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Chapter 105

15. A Union


The day of the wedding had arrived, and I had never felt so alone. Hunter had been nothing butpleasant whenever I saw him, but it hadn‘t been as often as I had wanted. Being the Alpha, he wasextremely busy. He had already begun to work on the team that would travel with us, sending scoutsand messengers out in secrecy to our allies.

Although I had only attended one or two meetings, I realised Hunter was a man who was admirable. Hewas a little arrogant at times, a little teasing, quite handsome and undeniably sexy... I had seen himwith his shirt open two days ago and my stomach did not settle. Of course I wasn‘t ready to be intimatewith him yet, but I couldn‘t deny that the idea was beginning to entertain my mind quite often.

I was now dressed in the lace dress that Hunter had asked the pack dressmaker to create for me, withmy taste in mind. It had turned out far more beautiful than I had ever imagined it would.

My hair was left open, styled in loose waves with a braid around the crown, a few strands framed myface on either side, and my make–up was soft and elegant.

I looked pretty, but I was missing Yileyna. I always imagined her being by my side at my wedding, as Iwould be at hers.

Oh how innocent we were. Back then we would giggle and talk of marrying a handsome man, of havinga magical wedding with dancing and many glasses of wine and ale.

I smiled sadly, wishing she was here. I could just picture her, bubbling with excitement and naughtywords, with her arms around my shoulder telling me I looked amazing. She would whisper and tell meshe wanted all the details of the wedding night and how she was happy for me...

“Luna, are you alright?” The Beta‘s mate, Polly, asked with concern. I blinked, realising I had tears inmy eyes.

| smiled and nodded reassuringly.

“I was missing my sister.” I explained gently, giving her hands a comforting squeeze.

From the moment everyone realised that I was to marry Hunter, they were already addressing me asLuna.

I did notice that there were a few who seemed irritated with this engagement, but I couldn‘t really blamethem. Alpha Hunter was an ideal man to have by your side. Not only because I know many womenwould love an Alpha, but because he was handsome, strong and charming.

And he chose me.

“I‘m sure when things are calm once more, we could perhaps throw an additional party.” Pollysuggested comfortingly. novelbin

“Thank you, Polly.” I said, smiling at the woman who was only slightly shorter than me.

Her stunning brown hair was in an elegant bun, and she wore a light mint dress.

A gentle knock on the door made me turn, and I saw Gamma Grayson standing there, dressed in asmart tunic and pants.

My heart skipped a beat when I realised that I would be walked out by none other than my biologicalfather.

“You look beautiful, Charlene.”

“Thank you, Gramma Grayson.” I replied. For a moment I wanted to tell him that he was my father, but Iknew I couldn‘t do that.

I had always imagined a wedding in the castle of Westerfell... full of high officials and nobles. Awedding where Dad would lead me to my groom chosen by him.

I was nervous, yet I wasn‘t doubting my decision, something told me that it was all going to be perfect.

“It‘s time.” He said and I nodded as he held his hand out to me. I took it, allowing him to lead me frommy room.

My strapless ivory lace gown flowed around me, the flower motifs covering the entire bodice. Stoppingat my hips before scattered lace flowers covered the tulle skirts. A row of button fastenings were on theback and the trail spread on the ground behind me, as I allowed Gamma Grayson to lead me down thehall towards the backyard.

“I know your father would have been proud of you. You‘ve made a decision that will not only benefit thiskingdom, but one chosen wisely. Alpha Hunter will also make a good partner, however rest assured wewill always be there for you if you ever need us.” He said, making me smile.

I looked into his brown eyes and nodded.

“Thank you.” I whispered before I turned to the front, ready to do this...

We stepped into the open grounds, which had been decorated in garlands of flowers with a sprinkle oflanterns, the setting sun casting a radiant red glow upon the entire area.


Everyone from the pack was here, sitting upon the rows of chairs. Soft music was playing, and a bed ofrose petals ran down the centre, leading to the archway where none other than Hunter stood, looking

like a god. My heart thudded seeing him in a white shirt that was tucked into black pants, his hair wassleeked back, and although he was dressed smartly, it was still casual, only adding to how extremelyhandsome he looked

I watched as his eyes trail up my form, noticing them flash silver. My chest was heaving, and when oureyes met, I almost stopped moving at the look in his.

I didn‘t understand it... I didn‘t know why he chose me when there were so many beautiful women in hispack.

I was forced to look away from his gaze, the moment that small teasing smirk crossed his lips.

I knew everyone could hear my pounding heart, as we passed Ryan, Rhys and Raiden. The Boltonbrothers gave me the thumbs up, whilst Raiden gave me a smile.

“You look beautiful, and it‘s obvious the Alpha is head over heals with our princess.‘ He said throughthe link

I smiled slightly, and then we were stopping before Hunter.

“Please take care of the light of our pack.” Gamma Grayson said to Hunter, who was now staring at meintensely, holding his hand out to me. 1

Was it my hair? I know in the sunlight it always looks like it‘s on fire. Yileyna said it was beautiful, but Iwasn‘t sure, it was Hunter who had chosen the time for the wedding to take place.

“I‘m afraid she is no longer the light of yours, but the light of mine.” He replied the moment I placed myhand in his, making my stomach flutter nervously as he tugged me away from Gamma Grayson. 3

I looked into his eyes, trying to calm the storm of emotions within me.

“You even make the sunset fade in comparison to how beautiful you look, my Luna.” He said, making a

few of his men whistle and hoot. 5

I blushed.

“Thank you... You look very handsome too.” | managed to reply.

