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Chapter 30

30. Together In Silence YILEYNA

I gasped for air, breaking away from him, my heart pounding and my head feeling dizzy. I had cravedfor his kiss, and now it was as if he didn‘t want to let me go. Even as I sucked in some oxygen, his lipswere on my neck, kissing and sucking on it as if wanting to claim every part of me. He had one handunder my top, stroking and kneading my skin.

I whimpered in pleasure, but I was also worried. Something had happened to Theon, his heart hadbeen beating wildly. “Theon? What‘s wrong?” I whispered, kissing his jaw, running my fingers throughhis hair as he sucked on the corner of my neck where one’s mate’s mark would go.

He tensed, freezing just as his lips touched my ear. His hand that was tangled in my hair, now yankedme back painfully, making me hiss in pain. My heart thudded when I saw his burning gold embers filledwith rage.

His gaze flicked to my hair, and I don‘t know what it was, but he just seemed to get angrier as hetwisted a few strands in his fingers.

“What a disgusting colour.” He murmured before shoving me off his lap and onto the bed.

My heart squeezed painfully as he got up, his words rang in my head and I felt my eyes prickle.

I don‘t know what happened… but the anger and hatred in his eyes killed. I don‘t know what I haddone, but he was looking at me with pure hatred.

He cast one last look over me, his eyes snapping to mine and for a moment I thought I saw a glimmerof regret. Then he turned and left, the door slamming shut behind him. My eyes stung, but I refused tocry.

“You‘re stronger than this…” I told myself slowly, lying down on the bed. The narrow bed now felt fartoo big and empty. The happiness I had felt having him here had just been pulled away.

No, I‘m not going to sit here and feel sorry for myself. Something had happened, and I needed to know.

Standing up, I left my room, not caring that Valentin and Patrick were watching me keenly as they stoodoutside of Charlene‘s cabin. They could probably see the marks that covered my neck, but I didn‘t havetime for this right now. 2

I was about to try Theon‘s door handle when Valentin cleared his throat, I glanced at him sharply onlyfor him to motion down the hall with his eyes.

Theon had gone that way...

“Thanks.” I whispered before hurrying down the cold corridor.

Where did he go? I glanced towards the steps that led above deck, but I don‘t think he went there. If hewanted to be alone, where would he go?

The Hold. That was the one place no one would go down to at this time of night. Quietly, I made myway towards it and, reaching the door, slowly opened it. My heart thumped as I stared into thedarkness.

“Theon?” I whispered. No reply. I switched the lantern on and scanned the area below, I was about toturn away when I hesitated.

No… I should check first. Padding down the ladder, I walked around the boxes and crates. I stoppedwhen I saw the pair of long legs sprawled across the ground.

“Theon…” I whispered as he came into view. His head was back against the wall, a bottle of alcohol inhis hand and his eyes were now his usual amber.

“Was me leaving not enough to show you I want to be alone?” He remarked coldly. I wanted to joke thatI was blonde, and we are said to be a little more dense, but after his comment about my hair, I couldn‘tbring myself to say it.

“I‘m not that easy to get rid of.” I stated instead, and confidently, without waiting for an invitation, I satdown next to him.

He was still shirtless, I wondered if he was cold or not. I could feel the heat from his body as my armgrazed against his and I leaned against him lightly.

He tensed for a second but said nothing, so I didn‘t either.

I knew Theon didn‘t want to talk about it and that was alright. Whatever was on his mind that wastroubling him was something he didn‘t want to share. But I could still support him and show him that hewasn‘t alone by just being here. Just the way he had been for me.

I don‘t know how long we sat there, but he had relaxed, not even caring that his arm now touched mybreast as he drank his bottle of alcohol slowly. His anger had calmed down and although at times Icould sense it rising, he was more at ease.

“Won‘t you share that?” I asked when there was just a little left in the bottle.

He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to look down at me. I batted my lashes innocently, squeezing myboobs together. His gaze dipped to them, but he simply looked me back in the eye before turning away.

“No, and your seduction skills need work.” He said, making my mouth fall open.

“Meanie.” I pouted, elbowing him sharply just as he had gulped the last bit down. He coughed, almostspitting out his mouthful, and I giggled.

“Karma.” I added smugly, only for him to yank me onto his lap.

“I think you deserve a punishment.”

“I do not! I didn‘t even do anything wrong!” I huffed, feeling my cheeks heat at the thought of himspanking my ass again.


“Yes, in fact, I think– Ah!” I gasped when he suddenly began tickling my stomach, my heart thudding asI giggled, struggling to free myself from his hold. “Theon! Stop!”

He was relentless, tickling me nonstop. I couldn‘t breathe as I writhed in his arms, my breathlesschuckles the only sound in the silent room.

“So, going to admit your mistake?” He asked grabbing my ankle as I tried to kick him.

“No, I was nice to come down here and you were being mean.” I retorted, breathing heavily as I staredup from where I was flat on the floor.

“Shame, that was your choice to come.” He replied coldly, his eyes flicking to my foot. “Tell me, littlestorm, are you tickly on your feet?”novelbin

“No, nope, not at all.” I lied, my heart thudding as he bought my foot up. Oh, goddess no. I dared notyank out of his hold, knowing he would realise I‘m ticklish.


I nodded, trying to appear calm as I was panicking inside.

“Mhmm.” I nodded as he glanced at my feet, a wicked smirk crossing his lips.

“Theon…” I closed my eyes ready for him to tickle my poor foot, but instead, my eyes flew open whenhe ran his tongue along the base up towards the toes torturously slow, making me gasp as I tried to pullfree. A tingle of pleasure rushed up my leg and I bit back the sigh that almost escaped my lips.

“Theon, what are you doing?!”

He didn‘t reply, taking my toe in his mouth and biting down gently. Just then he tickled my foot, makingme shriek. I used my other foot to kick his stomach and he finally let go, grabbing my legs and yankingme close until my thighs were draped over his.

“So, you are tickly.” He stated, pulling me upright, and I found myself straddling him.

“Maybe a little. You are such a jerk.” I replied, placing one on his shoulder for balance, daring to slowlyrun my fingers through his hair.

“Theon…did my hair remind you of someone else’s?

His eyes instantly became cold, and I got my answer. He didn‘t need to admit or deny it… Butsomething about my hair had triggered him.

“No.” He replied coldly.

“Ok” I replied softly, cupping his face as I claimed his lips in a soft, passionate kiss. The delicioussparks of pleasure rushed through me and went straight to my core.

He didn‘t need to tell me. Maybe one day he would… but I couldn‘t stop wondering who it was. Icouldn‘t think of anyone back home with hair the same shade as mine.

His arms snaked around my waist, one hand wrapping around my neck as he began to kiss me back,taking control of the kiss. My eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the moment when suddenly there was a

huge bang and something hit the side of the ship, throwing us to the ground and making my heart leapin shock

The entire ship shifted violently, making us both tumble across the floor. Theon‘s arms wrapped aroundme tightly and my eyes widened in horror as I stared at all the crates and barrels over his shoulder thatnow began tumbling straight towards us…

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