My Adorable Baby is Back

Chapter 9 She fell into his trap
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Chapter 9 She fell into his trap

"What? The day is drawing near?"

Bill was confused, so was Jane.

They two looked at each other and then turned to Arno.

Arno didn't reply but remained silent. He looked serious, as if those words were not from him.But soon, Bill became excited, "Amo, brother... You said you are going to marry soon?”Arno's eyes were indifferent, "No."

"No? But you said the day is drawing near! Jane, have you heard that? What's going on? I just left for a few days, you said you are going to marry...”Bill couldn't calm down. That was terribly shocking! This was his elder brother! A man who was more abstinent than a monk!

He actually said he was gonna marry!

"Who it is? Which lady? Is she beautiful? Does she have perfect figure?”The second master of Jones now was like a worried father, asking the details.Ameo leaned on the back of the chair and read the files without reactions.

Bill, the curious younger master couldn't help asking and compromising, "My brother, my best brother, I will do those work for you today. Tell me whois that woman?"

Feeling noisy, Arno's face turned dark, "Fuck off!”"No! Who she is! You haven't tell me who she is! It's immoral to speak half” Bill insisted, as if a rural woman who was making a scene.“Africa, three months?" Arno threatened him

Tears falling down, Bill dared not to ask any more.

Furong YuanDora enjoyed the time with Andy at home. This little guy was a good baby. Like a tail, he always followed behind Dora.

At dusk, feaing him being broing, Dora took him to hang out and bought some food materials by the way, planning to make dinner for this little guylater.

She thought it might be the last dinner for themArno wouldn't sleep on the sofa and Andy wouldn't stay here any longer.

Feeling sad, Dora still pursuaded herself that this was just a wonderful meeting for the. When they returned to the Jones family, they would have noconnections.

Amo arrived here soon

Dora didn't feel surprised. She let Arno in, saying, "Dinner is ready. Mr. Jones, you can have some with Andy first."

Arno's expression was complicated, "Thanks. Here is Andy's clothes.”

Dora was stunned, not knowing what he wanted to do.novelbin

Arne explained, "Andy is unwilling to leave here. So I come to discuss with Miss Bush today. Could you please allow Andy live here?""This... is this suitable?" Dora couldn't believe what she heard.

Although she liked Andy, she couldn't take him all day long.

Arno saw through her mind, so hesaid with a serious look, "That maytrouble you much...But please MissBush. Andy, Ke... he has a slighttendency toward autism. I know youdon't believe my words. But that willbe obvious when he gets angry>Hewil sti himself up in the room andbreak things, even hurt himself. I

Have consulted the psychologist andalways take care of Andy's mood.But his condition never takes a turnto the better. Andy never closes towomen before, but this time, he likesyou very much. So I have to beg younow, please keep Andy live withyou.’ Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Dora felt complex after hearing his words. She never expected that Andy would get such illness.

She strongly suspected that Arno

was cheatingon her. However, on

second thaught, she figured out. =>There was nothing of her deservedthe boss of Jones Group to make upa lieXOn the contrary, she gat '0,000yuan because of Andy. Contenbélongs to NovelDrama.Org <>


Thinking of this, Dora didn't refuse. "Idon't think l can influence Andy forwe know each other with such asho td ime. But... if you want to leavehim-here, it's okay, but not the day. Ihawe o work." Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

“Of course I won't disturb your work." Achieving his goal, Amo was satisfied. "Is the dinner ready? I'm a bit hungry." He changed the topic.

"Huh? Well, It's done. I will get the rice."

Dora felt something strange. Why did it like the scene of a family?Dora was startled by her thought. That would be terrible if she was a family with the two!

After the dinner, she prayed that Arno could leave as soon as possible. However, god never follows her will. “Boom” The thunder sounded outside,soon, a downpour of rain poured down.

Dora looked outside with upset in her eyes while Arno’s eyes were full of smiles. "Miss Bush, I have ta go home now. Please take care of Andy.”"Huh? Go back now? It's raining hard outside." Dora widened her eyes, asking

Arno said casually, "The weather forecast reported the rain wouldn't stop tonight. It's late now, I have to leave, or I will disturb you.”

Dora was hesitant. If he had any accidents, she wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Ummm...If you don't mind, you can sleep on the sofa tonight.” She said with embarrassment.

A smile flashed in Arno's eyes, "Thanks."

He didn't even refuse her! Dora felt she fell into his trap!

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