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Chapter 14

14. A Moment Of Want


I wandered the streets that were a lot less busy than before, with most at the banquer, although manyteens and children roamed the streets rather enjoying more street food than that of the banquet, Iwalked along with no destination in mind, refusing to allow the tears to fall

After a good hour of walking around, I decided that I needed to start packing. The Alpha said thepassage of the title would be in a week’s time, meaning I needed to get out of there First thingtomorrow, I’ll go looking for a place,

Turning back, I decided to head home.

I gathered a few discarded boxes on my way to the castle, that had probably contained items for thefestival; they would come in handy to pack up my belongings. I guess once Theon becomes Beta, hewon’t be Charlene’s guard, but I’m pretty sure he’ll still be training her. As long as I don’t need to seehim.

I picked up two more boxes and knew I wouldn’t be able to carry anymore, so headed back towards thecastle. The guards opened the door.

“Need help?” One of them asked.

“No, thank you.” I replied, carefully squeezing past with my boxes.

The castle was silent save for the sound of music that still seeped through the open windows. I paused,rebalancing the boxes in my grip, realising I had left my bunny at the banquet…

A sudden wave of sadness washed over me. The poor bunny… I was meant to win more for theorphanage and now I didn’t even have one…

I reached my quarters feeling gloomy. My high spirits from earlier were dampened. I placed the boxesdown, took my key from my pouch and unlocked it.

The smell of Mom’s candles lingered in the air, and I inhaled deeply.


I bent down to pick up the boxes. “Already planning to pack up?” I jumped, spinning around, droppingthe boxes in the process as I stepped back, only to tumble backwards and into one of the boxes.

I yelped in pain, staring at my legs that were sticking up in the air.

Quiet footsteps approached, and a shadow fell over me. My heart thundered as I looked into a familiarpair of smouldering amber eyes.


I gripped the side of the box, trying to get my footing so I could get out of it, but failed miserably.

“Need a hand?”

“No thanks.” I shot back icily, remembering how he had walked off an hour or so earlier

He simply crossed his arms, watching me.

“Go right ahead, Get out.”

I gave him a dirty look and pushed the box over, landing on my side and pushing the box away.novelbin

“Nice underwear.” Theon remarked, making my cheeks burn as I quickly pushed my dress down andglared up at him.

I stood up, smoothing my hair. Theon stepped closer. Reaching over, he slid my dress strap that hadslipped down my shoulder back up. His fingers that brushed my skin left a trail of sparks in their wake.

My heart pounded, and I looked up at him, a flash of hurt clenching in my chest.

“Why did you turn away?” I asked quietly.

He remained silent, looking around the room instead, so I began to pile the boxes to one side.

If he wasn’t going to answer me, then I wasn’t going to pay attention to him.

“Why did you leave the banquet?” He raised an eyebrow, taking the key out of the door, shutting it andlocking it from the inside, his eyes on me.

My heart was racing as I held his gaze, trying not to let him see how he was messing with me.

“You know why.” I replied, turning away, I walked towards the window to close the curtains.

I turned back, gasping to see Theon was right behind me.

“Goddess! Don’t sneak up on people like that!”

“Why did you leave? You knew Alpha Andres was going to make me Beta.” He was serious and I couldtell from the glimmer in his eyes he was not messing around.

“Yeah, but to announce it like that… It doesn’t matter, but he honoured Dad by mentioning him… but hedidn’t seem to care to remember that before anything else. Dad put his family first. He was the bestfather one could ask for.” I whispered, my eyes glittered with unshed tears, and I looked around theroom trying to remain strong.

A memory of Mom cooking through the archway to our kitchen came to mind. I remembered Dad and Iwere having a pillow fight and Mom was shouting from the other room, only to come and join in. Thatnight, the meal was rather overcooked… but we had a good laugh about


“I have already told the Alpha I’m happy with my current living space. You won’t need to move out ofhere.”

“I don’t need anyone’s sympathy, I’m moving.” I stated, about to push past him when he suddenlyblocked my path and caged me between his arms, his hands firmly on the wall behind me.

“Why are you so impulsive, little storm? You know you’re attached to this place.” “I’m not… I mean…I’m attached to the memories here… but I won’t stay where I don’t belong. They can take away theBeta position, they can take away this home… but they can’t take away the memories I hold. I’m goingto move. I have the money, I just need to find a place.”

“Sounds like you have it all planned out.”

“I do.” I replied defiantly

“Good.” His gaze flickered to my lips, and I found myself licking them.

“So… Why did you come? You walked off earlier, remember?”

“If I didn’t, I would have ripped that bastard’s head right off for touching you. Who do you want, littlestorm? Because I assure you I don’t fucking share.” His eyes shimmered gold, and my stomach flip-flopped, but confidence sparked inside of me. I stepped away from the wall and into his personalspace, I tilted my head up and bravely cupped his neck. “I think you already know the answer to that.” Iwhispered, pressing myself boldly against him.

His hands left the wall, taking hold of my wrists and pulling my hands away from his neck. “A little tooconfident, aren’t you?” “What do you want from me, Theon?” I asked softly “One night. This will benothing more than that.” He said, making my cheeks burn at his reply. 1 I already knew that, although itstung a little, I was ready for that…

“I assumed as much.”

