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Chatper 359

Chapter 359

Silvia quickly recovered, and she was discharged from the hospital a week later. However, Daisy andher family were nowhere to be found. They might have gone abroad.

Silvia even asked Dominic to look into the matter, but it was to no avail. It proved that a mastermindwas pulling the strings.

The day she was discharged, Silvia and Neil thanked the firefighter who had saved her.

However, she remained quiet on the way home, and her thoughts were a mystery.

Back at the mansion, Neil finally asked, “Did something happen? You didn’t say a word on the wayhome.”

Silvia shook her head. “No. Maybe I’m just tired.”

“Go ahead and rest. I’ll wake you up when dinner’s ready.”


However, Silvia started looking for news reports on the fire when she was back in her room. She closedthe webpage when she found an article about the firefighters‘ brave efforts to save her. She hadmiraculously survived the fire.novelbin

For some reason, she found the firefighter unfamiliar when she saw him today. She had a feeling thathe was not the one who had saved her.

Besides, his voice was different from the one she heard before she blacked out. She wondered if shewas just imagining things.

After a brief hesitation, she texted Chris.

[Chris, I was almost killed in a fire a few days ago. I felt like I saw you before I blacked out.]

She quickly received a reply.

[I think you were hallucinating because I’ve been filming in Grand Film City these past few days.]

An indescribable feeling hit her as she read his text. She was unsure if she was relieved or not, but shecould finally stop overthinking.

[Okay. I’ll let you get back to your work]

Silvia put her phone down and dozed off after lying in bed for a while.

A patient with a burnt back was lying on his stomach in Imperial First Hospital. He was in a


After he replied to Silvia’s text outside the ward, Chris’s agent handed the phone to Alan Rios. “Are you

you satisfied with this reply, Mr. Rios?”

Alan snorted and spoke indifferently, “I wouldn’t have cared if my son hadn’t ruined his body to such anextent for a woman’s sake!”

Chapter 353

The agent kept his head down as disdain filled his eyes. Alan discovered that the son whom he hadraised for more than twenty years was not his. His wife had apparently gotten together with anotherman. Otherwise, he would have forgotten all about Chris.

After a brief silence, the agent slowly said, “If Chris learns about what you did, he’ll be mad when hewakes up, Mr. Rios.”

“He’ll know that I did it for him because that woman doesn’t deserve him. I’ll get him a bettercandidate,” Alan argued with a straight face.

The agent was at a loss for words,

He decided to stop talking since everything he said had gone over Alan’s head. He hoped that Chriscould wake up soon.

Neil’s knocking woke Silvia up. She opened her eyes and looked out the window. Night had fallen.

She sat up slowly and recalled the dream she just had. In a daze, she thought that she was still in thatroom and the blazing fire was about to consume her.

She saw the person who came to save her the moment she woke up. To her surprise, it was Chris.

Silvia shook her head involuntarily and felt like she was possessed.

She guessed that she might have replaced the firefighter’s face with Chris’s since she had assumedthat Chris was her savior.

After she got out of bed, she opened the door. Looking at Neil, she said, “I’ll go downstairs after I washmy face.”

They were about to rest after dinner when someone rang the doorbell out of the blue.

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