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Chapter 17

Silvia frowned as she looked at Neil. He had been getting on her nerves. “Neil, can you please stopbothering me? I know I was wrong for marrying you without your consent, but I’ve made it up to you bytreating your legs. I don’t recall doing anything wrong in our marriage in the past three years. I want toget a divorce and live my own life now. Is that unreasonable?” Neil’s pupils contracted with anger. Aftera few seconds, he clenched his teeth and said, “I’ve told you that I’ll never get a divorce! “I’ve donesome investigation. You weren’t with Chris Rios on the days you went missing, so where were you?Besides, how did you get that fifty million? If you don’t want me to keep digging, return to the mansionwith me right now!” Silvia subconsciously clenched her fists. She did not want to go back with him, butshe did not want him to continue digging either. Having no choice, she shrugged off his hand andentered the car. They were silent during the ride back. Silvia’s irritation was palpable. She could notfigure out what was wrong with Neil. She thought he would eagerly get the divorce certificate after sheagreed to divorce him. His refusal to divorce her only made both of them suffer. Silvia headed for thestairs once they reached the mansion. Just then, she heard Neil speak. “Your grandfather’s birthday isthe day after tomorrow. I happened to bid on a pair of antique vases recently. Why don’t we give themto him as a birthday gift?” Silvia turned to him indifferently. “You don’t have to ask me. Just do as youplease.” Neil frowned. “He’s your grandfather after all. You—” “It doesn’t matter.” There was a hint ofridicule in Silvia’s eyes. “We’re just related by blood.” Nob*dy in the Pond Family regarded her as a partof the family. In this case, she would not be bothered to please them. “In any case, we need to attendhis birthday party together.” “I get it.” After she gave him an apathetic reply, Silvia went straightupstairs. Neil’s gaze darkened as he watched Silvia’s back and fell into deep thought. Back in herroom, Silvia was about to order takeout when she received a call from Dulcie. “Sil, I forgot to tell youthat Neil wants to meet you.” Silvia was surprised to hear this. She frowned and asked, “Is it about theacquisition of MY Corporation?” “Yes. Remus Corporation has been pursuing the acquisition for amonth. Its people have approached me multiple times, but I haven’t agreed. I assume Neil got wind ofyour return and wants to discuss it with you in person. “To be honest, the price they’re offering is quitetempting. If you hadn’t returned, those old geezers might have accepted the deal.” Dulcie did not get a

response from Silvia, so she continued, “I can reject his request if you don’t want to meet him.” After abrief silence, Silvia softly said, “No need. Send me the time and place of the appointment later. Nowthat I’m back at MY Corporation, I’ll have to meet him sooner or later.” “Got it. I’ll set up an appointmentwith Remus Corporation. “Okay.” After the call ended, Silvia resumed her attempt to order takeout. Justthen, Neil knocked on the door. He said, “The maid has prepared dinner. I have some matters to takecare of tonight, so I won’t be able to join you. You can have your dinner downstairs.” Silvia did notrespond. After a while, she heard the car engine. When she approached the window, she caught sightof Neil’s car vanishing from view. Five minutes later, she went downstairs. She was surprised to findher favorite foods laid out for dinner. However, she did not give it much thought. After her meal, shewashed the dishes and returned to her room. She spent some time reading on the balcony. As she wasabout to go to bed, she suddenly heard the sound of a car engine. She looked down and realized thatNeil had returned. He had called for a chauffeur. His unsteady gait as he exited the car made it evidentthat he was drunk. Once the chauffeur parked the car, he left. After she saw Neil almost stumble a fewtimes, Silvia withdrew her gaze expressionlessly. She closed her book and returned to her bedroom tosleep. However, various noises from the bedroom next door kept her awake. Silvia got up with a frown.She walked to the room and knocked on the door impatiently. “Please keep it down. The noise isbothering me!” she complained. The noises ceased, so Silvia turned back to her room. However, thedoor behind her abruptly opened. As she turned around in confusion, she was pulled into the dark roombefore she could do anything. “Ah!” Silvia yelped. She had yet to register what just happened when Neilpinned her to the door. The moment his hot breath landed on her ear, she shivered instinctively. Neilwas clearly quite drunk because he reeked of alcohol. His b*dy was burning hot as he pressed itagainst hers. Silvia could feel the heat. Her annoyance grew as she tried to push him away but failed.“Neil, let me go!” Right after she spoke, Neil k*ssed her. His l*ps were hot. Meanwhile, his handsroamed all over her b*dy. If this went on, they would definitely end up sleeping together! Silvia stoppedhim and quickly turned on the bedroom light. The sudden burst of light made Neil subconsciouslynarrow his eyes. Silvia’s angry face also came into view. While Silvia bore a strong resemblance toAda, Neil had never once confused the two. Ada always appeared delicate and vulnerable. Men would

instinctively want to protect her whenever they saw her. However, Silvia was different. She neverrevealed any vulnerability to anyone and never asked for Neil’s help like Ada. This very moment wasno different. Seeing the stubbornness in her eyes, he involuntarily wondered how to make her open upto him. Silvia’s gaze was cold. “Let me go! I’ll find someone else for you!” Neil was infuriated. Heclutched her hand and said, “Silvia Pond! You’re my wife!” How could she think of finding anotherwoman for him?! Was she heartless? Hearing the implication in his words, Silvia pursed her l*ps andretorted coldly, “Soon, I won’t be anymore!” Neil sneered as he fixed his desire-filled eyes on her face.Ever since she brought up the idea of divorce, he felt like he had accommodated her and yielded atevery turn. Yet, she did not have the slightest change of heart. Even right then, she was still thinking ofthe divorce! Neil lowered his head and bit Silvia’s l*p forcefully. Before she could say anything, heruthlessly said, “Since you’re so eager to get a divorce, I’ll grant you your wish.” Silvia instantly raisedher head in surprise. “Really?” Neil tried his best to suppress his anger, but his voice was cold. “But Ihave one condition. You’ll have to sleep with me tonight!” His words made Silvia’s face turn pale.novelbin

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