His response was that teasing smirk of his, before he kissed my hand softly, making my core knot atthe way his lips grazed my hand, sending a ripple of pleasure through me.

Every time he saw me over the last few days, he would bid me farewell with a kiss on the cheek, andeach time it left me a hot mess.

“I was right... sunset was the perfect time.” He murmured, taking my other hand and placing bothagainst his chest. He forced his attention away from me and looked at the huge gathering. “Aseveryone knows, have chosen for myself a woman to become my Luna, my mate, and my wife. Todaywe bear witness to this. Elder Lorenzo, proceed.”

The Elder stepped forward, holding a velvet–encased plate that held two small knives.

It was time.

“Do you, Charlene Aphelion, daughter of the late king of Astalion, take Alpha Hunter Slade Carson asyour husband?”

“I do.” I replied softly, as Hunter placed another kiss on my knuckles.

“And do you, Alpha Hunter Slade Carson, take Charlene Aphelion as your bride?”

“Of course. Yes, I do.” His confident reply came.

“Then by the gods, we witness this moment. Alpha, please proceed with the pack oath.” Elder Lorenzoadvised.

“Do you, Charlene Aphelion, vow to love and cherish the Iron Claw Pack, and take me Alpha HunterSlade Carson as your Mate and Alpha?”

“I, Charlene Aphelion, vow to love and cherish the Iron Claw Pack as my own. I vow to take AlphaHunter Slade Carson as my Mate and Alpha.”

We both reached for the knives and sliced our hands, before we shook hands, binding our oath. I feltthe jolt of the pack link being created, and with it, I felt the bond to my old pack break away.

A bittersweet moment, I‘m sure Yileyna would have felt it too. 9

“You may mark the bride.” Alpha Lorenzo said, making my heart skip a beat. 2

The marking

Hunter‘s eyes met mine and i forced a small smile, but he simply glanced toward the pack.

“Due to the upcoming war, I‘ve decided that my Luna will not be marked by me, in case of myunexpected death.” He proclaimed clearly, with a small smirk on his face. 1

A murmur spread through the crowd, and even Gamma Grayson looked shocked too.

My stomach plummeted and I stared at him, the thought of him dying at war...

“Don‘t say that.” I said quietly.

He raised an eyebrow.

“We are barely married, and you are already going to command me?” He teased, making me blush. 1

“N–no, I just meant don‘t talk about dying at war.” I murmured softly.

He cupped my face, giving me a wink.

“I will try not to. No man with a woman as beautiful as you would wish to die.”

Goddess, he was so flirty now.

I tried not paying attention to the awes and compliments that ran through the crowd.

“Mark me, My Luna.” He commanded quietly, serious once more.

He was giving me the time I had asked for, but to mark him...

I glanced at the crowds, knowing that many were going to disapprove. He was the Alpha, and an Alphaalways marked his mate first...

“Alpha...” Someone began, but one dangerous cold look from Hunter cut him off, and to my surprise, hegrabbed me by my waist, lifting me up. I gasped, holding onto his shoulders as he smirked, slowlytilting his head to the side. He wrapped one arm around the back of my thighs, and my heart thumpedas I looked into those taupe–coloured eyes.

“Mark me.”

“Are you sure?” I whispered.

“From the moment I laid eyes on you.” 13

I heard a few chuckles, but his words gave me confidence.

“The Alpha is head over heels.” Someone teased. But I ignored them all, bending down slightly. Ibrought my canines out, before I bit into his neck, hearing his heart race as I felt the bondstrengthening. I slowly extracted my teeth from his skin, licking the wound slowly. My core clenched atthe intimate move, and I softly placed a kiss on his neck, hearing him suck in a breath.

‘Thank you.‘ I whispered through our newly formed bond.

His hand gripped the back of my head before he pulled me down, placing a peck on my cheek beforelowering me to my feet.

“Applaud your Luna.” He commanded, making the crowds burst into cheers and howls.

I had never thought that I would ever be the Luna of the Pack on the borders of the Naran Empire, buthere I was, and I was excited about the future. I looked at Hu rand smiled softly. Something told me hewas going to be the perfect mate...

“Congratulations, Alpha Hunter, Luna Charlene.” Elder Lorenzo said as we finished our vows.

“Thank you.” I responded.

Hunter turned to the people, and taking my hand, raised it..

“Tonight we celebrate our Luna, we drink and we feast, and tomorrow... tomorrow we prepare for abattle.”

Everyone cheered, and although his words held the ominous reminder of what was to come, everyonewas still very happy.

| stared into the eyes of the man who had made a bond with me, the pleasant sparks of that bondwhich was now partially formed. They may not be as strong as those of a fated mate, but it was a bond

that had been made. His scent was slightly stronger, I had the urge to lean into him and take a longwhiff. He smelt very good.

He now placed his hand on my waist as several people came to congratulate us, starting with GammaGrayson and the boys.

“Congratulations.” Ryan said, giving me a hug before Raiden and Rhys hugged me too.

“Drinks for the bride and groom!” Someone shouted.

“Do you drink, My Luna?” Hunter asked as I was about to reach out to take a glass from the tray.

“A little, yes.” I replied, pausing,

Hunter smirked, taking two glasses.

“Then let‘s keep it to a little...” He said quietly. Because I want My Luna to be in her right mind tonight.‘He added through the mind link. 1

My heart thudded, and my eyes widened as I looked at him, he simply smirked.

‘Don‘t worry, I won‘t touch you, not unless you want me to.’ His husky voice came through the link ashis eyes skimmed over my heaving chest, leaving me a giddy mess...

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