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Chapter 49

49. Hot & Hard


Theon had arrived sometime late at night, he seemed rather quiet, and that’s saying something forTheon. He had told me Charlene’s training was beginning today and it would be under Madelia andhimself. I had just asked if I could attend too.

“You won’t be able to handle seeing her go through it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked concerned, as I removed the pendant from the vinegar and beganscrubbing it.

Wow, it was looking so much better, and the stone was beginning to look a little less dull brown. Icarried on scrubbing it firmly.

“Let’s just say the techniques are usually used for torture.” He said, drinking his coffee from where hewas sitting at the table, looking as godly as ever. I frowned deeply, a flare of anger going through me.

“Does the king know?” I asked sharply.

“Yeah, he’s the one who recommended several of the methods. We had a meeting with the princessyesterday afternoon too. She knows it’s going to be brutal, but we need her powers to awaken.”

“But then… at least let me come so I can give her moral support.” I insisted, feeling my irritationtowards the king rising as I brushed my hair out of my face.

“No, you will just get in the way.” His voice held finality, but I wasn’t going to back down that fast.

“What if I participate in the training?” That caught his attention, he looked at me sharply.

“You don’t even have a wolf.”

“That is my point. What if this same intense training helps me awaken my wolf and shift?”

“You mean to force the shift?” He asked quietly, watching me with a very calculating expression as heplaced his mug on the table.

I nodded.

“Yeah. Like you said, you can feel my aura a little, and I’m already eighteen. I need to shift soon …Yesterday I went for training and you and Charlene were right, I am stronger now.”

His frown deepened, as I continued scrubbing at the pendant and rinsed it. I think another day or two inthe vinegar might help break up the layers of dirt that had built up. Emptying the old vinegar out, Ipoured in some fresh and dropped the pendant back in, placing it on the windowsill.

“What is that?”

“I bought it in Bellmead, well the man actually conned me of several coins and gave me this necklace,but it’s really filthy. I’m trying to clean it.”

“You could bin it, I’m sure it’s not worth the time.”

“That’s my choice. Since I paid for it, I should at least see if it’s worth anything. Besides, it’s ratherheavy, surely it must be worth something.”

It cost me gold!

“I never knew you were so stingy.” He remarked mockingly.

I rinsed my hands and looked at him. Going over, I took the mug from the table and placed it on theworktop.novelbin

“Although Mom and Dad left a good amount in the vault at the bank, I no longer earn anything as I amnot the future beta or even a warrior. So, I need to spend my money wisely.”

“Yet you splurged on all these groceries and food products.” He reminded me pointedly.

“Those were for us.” I replied.

“But I haven’t received even one gold coin from the king since Mom and Dad died, even when I wasstill the prospective future beta…”

Seeing his eyes turn cold and a frown crossing his face, I changed the subject.

“Anyway, can I take part in the training then?”

Right now, I didn’t want him to say anything hurtful. It was painful as it was, the fact that I hadn’t seenthe warning signs from the king. Not to mention that talking about Mom and Dad hurt enough withoutany additional issues being brought up.

I looked over at him when he didn’t reply, a frown on his face.

“Are you listening?” I asked.

“You never thought to question the Alpha or go to the Pack accounts manager?”

I was surprised he was fixated on that part.

“Money was the last thing on my mind.” I shrugged.

“Besides, it’s not like I’m doing anything for the Alpha.”

“You went on a trip. Everyone on that trip was paid for risking their lives.” His voice was cold, and Icould feel his irritation rising.

I dried my hands and walked over to him, smiling softly.

“Tell me, Theon, are you angry for me?” I teased, perching on the edge of the table in front of him.

He raised an eyebrow.

“No, just a little concerned at your level of stupidity. You won’t get far in the world if you carry on withthat mindset.” He said coldly.

“Ok, I’ll try to keep that in mind.” I said, looking down at his lips.

Goddess… His lips were so kissable…

“I can see exactly how long that stayed in your mind, a little distracted aren’t we, little storm?