He inched forward until I was forced against the curtain behind me.

“Good.” His eyes dipped to my cleavage, suddenly pinning my wrists above my head. Stepping back,he took a look at me, slowly letting his gaze trail over my bare legs, his eyes flickering, as they lingeredon my thighs… I pressed my legs together, trying to satiate the desire that was building within me.

“I have two rules; don’t get attached and don’t expect me to treat you like a princess, because I plan totreat you like my little whore.” 2

There was definitely something wrong with me, I’m sure any other girl would have been shocked orinsulted at his words… But they only made my core throb harder. I could feel the wetness poolingbetween my thighs.

“I won’t, I know that’s all I am to you. It’s my body you want.” I replied, rolling my eyes. A flicker ofsomething crossed his eyes, but he simply cocked a brow.

“Glad to hear we are on the same page for once.” He murmured huskily.

“Yeah, because you’re an annoying ass most of the time.” I shot back, trying not to melt completely.

“One you’re soaking wet for.” He countered seductively:

He ran his knuckles down the centre of my neck. My eyes flickered shut as he leaned in, his nosebrushing the crook of my neck, making me shiver. He inhaled deeply, making my heart thunder. He

kept my hands firmly behind my back. The knuckles of his other hand ran down the centre of my collarbones. Cherish the moment…

A sigh escaped me as his fingers brushed between my breasts before continuing their descent downmy stomach.

“Tell me… How many have you been with?” His question caught me off guard, despite the burning fireof pleasure that was consuming me

“Does it matter?” I whispered back breathlessly.

“Not really.” His lips brushed my neck ever so lightly, yet it made me whimper.

I relaxed a little, wondering why he had asked, but the moment his hand caressed my thigh, slippingunder my dress and brushing my ass, I moaned loudly, my mind going blank

His heart was racing too. His hand travelled over my hip and down between my legs until his fingersgrazed my pussy.

“So, fucking wet…”

Touch me

But he took his sweet time, his fingers lightly playing with the fabric of my panties.

“Theon…” My hands were still pinned behind my back and even when I struggled, wanting to feel hisbody beneath my fingertips, he refused to let go of me. I loved it, feeling completely at his mercy…

“What do you want… use your words.” He whispered seductively, sucking the corner of my neck.

I gasped as the pleasant sensation made my entire body react. His hand slipped under my panties andthen he slid one finger between my smooth pussy lips.

I moaned loudly, parting my legs slightly.

“Fuck me, Theon.” I whimpered. “Don’t tease.”

He moved back, his finger slowly and agonisingly circling my clit. Yes, I had pleasured myself in thepast, but this… this was something else.

“Getting a little ahead of yourself, are you not?”

Before I could even respond, he pulled away, letting go of me and stepped back, looking me over oncemore.


I blinked, not expecting him to say that. Wasn’t that supposed to happen as we made out? But hiscommand was absolute… To my surprise, he went and took a seat on the sofa, placing his arms acrossthe top. My heart was pounding as I stood a few feet away, facing him. I swallowed hard, my cheeksburning, and he smirked.

“Want to back out?”

“Not at all.” Sticking my chin out with defiance, I reached for the zipper on my dress and slowly pulled itdown. I slowly tugged at my straps, letting the dress slip down. I kept my eyes fixed on him as I slowlypeeled it off my breasts. Satisfied when his eyes blazed gold.

My heart was pounding as I tried to cover my chest with one arm, shimmying the dress down to myhips, but one hand wasn’t enough to push it down completely, and I turned my back to

him as 1 hooked my fingers into the dress and pushed it past my hips and allowed it to fall to theground.

He muttered something I didn’t catch, and I bit my lip trying to resist a smile.

Knowing that he was enjoying this, gave me confidence. Crossing my arms over my chest, I turnedback to him.

“Happy?” I asked softly.

“Don’t hide from me.” He simply replied, his face emotionless, yet I could see his hard shaft straining inhis pants, making my stomach coil.

Goddess, it looked big. I removed my arms, instead, I wrapped my right arm around my waist, notknowing what to do with myself. My heart was racing as I stood there completely exposed in my heelsand lace thong as Theon devoured me with his eyes, that now held an unmasked hunger that onlymade my core clench harder.


I obeyed, slowly making a turn, but when I turned back, he was no longer seated but standing there.My heart thumped and I looked up at him when he closed the gap between us. Mustering the courageto ask the question that was on the tip of my lips.

“Like what you see?”

“Far better than I imagined, actually.” He’s cocky, cold reply came as he took hold of my chin. “So,you’ve imagined me naked?” I whispered back. “I’ve done a lot more than imagine you naked.” Hereplied, making my eyes widen. “And I’m about to show you exactly what I have imagined doing toyou.” With those words, his arm snaked around my waist, the other hand let go of my chin and instead,

tangled in my hair, yanking it back roughly. Then his lips were on mine, setting off a stream of euphoricpleasure that lit every ounce of my body alight with a burning desire that only he could satiate…

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