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Chapter 6

Silvia got out of the car and headed back. The black Maybach stopped for a while before it drove in theopposite direction. Neil watched as Silvia’s figure grew smaller in the rearview mirror. He feltincreasingly irritated. Silvia had always been timid, so he did not understand why she would be sostubborn this time. He had humbled himself by coming to her, yet she still insisted on a divorce.However, he needed to check on Ada anyway. He would find an opportunity to talk to Silvia later. Aftershe walked for a while, Silvia received a call from Chris. “Silvia, where are you?” The concern in hisvoice warmed Silvia’s heart. “I’m halfway up the mountain. I’m on my way back.” “Where’s he?” Silviaspoke calmly without any emotion in her eyes. “He left.” “He left you alone on the mountain in themiddle of the night?! I’ll be there in five minutes to pick you up. Wait for me!” Chris did not want to giveSilvia a chance to refuse, so he hung up immediately. Silvia put her phone away and waited patientlyfor Chris. When Chris arrived, Silvia was standing by the road and kicking pebbles absentmindedly.The moment she heard the sound of an engine, she raised her head and saw Chris’ car stopping infront of her. Chris got out and visibly relaxed when he saw Silvia unharmed. He quickly walked overand opened the car door for her. “Get in, Silvia.” Seeing how caring he was, Silvia laughed and teased,“No wonder so many girls want to be your girlfriend. You’re quite the gentleman.” Chris smiled. “Whatabout you? Do you think I’d make a good boyfriend?” Understanding his playful tone, Silvia playedalong and nodded with a smile of approval. “Absolutely! You’d be the perfect boyfriend.” A hint ofdisappointment flickered in Chris’ eyes, but he still smiled and said, “Unfortunately, the person I likedoesn’t like me.” Silvia patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, “What a coincidence. Theperson I like doesn’t like me either.” Chris laughed and shook his head. “You’re terrible at cheeringpeople up. You’ve made me even sadder.” “Fine. Let’s head back. I need to work tomorrow.” Chriscocked an eyebrow. “As my manager?” “Nah, I don’t plan on doing that. Besides, you already have amanager. How could I be your manager?” Chris smiled and said nothing. When they arrived at themansion, the coffee had gotten cold, and Silvia was in no mood for coffee anymore. After she saidgoodnight to Chris, she went back to her room. The next morning, Silvia woke up and was about to godownstairs after she washed up. When she saw Dulcie waiting for her in the living room, she quickly

descended the stairs. “Dulcie, could I take one more day off?” Dulcie sneered like a terrifying demonand threw a stack of documents in Silvia’s arms. “You’ve taken a break for three years. Isn’t thatenough? Read these documents on your way to the company. We have a tough battle ahead of ustoday.” Silvia was stunned when she looked at the documents. “Why is there such a heavy workload onthe first day?” “Don’t even get me started. Those old geezers almost turned MY Corporation upsidedown during the three years you were away. They’ve been hiring their relatives who are a bunch offreeloaders. They just collect their paychecks without lifting a finger! If you don’t come back soon, thecompany’s bound to go bankrupt!” Silvia was taken aback by this news. On the way to the company,Dulcie could not hold back her urge to gossip. “Oh, by the way, I saw Chris Rios at your place thismorning. You’ve just divorced Neil, and you’re already the sugar mommy of an award-winning actor?”Silvia shifted her gaze from the document to Dulcie’s face. She spoke with a serious expression, “Firstof all, Chris and I are just friends. Secondly, Neil and I aren’t officially divorced, so he’s not my ex-husband.” Dulcie was shocked. “You’re acting as Chris’ sugar mommy without divorcing Neil?! That’sso exciting!” Silvia was dumbfounded. “Did you even pass English?” Dulcie raised her chin proudly. “Ofcourse! I used to be the top student in my class.” “Were you the only student in your class?” Dulciesnapped. “Shut up, Silvia!” Silvia stopped talking and continued reading the documents. After a while,her phone rang. She was a little puzzled when she saw an unknown number. As soon as she answeredthe call, Neil’s angry voice came through. “Silvia, unblock my number!” Silvia immediately hung up andpowered off her phone. She tossed it to Dulcie and said, “Get me a new SIM card and deactivate thisone.” Recalling Silvia’s teasing earlier, Dulcie sarcastically said, “I’m not your secretary! Ask your ownsecretary to do it!” Silvia closed the document folder. Then, she cocked an eyebrow and said, “Fine.Since MY Corporation seems to be in dire straits anyway, I might as well just file for bankruptcy.” “No!Please, I’m sorry. I’ll help you with it, okay?” Silvia cocked her eyebrow again when she saw Dulcie’schange in attitude. “I was just joking. Don’t take it so seriously.” Dulcie was speechless. After shearrived at MY Corporation, the first thing Silvia did was hold a shareholders’ meeting. An hour later, theusually assertive shareholders walked out of the conference room in anger. Only Dulcie and Silviaremained in the room. Dulcie gave Silvia a thumbs up and expressed her admiration. “Silvia, you’re asnovelbin

