My 18-Year-Old Wife

Chapter 3 The Divorce
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Chapter 3 The Divorce

At the entrance of civil affairs bureau, Mike Yue and Helen Liu had finished their divorce. novelbin

From that moment on, they’re are no longer a couple, and more of enemies than even just strangers.

Eyes turned red, Helen’s voice sounded grim as she stared at Mike, who she had never even sleptwith, spitefully:”Didn’t know you have such audacity to really get a divorce. Well, I would like to see howthings would go for you after you leave our family. You were just a parasite for these two years, living inour home doing nothing. You would’ve starve to death on the street if it weren’t for us!”

She continued:”You’re a man! What’s the point of you doing the laundry and cleaning in our home like adog? Such a disgrace to me! This is the end, we’ll be on our way, and it’s just better for me to livewithout you!”

Mike drowned into the ocean of disappointment as he looked at Helen, the one he used to lovewholeheartedly even though he had never even laid his hand on her. It was the last straw on his backthat Helen didn’t even show slightest guilt of what happened last night.

“I’ve figured it out. You Liu’s people are all the same, Helen, regarding what other people do for you asnothing while trying your best hurting them. You people wouldn’t end up like this if grandma, may herrest in peace, didn’t pass away so soon. Such a shame on Peter that he cultured you like this. Youpeople should thank grandma that your family is still in upper class of Haidong City, for she was theonly reason that I keep you people alive!”

Mike held his anger back and continued:”No one in this world owe you Liu’s people anything, and I,Mike Yue, don’t owe you anything as well!”

Liu’s families nearly ended up begging on the street in if weren’t for Mike helping them behind the

curtains during the six months after Liu’s grandma passed away.

He never mentioned it to Helen, for he had promised grandma to do so. He never asked for credit, andthere was no need to.

He had done everything he could to help them.

But Helen sneered hearing what he said:”Keep us alive? What, are you still drowsy for getting up toearly?”

Then she took some cash out of her pocket and threw them onto Mike’s face, like the old days.

First time in his life, Mike, a man who had never money as a serious matter, was treated like that.

Helen shattered all the fantasy and dreams he had in all those years. Mike was shocked at first, thenhe burst into hysterical laughter, in which were his disappointment and grief.

But still, Helen found it hilarious and shaming.

Mike picked the money, put them in his pocket, turned to Helen and said, nearly sobbing:”I’ll keepthem, as a warning. I traded all my love and passion, this money and all the disgrace, are what I get inreturn. Remember this, Helen: No one would ever love you like I do, no one would ever take care ofyou the way I did to you!”

He stopped for a while and bid his farewell:”I wish you all well.”

Then he turned around and walked away.

Looking at the back of Mike where loneliness abounded, Helen felt her heart twitched slightly, as ifsomething in it was gone with Mike as well.

Meanwhile, in the headquarter of Hongsheng Group, the Liu’s company.

Peter called everyone to the meeting room, given it was a special day. Hongsheng Group andFengxing Group were working on a major project, which Fengxing cover the whole budget andHongsheng was basically running it for free.

If the project works out, Hongsheng would become the second most influential company in Chuzhou,right after Fengxing.

Peter’s voice was nearly trembling:”This is the day! We’re going to sing the contract of the project withFengxing’s president Mark Duan, and we’ll see to it if we can be the most influential family in Chuzhoutoday!”

Everyone if Liu’s family was elated as well, they nearly stayed up all night because of excitement.

“I thought about it and decided to let Helene go sign the contract with Mark.”

Then he to turned Peter and said sternly:”But given the significance of it, Joe would go with Helene tomake sure nothing goes wrong.”

Joe’s father, Chenfeng Liu, was Peter’s eldest son, his influence came the second place in Liu’s family.

Chenfeng and his families were well respected by others in the Liu’s.

Peter’s mind was clear to Chenfeng: He wanted Joe to get in touch with Mark. Joe was quitecompetent and he’s also adept in socializing, Peter wanted him to take over the task Helen was on sothat they can further consolidate their cooperation with Fengxing’s group.

Helen was just a woman after all.

“Joe, Joe! Gratitude! Your grandpa is asking you to get in touch with Mark!”

Chenfeng hinted Joe furtively.

It enlightened Joe, after which he fell into great joy and nodded his head:”Yes, thank you, grandpa!Consider it done! I will definitely come back with that contract!”

Smilingly, Peter nodded. He had always trusted Chenfeng’s family, and they hardly failed to meet hisrequirement as well.

“Ben, where’s Helen? So she’s too competent to be here in such a minor meeting?”

Lisa said to Ben, Helen’s father, sarcastically.

Sitting at the last row of the meeting room, Ben replied with his head down embarrassedly,:”She wentto divorce with that sucmbag Mike, she’ll be back soon. Don’t worry, she won’t be late on such animportant day.”

His heart was filled with grievance. He was the youngest son of Liu’s family, and having only just a

daughter further worsened his position in Liu’s family. Even Lisa was more respected than him.

“Anyway, Joe, go wait for Helen at the entrance, head to the Fengxing group and meet Mark as soonas she comes back.”Said Peter, ignoring Ben.

On the way to Fengxing group, Helen, sitting next to Joe who was driving, suddenly got a bit nervousabout the project they were about to sign.

Given the significance of the project and how much money they may make out of it, there’s now waythat Helen could manage to stay calm. Fengxing’s putting their family in full charge and covering thewhole budget had induced rumors in Chuzhou that they have special connection to Fengxing Group,even to Yue’s family.

Otherwise, why would there be so many people in Peter’s birthday party?

“Come on, this is not your first time signing a contract with them. I pretty envy you, to be honest, thattheir president, that Mark, helped you that much.” Said Joe, a bit sneeringly.

“He’s just...kind, I think.”Said Helen as she puckered her lips,”Our family’s business would definitely bepromoted to a higher level with their help.”

It didn’t take them long to get to Fengxing’s headquarter.

Tidying up their dresses for a short while, they took a deep breath and got off the car, walking up thestairs like two ministers who were about to present themself before a monarch.

As Helen was visioning them finishing the contract without any problems and becoming the mostinfluential family of Chuzhou, they were stopped by the security guards at the gate.

“Greetings, I’m Helen Liu, we’re both the Liu’s, and we’re here to sign a contract with presidentDuan.”As surprised as Helen was, she gathered herself up and explained to the guard.

But she didn’t notice the change in the guards uniform, the badge said that he was a captain instead ofjust any guards.

“The Liu’s?” The captain sneered,”Sorry, we have orders from Miss Han and president Duan that noLiu’s people are allowed to entered this headquarter, including you, Helen.”

Helen was shocked, and Joe explained hurriedly:”Sir, I think there’s misunderstanding. Helen is a goodfriend of president Duan, they even had diner together a couple of times, would you tell him that we’vearrived?”

Taking a look at Joe, the captain asked:”You’re one of Liu’s, huh? What’s your name?”

Joe showed him a courteous smile and gave him his business card:”I’m Joe Liu, grandson of Peter Liuand son of Chengfeng Liu, the eldest brother of the younger generation of the Liu’s.”

The captain took a glance at the business card then shifted his sight back on Joe. After a short chuckle,he took out the walkie-talkie and said to every security guards:”Attention, everyone get your ass here atthe entrance, Joe is here!”

That confused Joe pretty much, for he found there’s no need to put on a scene like that since it was notPeter that was there ready to sign the contract.

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