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Chatper 362

Chapter 362

Idris’s expression suddenly turned unpleasant. “Aren’t you pushing your luck, Silvia?”

However, she seemed distant. “You’re not giving anything up, aren’t you? You’re just trying to cheatme. You don’t even want to give me proof. How am I supposed to believe that you’ll give me half ofyour shares in the future?”

Idris was fuming, but he gritted his teeth and held back because of Neil.

“Don’t you trust me even a little, Silvia?”

Silvia gave him a cold look. “Mr. Pond, I came over today because I wanted to make something clear toyou. I hope that you’ll stop wasting your time because I’m not going to help the Pond Family. Since Adais your favorite daughter, you should spend your time and energy instead of me.”

on her

After that, she got up to leave.

The moment she reached the door, she heard Idris’s furious voice.

‘Silvia! Are you that cruel? Are you going to leave us to fend for ourselves?!”

She turned to him calmly and said, “Didn’t you do the same when you abandoned me at the door of thechildren’s home more than twenty years ago? After I came back and donated my bone marrow to Adaseven years ago, I experienced a severe reaction. Didn’t you neglect me and leave me at the hospital?You held a party at home for Ada once she got better. Also, did. you ever ask me if I was doing okaywhile I was married to Neil?”

Her interrogation left him speechless.

There was nothing else to say, so Silvia quickly got out of there.

She knew that she would forever be bound to the Pond Family given their blood relations. Despite that,she would not allow them to bully her.

She was going to remove herself from the picture.

A month later, it was time for MY Corporation to launch their new products.

Both Silvia and Rita were directing the staff backstage. Anxiety was written all over Rita’s face becausemost of the new products were her designs.

“Relax. Your designs are great, and I’m sure these clothes will do well in the market.”

Rita took a deep breath and looked at Silvia with respect. The latter’s modifications to her designs hadknocked her socks off. Therefore, Rita was now a big fan of Silvia’s.

“You’re awesome, Miss Pond. You would’ve been the champion if you had joined the national designcompetition!”

“I’m not interested in that. Besides, you wouldn’t have been the second runner–up if I had joined.”novelbin

“I would have accepted it wholeheartedly.”

Chapter 362

“Okay, stop flattering me. See if the models are ready. This is your first fashion show!”

“You’re giving me butterflies…”

After Rita ran off, Silvia went through the sequence of the show with the director. Then, she headed tothe reception to see Dulcie.

Silvia and Dulcie greeted all the clients who had come to join the launch. After that, they rested in acorner for ten minutes as they waited for the event to start.

Dulcie sighed as she massaged her sore ankles. “It’s been a while since I’ve put on high heels. I’m notused to wearing them now.”

Silvia laughed. “Didn’t you use to wear high heels all the time? What changed?”

“It’s all because of Ethan. He says high heels are bad for health. He threw all my heels away. andreplaced them with flats while I was at work. I ignored him for three days after that!” Dulcie explained inanger.

“Then you gave in?”

“I accepted his suggestion reluctantly because I found the flats a lot more comfortable after I wore themfor two days.”

Silvia teased her when she saw her grin. “I think you enjoy them.”

“Just a bit.”

All of a sudden, Rita’s assistant walked over and interrupted them. Gasping for breath, she

said, “Miss… Miss Pond, a few models are stuck on the road, and it’ll take more than half an hour forthem to get here…”

“What?! Which ones?”

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