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Chapter 12

Neil sneered. “Was that too much? I still haven’t asked you to fulfill your conjugal obligations!” Silviagritted her teeth. “In your dreams!” “Either you come back with me, or I stay here with you. Pick one.”Silvia took a deep breath. She felt that she could bear with him since it would only take a week. Sheturned around and walked toward the Maybach on the roadside. Neil stopped her. “Aren’t you going topack your luggage?” Silvia was unbothered. “I’ll be back after a week, so I don’t need to pack my stuff.”Neil’s expression darkened. He entered the car with a cold expression and did not talk to Silvia. He justpicked up a document to read. Silvia casually glanced at the document in his hand. Her expressionsuddenly changed. “Are you acquiring MY Corporation?” Neil frowned and glared at her. “Weren’t youuninterested in my work in the past?” Disdain flashed in Silvia’s eyes. “You’re speaking as though youwould tell me more if I was interested.” Neil recalled the night before when Silvia said that she wasgoing to work. He looked at her and asked, “Did you join MY Corporation?” “Yes. I think you’d bettergive up on acquiring MY Corporation as soon as possible. You won’t succeed.” Neil was unmoved. “Aslong as I offer enough money, nothing is impossible.” “You can try.” No matter how much he offered,she would not sell MY Corporation! Neil sensed something off about Silvia’s attitude, but he did notdwell on it. He assumed that she had just joined MY Corporation, so she did not want the company toclose down. “What’s your position in the company?” “I’m a cleaner.” Neil was speechless. Silvia sawthe disbelief on his face, but she remained indifferent. “If you don’t believe me, just forget it.” Was it nota cleaner’s job to get rid of useless parasites in the company? Neil kept quiet for a few seconds beforehe suddenly said, “The HR staff in MY Corporation really sucked at recruiting. Otherwise, they wouldn’thave put you in that position.” Silvia snorted. “Losers always look down on others. They can’t succeed,so they feel like others can’t succeed either.” Neil raised his eyebrows. “If I’m a loser, what does thatmake my wife?” Silvia had no retort. She turned around and refused to talk to Neil anymore. When Neilsaw her angry face, he found her slightly adorable for some reason. He even spoke more gentlywithout realizing it. “Your grandfather’s birthday is next Saturday. I’ll go with you.” Silvia thought about itbefore she nodded and said, “We can inform them about our divorce.” There was a cold glint in Neil’seyes as he stared at her in annoyance. “Are you going there to celebrate his birthday or make himnovelbin

angry?” Silvia looked at him in confusion. She frowned and said, “We’ll need to tell them sooner orlater. There’s no point in dragging it.” Neil sneered. “You’d better get that fifty million dollars togetherfirst before we talk about it!” There was a hint of mockery in his voice. He clearly did not believe thatSilvia could obtain fifty million dollars within one week. Silvia looked down without another word. Anhour later, the car stopped in front of the mansion. Silvia walked up to the door and entered thepassword. However, it appeared to be wrong. She turned around with a frown and looked at Neil whowas a few steps away from her. “Did you change the password?” she asked. “Yes, I changed it to yourbirthday.” Bewilderment flashed in Silvia’s eyes before she gave him a mocking look. “I’m sure deepdown you know whether it’s my birthday or Ada’s.” She turned back and entered the password againbefore she pushed the door and walked in. Neil frowned as he looked at her back. There was fury in hiseyes. When he changed the password, he had indeed thought of her birthday. It never occurred to himthat she shared her birthday with Ada. Silvia walked to the couch and sat down. She saw the divorceagreement out of the corner of her eyes. Neil had ripped it up and thrown it into the trash can. Her eyeslanded on it for a while before she immediately looked away as if she had never seen it. Neilapproached her with an unwelcoming expression again. “What are we eating tonight?” Silvia waved herphone. “I’m ordering food delivery. You can eat whatever you want.” Neil frowned right after she saidthat. “Takeaway is not healthy.” “I didn’t ask you to eat it.” “I was trying to say that you shouldn’t eat iteither.” Silvia had lowered her head to scroll through the food delivery app. When she heard what hesaid, she stopped scrolling. She raised her head and glared at Neil. “What will I eat if I don’t gettakeaway? Air?” “You can cook.” Silvia fell silent for a moment before she spoke indifferently, “I don’thave the time. If you want to eat, you can cook your own food.” Neil did not respond. He just got up andwalked toward the fridge. Silvia was surprised to see this. Although she suggested it, she never thoughtNeil would actually cook. However, she quickly schooled her features back to calm. She ordered somefried chicken that she liked before she went upstairs and took a shower. She did not go to the masterbedroom. Instead, she went to the bedroom next to it. It had its own individual bathroom and restroom.Silvia went downstairs after her shower. She waited for a while, yet the fried chicken never came. Shechecked the delivery app, which showed that her food had been delivered. Therefore, she called the

