My Adorable Baby is Back

Chapter 2 Reincarnation is a technical job
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Chapter 2 Reincarnation is a technical job

Five years later.E.C Company, Planning Department..Ten o'clock in the morning was a busy time, but many people gathered together and talked about something

The young prince of the Jones Group was about to celebrate his fifth birthday. The old Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones, who were famous for spoiling theirgrandson, would find the best planning company to hold a grand birthday party for this little prince.

So this year was no exception.Many event planning companies were vying to seize this opportunity.Unexpectedly, windfall came. E.C Company got this chance accidentally.

"It's strange that in the past, Jones only cooperated with large companies. Why they chose us this year? Although our company has a smallreputation in this industry, it's not enough to satisfy their needs!"

"Itis said that the old couple of Jones let the little prince decide the company personally. So our company is chosen."

"Isn't this a good thing? Many people are dreaming of cooperating with the Jones Group. If we do well, we might be able to double the bonus. I heardthat Dongchen Creative Company, who was in charge of the party last year, got over millions of rewards! Only reward! Amazing!

"Come on, that's nothing. okay? That little prince received a luxury cruise ship as a gift at his first birthday, a private jet at his second birthday, a luxurycastle in France at his third birthday, 20% of the shares of Jones Group on his fourth birthday. Now he worths billions!"

"No! My gosh! Jesus, let the Luck Fairy visits me please!"

“Ordinary people like us have to accept fate and work hard! I hope we can get rich next life! Reincarnation is a technical job..."

Listening to the comments, Dora Bush was a little daze, with mockery on her face.

Reincarnation was indeed a technical job.

People like her would probably have nothing to do with the wealthy.

Not only being driven out by her family but also being unlucky always.

The money from the surrogacy had long been run out. but her mother was still in a coma... As for that kid, she never saw him or her after that day.He was five years old this year, exactly the same age as the young prince of the Jones Group.

Tears appeared in her eyes.

After all, that child was the regret and pain in her heart that could not be erased

Did he have a good life now?

Dora sniffed, pressing back the sourness in the nasal cavity.

Suddenly, a stern shout came, "Dora Bush! Look, how long have you spent in copying a document? How can you be admitted that time with such apoor working ability?”

It was Cady Hill, the director of planning

Dora graduated this year and cameout for an internship for just twomonths. Qnthe day of the -application, Cady Hill's younger =sister alSo came. It was said thatCady Hil had reserved a quote atthat-time, but she did not expect tob@ occupied by Dora. Cogitentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Since then, Cady always made troubles for Dora, arrogant, and unruly.But no one dared to stand out for Dora, for Cady was the leader of this departmentThe disgust in Dora's eyes was apparent. But she still picked up the document and walked over, "It's done."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she approached, Cady threw the coffee cup in her hand to the ground and roared angrily, “Are you blind? Clean the groundimmediately!"

Dora frowned.She didn't even touch Cady! Want to frame her?"I didn't do it," Dora said lightly.

Cady was furious, her face that had been somewhat pretty, suddenly distorted. and became a bit acrimonious, "Dora Bush, do you want to quit? Thenfuck off right now! Many people want this job!"novelbin

Dora gritted her teeth, with a bit of tolerance in her eyes.

Of course, she didn't want to quit. Or she wouldn't bear the bitch for so long

Her mom was‘still in the hospital,and she hadto pay the medical potfees evermonth, When she was at>school, she had to find several josto maintain the balance. This jobhad-agood salary, so she didn'twart to lose it. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org 6

But Cady Hill was too arrogant!

Others also felt aggrieved for Dora. After all, Dora looked pretty, honest, and adorable.

Being the leader of this apartment, Cady knew no one dared to offend her.

"Since you don't want to quit, act immediately! Oh, remember, wipe the floor with your hands!”Dora clenched her fists and finally chose to settle down and turn around to get cleaning supplies."Wait!"

At this moment, a soft and cute voice rang outside the door.

People here all heard it and turned around, seeing a cute and adorable little guy in a small suit. He was walking in with his short legs moving.

His facial features were extremelydelicate. His Skin was fair, and hisbeautiful big eyes looked smart, likeblack jewels. The corners of his eveswere slightly raised. This little guywasdefinitely a handsome manwhen he grew up! Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org 4

His noble temperament couldn't hide!

Behind the little guy was a row of bodyguards, locking severe and respectful.

Everyone was attracted by this little guy, wondering, “Whose child is this? What a cute boy!Without squinting his eyes, the pretty boy walked straight toward Dora and Cady.

Lifting up his head slightly, he glanced at Cady Hill coldly, with an indescribable vigor in his eyes. And then he looked into Dora, with strongcuriousness.

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