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Chatper 337

Chapter 337

“You’ll find out soon.”

Neil sat Silvia down on the couch and whispered, “Don’t open your eyes. Only open them when I sayso.”


The sound of his footsteps slowly faded before they returned again.

Silvia heard him place something on the table, and soon after, he said, “You can open your eyes now.”

She slowly opened her eyes. She saw a bowl of noodles that was decorated with slices of carrots thatspelt out her birthday. The carrots were not sliced properly, and they looked somewhat ugly.

“Happy birthday, Silvia!”

She looked at the average–looking bowl of noodles and looked at Neil in confusion. “Did you makethis?”

Neil nodded. “Yes. You just have to take a bite. We’re going out later.”

Silvia realized that there was only a single strand of noodle in the entire bowl.

“Did you make it from scratch?”

Neil’s ears turned red. He looked away uncomfortably and said, “You’re overthinking it. I bought it.”

Having known him for such a long time, she realized that he was embarrassed. She ate the noodle anddecided not to expose his lie.

After that, he took her out.

“Why are we going out at this hour?”

Neil glanced at her as he drove. “Just let me take the lead tonight.”

It did not take long for them to reach the most famous revolving restaurant in Ryoln City. It

was located on the sixty–sixth floor, and it provided a great night view of the entire city.

They took the elevator to the top floor, and the waiter immediately welcomed them.

“Mr. Remus, we’re ready. Do we begin now?”

Neil nodded. “Yes.”

There was no one else in the revolving restaurant. The waiter left after he led them to the seats with thebest night view.

Shortly after, they started to serve Silvia’s favorite dishes.

She had a feeling that this was not a simple dinner, but she did not pry further.

They had only taken a few bites of the food when Neil suddenly said, “Look outside.”

When Silvia turned around, she saw huge fireworks that resembled the shape of a heart. She

Chaptee 317

Silvia” in that

also saw the words “Happy sky.

Before long, more fireworks appeared and lit up the sky.

Silvia widened her eyes in surprise because every single firework spelt the words “Happy BirthdaySilvia.” The fireworks show only ended after half an hour.

She winced when she thought about the amount of money he must have spent on those fireworks.

After the last firework went off, the lights in the restaurant dimmed.


The waiter then brought Silvia her birthday cake, which was topped with a candle. He left after heplaced it before her.

“Make a wish.”

Under the candlelight, Neil looked at Silvia with a sincere and loving gaze.

She nodded and closed her eyes to make a wish.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a necklace.

“This is your birthday gift.”

Silvia was momentarily stunned. She subconsciously reached out to take the necklace as shemuttered, “Endless Love. Isn’t this necklace…”novelbin

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