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Chapter 36

Losing His Control


“And then I cut off his tail, before slaying him on the spot!” novelbin


That story was overly exaggerated… I resisted rolling my eyes as I drank my tankard of ale. Theon andI were at the Tavern and although I was enjoying listening to the stories, some were a little too overlycolourful. We had faced a Kraken and Sirens, but it hadn’t been colourful, although it was anadventure.

“He’s lying right out of his ass.” Someone scoffed, making a rumble of laughter go through the room.

“What did you just say, you rotten piece of dog shit?” The werewolf who had been speaking growled.

“Alright boys, play nice or I’m kicking you all out.” The buxom, middle-aged owner of the tavern warned,pouring a few drinks. She was a pretty woman with brown curls and hazel eyes. Her top left hercleavage on show. Like the rest of the ladies serving here, her outfit was provocative, and the mendidn’t hide their approval of seeing the women sashaying their hips around teasingly

“Why can’t they have any handsome, shirtless men serving?” I remarked without thinking, then sighedas another woman walked past.

Theon who was sitting opposite me, looked up at me, his face emotionless as ever.

“You really do like perving at people, don’t you?” He asked me.

“Don’t you?” I countered with a pout.

“Not really.” He remarked, his eyes flickering to my breasts.

I had my elbows on the table and I’m sure he was getting a pretty good view.

“Only at certain people, it seems.”

“Yeah, unlike you, who seems to obviously love staring at anything with a dick, I don’t feel the need tolook at everyone with a pair of breasts.” He replied mockingly.

“I don’t look at everything with a dick…” I shuddered at the thought.

“I only like to look at them if they are incredibly handsome, with the perfect body that was carved toprecision, covered in ink that only makes them look like a sculpture of art… Oh and if they have theperfect jawline and eyes… Eyes that burn into my soul.”

Theon, I was describing him, yes I looked at a fine specimen if they walked past, yet none made myheart skip the way he did. None made my core clench in a desire that only he awakened, and nonemade me drown in emotions that were so intense I couldn’t think straight. He was the one that stillcalled to me, but I couldn’t go down that path. Not until I knew what I meant to him, and above all, forhim to realise what he truly wanted…

I looked down at the tankard clutched in my hands; we were so different… would we ever be more?Could we ever be more? And I didn’t mean just the agreement.

Stop it Yileyna, you ended it for a reason.

Shaking my head, I pushed the thoughts away and glanced over at the trio who were playinginstruments, and a woman sat on a stool as she sang. She was beautiful, with ebony skin and dark,lush curls that fell to her shoulders. Her voice was stunning, but I couldn’t make out what species shewas. Perhaps a hybrid of some sort…

A new tune began, and it was much deeper and darker than the previous ones. Even the rowdy menbecame slightly silent as they listened to the music, a few of them singing along or tapping their feet tothe music.

“Treat me like your last breath, Treat me like your last poison…I want to be your addiction even if it killsme…”

I felt Theon’s intense gaze on me, but I didn’t look at him, knowing if I did, I would once again fallcaptive to those amber eyes of his. I ran my fingers through my hair, that he had made come undoneearlier.

“Mind if I buy your friend a drink?” I turned to see a handsome yet rugged man standing next to Theon,and although he was addressing Theon, his piercing dark eyes were fixed on me.

“Move along.” Theon replied coldly, not even sparing him a glance.

Wasn’t it my choice to make that decision?

“I see no harm in it, it’s not like you two are together.” The man pushed, clearly not bothered withTheon’s hostility. Theon’s frown deepened, although we weren’t together, something about trying tomake him jealous no longer appealed to me.

“I already have a drink, thank you.” I replied, holding up my tankard.

He gave me a smirk, but it was the way his gaze leered over me that made my skin crawl.

“Well, I’m sure you can hold a lot more than just one drink in that pretty little body.”

A menacing growl filled the room, cutting him off as Theon grabbed his throat, slamming him up againstthe wall. My heart thumped, not expecting that. The singer had stopped, and silence filled the room aseveryone stared at Theon.

So much for passing through.

“You will watch how you talk to her.” Theon hissed, his grip tightening on the man’s neck.

“Don’t give me that. No decent woman comes into a place like this in the middle of the night if she’s agood one.” The man smirked, clearly not scared.