delivery driver. When she learned that her food had been delivered twenty minutes ago, she frowned.She got up and looked around. Finally, she saw her fried chicken in the trash can. She ended the calland walked to the kitchen in anger. The moment she reached the entrance, Neil walked out with a bowlof soup. The two of them bumped into each other. As a result, the soup in Neil’s hand splashed out.Seeing that the boiling soup was going to splash on Silvia, he immediately pushed her away. The hotsoup ended up on his arm. His skin turned red and blistered instantly. Silvia froze momentarily beforeshe frowned and said, “I’ll get the medical kit and take care of that for you!” After Silvia dealt with Neil’swound, she proceeded to arrange the medical kit. Just then, she noticed that Neil was staring at her.“I’m sorry for what happened earlier. But if you hadn’t thrown my takeaway, this wouldn’t havehappened,” she said with a scowl. After a few seconds of silence, Neil replied, “I just don’t want you toeat junk food. I want you to eat with me.” Silvia was apathetic. “There’s no need for that. I’ll makeanother order. Neil, we’re divorcing in a week. It’s better for us to keep our distance this week.” Neilfrowned. He looked into her eyes and asked, “Do you insist on getting a divorce?” She stared at himwith a calm expression and firmly said, “Yes!” “Silvia, I think we can—” “You don’t have to say anythingelse. I won’t go back on my decision. I’ll give you fifty million dollars in a week. I hope you’ll keep yourpromise,” she said with certainty after she cut him off. After she spoke, she turned around and leftwithout looking at Neil’s expression. Silvia did not order any more food after she went upstairs. Shewanted to avoid meeting Neil downstairs again. She turned on her phone and looked up a website thatshe had not surfed for three years. Then, she logged in by entering her username and password. Agolden circle appeared on the screen. There was a sentence below it that said, [Welcome Back to FullMoon!] Silvia’s expression was cold as she scrolled through the mission list. If she wanted to earn fiftymillion dollars in a week, she had to accept some missions on this website. Suddenly, a dialog boxpopped up on the left. It was a message from a sender called Condor. His avatar was in all black.Condor: Are you Iris? Iris: … Condor: It looks like you’re the real Iris. You stopped showing up for threeyears, so I thought you died on a mission. When I saw your avatar online, I thought you rose from thedead. Condor was a team mate who always did missions with her in the past. However, they woulddisguise themselves whenever they met, so they did not know each other’s identity in real life. Iris: I’ve

been busy these last three years. Condor: So, do you plan on accepting missions now that you’reonline again? Iris: Yes. Condor: I accepted a mission recently. I need a partner. The commission is fiftymillion dollars. We can share it after the mission. Are you interested in working on it together? Iris:Send me the details. Soon after, Condor sent her an encrypted document. Silvia skillfully decoded itand sent an [OK] to Condor after she read everything. Condor immediately went offline withoutreplying. Silvia surfed the website for a while longer. She accepted another mission with a commissionof thirty million dollars before she also went offline. She should be able to have fifty million dollars onceshe completed these two missions. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. After shethought about how she should manage her time, Silvia fell asleep. The next morning, she wasawakened by the doorbell. She decided to ignore it at first, but the doorbell kept ringing to the point thatit removed any sleepiness she felt. Silvia looked at the time. It was only 6:05 a.m. This person hadbetter have something important! She went downstairs and opened the door. She automaticallyfrowned when she saw Ada outside. Ada was shocked to see Silvia too. Her face turned red with rage.“Why are you here, Silvia?”

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