sharp as ever! I was amazed watching you leave those old geezers speechless. I’ve never seen themback down like that before.” Silvia cast her an indifferent glance and said, “Give me a list of employeeswho joined MY Corporation through their connections with the shareholders. We’ll start the layoffstomorrow.” Dulcie was shocked. “Tomorrow?! Isn’t that too soon? You just confronted those old geezerstoday. Their anger hasn’t subsided. You might trigger their dissatisfaction if you dismiss their people.” “Ifanyone has a problem with it, tell them to see me in my office.” With that, Silvia left the conferenceroom. She had a rough understanding of MY Corporation’s problem. If she did not resolve it quickly, thecompany would go bankrupt before next year. Silvia immediately switched to work mode back in heroffice. She had been away for three years, but she did not have much time to reminisce about the past.In less than an hour, news of MY Corporation’s founder returning had spread throughout Ryoln City’sbusiness circle. Since Silvia never made a public appearance, she was a mysterious figure to theoutside world. People speculated that she had returned to rescue MY Corporation from the brink ofbankruptcy. Over in Remus Corporation’s presidential office, Neil was still trying to reach Silvia.However, all he got was a mechanical voice informing him that her phone was off. It was testing hispatience to the limit. When Curtis entered the office, he felt like he had entered an ice field. Heinstinctively walked with lighter steps to avoid annoying Neil. “Mr. Remus, our plans to acquire MYCorporation might have to be put on hold. It appears that MY Corporation’s founder returned today.”Neil frowned and responded absentmindedly, “Proceed with the acquisition plan and allocate anadditional one hundred million to the original budget.” “MY Corporation’s founder initially rose toprominence by establishing the company out of nowhere. Unexpectedly, the founder handed controlover to the shareholders later on. The founder probably returned to save the company. If we’reconsidering an acquisition, MY Corporation isn’t the best choice.” Neil remained uninterested andsternly said, “Proceed with the acquisition and increase the budget if it’s not enough. Don’t make merepeat myself! Also, have someone watch the entrance of Chris’s mansion. Notify me once Silviaappears.” “Understood, Mr. Remus.” Curtis was puzzled by Neil’s irritability. Neil obviously liked Ada.Why did he refuse to divorce Silvia and marry Ada? Regardless, this was personal to Neil, so Curtiscould not intervene. He could only carry out Neil’s order. “By the way, Mr. Remus, the Angel’s Tears you

bid on in Ceattle has arrived. Should I bring it over so that you can give it to Miss Silvia in person?”Angel’s Tears was a necklace featuring a blue teardrop-shaped gemstone that was surrounded bythousands of diamonds. It shimmered in the light and captivated anyone who saw it. The moment Neilsaw it, he thought it was perfect for Silvia. He instantly decided to bid on it as a third-anniversary gift forher. However, due to their argument, he had pushed this matter to the back of his mind. Neil pursed hisl*ps and said, “Yes, bring it to me. I’ll give it to her personally.” Curtis left Neil’s office after he deliveredthe Angel’s Tears. Neil picked up a document, but he could not concentrate. The determinedexpression Silvia had when she left last night filled his mind. He closed the folder in frustration. He wasoverwhelmed by a sense of helplessness. Just as he was preparing to stand and take a breather, hisphone rang.

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