Wrong answer, mister.

“She’s with me, and even if she was alone, degrade her in any fucking way and you will answer to me.”Theon’s voice was dark and cold, the rage in it sending a chill down my spine.

I needed to step in. “Theon, let’s leave.” I said, standing up and walking around the table.I knewTheon’s anger but these men didn’t. Pissing him off after a warning didn’t fare well.

“Why the rush, sweet tits? I’m-”


Blood splattered across me, the smell strong in the air as I stood there frozen in shock. Theon had justripped his throat out, letting blood splatter everywhere.

A ripple of shock rushed through the room, my heart thundering as the weight of the situation droppedon me. This was not the plan.

He was telling me about laying low! He had just killed someone in a room full of witnesses!

Theon let the body fall to the ground mercilessly, placing his foot on the man’s chest as he took his lastbreaths, his body spasming before it stilled.

Theon bent down, wiping his hand on the man’s shirt before he reached over, picking up his tankardwith his bloodstained hand. Downing the rest of it, he placed it down with a resounding thud.

He scanned the room, his eyes still burning gold. They met mine, and suddenly it felt like my emotionshad returned. My heart thundered as he reached over, wiping the blood splatters from my cheek,causing my body to react to his touch.

“Anyone else want to insult her?” He asked quietly, looking around the room once more. His voicedripped with a cold deadly threat and, despite the hostile looks he was getting, no one spoke. After amoment, he smirked coldly.

“Good. Let’s go.” Not waiting for me to respond, he tossed a few gold coins on the table, far more thanour drinks were worth, but he did just leave them a body to dispose of. Taking hold of my wrist, hepulled me towards the exit.

“You don’t just come here and kill who you want, son.” A deep voice growled, and a huge man blockedour path. Although he was slightly shorter than Theon, I could sense the power from him.

“Try me.” Theon replied coldly.

I knew he meant it too.

“Step aside, Oden…” The owner said quietly.

I glanced over at her, any playfulness that had been on her face for the last hour was gone… Odenstepped aside, and I was unable to say anything, staring at Theon’s back as we stepped out into thedarkness.

“What the hell was that?” I hissed the moment the tavern door shut, knowing that inside there wasgoing to be an uproar. “I’m sure you saw what that was? Or is your lack of brain cells now extending tolack of sight too?” He replied, pulling me away from the tavern and inn.

“Theon! This is serious! You said to me we can risk our mission, or crew and pack members! You justkilled someone in front of a group of people!” He didn’t bother replying until we were down a more quietalley, I tried to pull free. He sighed,

yanking me into his arms, one hand pinning my arms behind my back as he pulled me against him,chest to chest once more.

“Calm the fuck down. The difference is, I took a stand against someone insulting you, you were merelytaking a stand for a monster.” He replied arrogantly, his scent helping me lose focus on the copperysmell of blood that was a dark reminder of what had just taken place.

“She was being tortured, Theon. That man just insulted me! There’s a huge difference!” I hissed, butdespite that, I couldn’t deny that my shock and panic were dissipating. Trying not to focus on the bulgein his pants that was pressing firmly against my stomach, I glared into his eyes, but his next wordsderailed me completely.

“You’re worth is way fucking more. So yes, there is a difference.”

“So… It’s ok for you to insult me, but not others?” I asked softly, swallowing hard despite the fact that Iwas losing control of my emotions.

“Pretty much.” He replied arrogantly, licking his lips sexily as he looked at me challengingly. Leaningcloser, his lips brushed my ear, making my breath hitch.

“Because we both know, you like it when I call you my little whore.” My heart was pounding. Any senseof logic had left me, and all I wanted was to rip his clothes off his body to feel him against me. I slowlylooked up into those eyes that devoured me, only to see the unmasked lust in them. Neither of uscared that there was blood smeared on us, or that we were in the middle of a dark alley on adangerous island. It was just him and I.

“Fuck me, Theon.” I whispered breathlessly. A dangerously sexy glint filled his eyes before his freehand tangled into my hair, pressing me up against the stone wall, and then he was kissing me hungrily.Sending off a voltage of delicious pleasure coursing through my veins, he kissed me so deeply that itfelt as if he had been deprived of something for far too long and was ready to quench that thirst…

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