He reached over, wrapping his hand around my throat as he pulled me closer.

“You distract me.” I replied, slipping off the table and straddling him.

My heart was pounding as his eyes blazed, his lips crashing against mine in a hungry kiss. His freehand squeezed my ass, making me moan as my core throbbed.

“Theon…” I whimpered, grinding against his crotch.

“Fuck, I had somewhere to be.” He growled, attacking my neck with rough kisses.

“And you haven’t agreed to let me… attend.” I moaned, trying to focus when pleasure was eruptingthrough me. He let go of my neck, grabbing my breast, as his lips travelled down my collarbones.

“I don’t see why I should agree.” He replied huskily, I could barely focus, feeling the hard shaft in hispants that made my pussy clench with an insatiable hunger.

“I can make it up to you…” I whispered, raking my nails down his chest and leaning in, I kissed his necksensually, feeling him throb.

“Agree, and tonight I’ll treat you like the king you are fuck!”

Something in my words had made his eyes flash, and he stood up, turning me and pushing me downon the table. With one swift movement, he yanked my pants down, unzipping his own and slamminginto me so harshly that it made me cry out in pain. His hands ran up my thighs before he grabbed afistful of my hair in one hand.

“Don’t try to tempt me, little storm, because I assure you if I lose control, I will fuck you so hard youwon’t be able to take it.” He whispered huskily, making my pussy clench.

“Try me.” I shot back, trying not to cry out.

“As you wish.” Came his dangerously animalistic growl, that only made pleasure swim through me ashe thrust into me impossibly harder.

Fuck, I couldn’t breathe…

I could hear the screams that left my lips and the sound of our skin meeting, his one hand fisted in myhair, the other gripping my hip painfully. The table creaked violently beneath me, and I was sure itwouldn’t hold for long as he continued to fuck me mercilessly.

Tears stung my eyes at the intensity of his thrusts, the pain giving way to pleasure and my criesbecoming more and more erotic.

The pressure inside of me was building into an incredibly powerful high. I could feel my juices tricklingdown my legs, and I knew we were both going to need a shower after this. “Seems like you enjoy beingfucked hard.” He growled. Oh, goddess yes.

I couldn’t reply, but my body was screaming with satisfaction. I couldn’t explain how good this felt…

“I’m so fucking close!” I moaned hornily.

“Fuck baby… nh…”. “And so fucking wet.” He was nearing too, his voice breathless, and when a quietmoan left his lips, I bit my lip, savouring that sound.

I never wanted another man’s touch, just his, only his. Explosive fireworks erupted inside of me.

“‘Theon!” I screamed. My release ripped through me with such intensity that my vision blackened.

Moments later, I felt his seed coat my insides and a low groan escaped him.

“Fuck.” He hissed, pulling out and letting go of my hair. He placed his hands on the table, palmdownwards on each side of my head. His lips touched my shoulder, making me shudder as it sentanother river of pleasure through me.

“You’re fucking lethal.” I don’t know what I did that triggered that reaction from him, but I was notcomplaining. That had been one brutal, hot, fast round of sex. The table creaked loudly, and Theonpulled me up just as it collapsed, making me stare at it mortified.

“You broke the table…”

“We broke it.” He corrected, and I could hear the amusement in his voice, his lips touching my neckonce more.

“I have never been late, but thanks to you, I am now late for training.”

“I don’t regret it.” I replied, placing my hand over his that was pressed against my stomach as hesupported my shaking body. “Me either.”

“So… can I join her training?” I asked, putting on the most doe-eyed expression I could muster andbatting my eyelids coquettishly. He clenched his jaw, knowing exactly what I was doing, frowningdeeply until I reached up, running my fingers down his neck.


“Fine. If that is what you want, don’t come crying to me later.” I smiled victoriously. It seemed whetherhe was doing it intentionally or not, he was beginning to give in a lot more often…

“Let’s get cleaned up.”

With those words, he lifted me up bridal style, and carried me to the bathroom…

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