’t need the king to be out for my neck if his daughter gets hurt on my premises.” Shescolded lightly before jerking her head towards the back. “Really?” Charlene asked, it was rare to get aback room in here. “Yes, go. It’s too rowdy in here for pretty girls to be around. I don’t need the extradrama!” Ah, perfect, we needed a place where we could simply talk, it was almost as if she read ourminds! Behaving ourselves, we made our way to the back, only one of the booths was empty and takingoff our coats we took our seats.

Zarian, the young fae man who worked here, walked over to us. He was probably a good few decadesolder than us, but he looked as if he was not a day over twenty. Muscled, lean, beautiful violet eyes andblack silky hair that held a purple hue to it, that fell to his shoulders.

“And hello ladies, it’s been a few months. How are you both? Looking as ravishing as ever.”

“Hello Zarian, we are well, thank you.” Charlene said, as I smiled slightly. “Can we get two mugs of hotchocolate?”

“Is that all? Are you sure the beautiful ladies want nothing more?” He asked with a small flirty smile.

I raised an eyebrow.

“That is all.” I said, trying to suppress my giggle as Charlene blushed embarrassed.

He let out a small chuckle before he gave a nod.

“Well then, I’ll go get those two mugs of hot chocolate, but if you do want something else… I’m not faroff.” He gave a final wink, and I shook my head.

“I swear he wasn’t this flirty the last time we came…”

“Well, he did joke that if we were a wee bit older, he would consider us.” Charlene giggled, shaking herhead.

“Well, he is… beautiful.” I said, trying to ignore the sadness inside of me. “Hm.” Charlene’s smile seemedto vanish at the same time as mine, before a frown creased her forehead. “Yileyna, what’s going onbetween you and Theon?”

My smile vanished, the pain in my chest hitting me like a tonne of bricks. I couldn’t lie because she hadseen the look on my face.

I shook my head trying to compose myself. I would have told her, maybe… but this wasn’t the way I wasexpecting it to be brought up. “Darling…” “He said it’s over…” I said quietly with a small shrug. Shefrowned, her eyes flashing.

“How dare he… Did he give a reason?”

“He said I was a distraction.”

It hurt, so much, but what could I do? She looked at me, feeling conflicted, as if she wanted to saysomething but wasn’t sure. “It’s fine Charlene, I’m over him. I mean, I’m not, but I will be. I gave himenough chances.” I whispered, knowing that he had such a hold on me that my sanity went out thewindow when he was around

She frowned deeply, staring at the table, “Yileyna…” “It’s ok Charlene, it was my fault. I shouldn’t haveallowed myself to get trapped in this. I’m fine. Really.” She hesitated before nodding. “I am going to havea word with him.” She said quietly, her eyes cold and serious.

“You don’t need to.” I said quickly, waving my hands, knowing that Theon was even nastier to


Just then, Zarian returned with our drinks, and we stopped talking. Charlene looked extremely upset, andafter that she was far more lost in thought, barely touching her hot drink “I’m truly sorry, Yileyna.” Shesaid quietly, looking up into my eyes with sorrow and guilt. “Don’t be. You aren’t responsible for him beinga dick” I said gulping down my hot chocolate in one go. “I’m afraid I have a lot more to do than wallow inself-pity. It’s time I did some digging.” 1 “Digging?” I looked around before leaning forward and loweringmy voice. “The truth about my parents; I know they weren’t traitors, and I intend to find out exactly whathappened.” I whispered quietly. She frowned, a flash of determination in her eyes as she nodded.“Sounds like a plan, I’m with you. We are going to do this together.” She whispered. I smiled as our eyes

met, and I knew we would always have one another. Men could break your heart, but sisters… sistersdidn’t.1 “Thank you, my queen.”

She smiled at me, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze of encouragement. “Always, my angel.”I was truly grateful to the goddess for at least giving me Charlene.

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