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Chapter 10

“She’s done everything that a wife should and shouldn’t do. The two of you just need to tie the knot,”Silvia said nonchalantly. Neil stared at her face and tried to detect any sadness, but he saw none. Shetruly did not care about him anymore. For some reason, Neil felt a pang in his heart. He looked awayand fiercely said, “As long as we’re not divorced, you have the responsibility to take care of me!” Silviafelt slightly annoyed. She did not have the energy to talk to him. She took out her phone, unblockedAda’s phone number, and sent her a text message. In the Ponds’ house, Ada was getting ready tosleep following a shower. After she received the message from Silvia, her face turned red with rage.Silvia, that b*tch! She immediately got up and changed her outfit. When she went downstairs, shebumped into her parents. Both of them could not help but frown once they realized that she was goingout. “Ada, it’s late. Where are you going?” Ada forced a smile. She looked at Mindy and said, “Mom,Neil’s drunk and home alone. I’m worried about him, so I’m going over to check on him.” Mindy cast aglance at Idris. When she did not see any sign of disapproval on his face, she spoke to Ada with asmile, “It’s too late now, so it’s not safe for you to drive there. I’ll get Hart to send you over.” “Sure.Thank you, Mom.” After Ada left, Mindy said with a pensive expression, “It looks like Neil still has somefeelings for Ada. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have told Ada that he was drunk.” Idris nodded. “Ask Ada tograb this opportunity. Luckily, not many people know that Neil and Silvia are married, so it won’t affectSilvia’s chances in finding a new husband in the future.” It did not matter to Idris whether Silvia or Adawas married to Neil. It just had to be profitable to his company. After Silvia divorced Neil, he would findher a husband who could also bring profit to the Pond Family. Silvia and Neil did not talk on the way.When they arrived at the mansion, Neil subconsciously frowned when he saw that the lights were on.Besides the two of them, no one else would come to the mansion. On top of that, it was so late at night.“Why is the light on?” Silvia appeared calm as she responded indifferently, “You’ll know when you openthe door.” Neil entered the password and opened the door. Right then, he saw a slim woman. His gazesubconsciously turned cold. “Silvia Pond, what’s the meaning of this?” Ada had prepared some hot tea.Right after she placed it on the table, she heard Neil’s voice near the door. She turned around andquickly walked toward it. Outside, Neil stared at Silvia fiercely. His heart also sank. He never thought

she would actually ask Ada to come to their home! Did she know what this meant? Silvia lookedunaffected. “Didn’t you say that you were drunk? I asked the person who’s always on your mind tocome and take care of you. You should thank me,” she said with a straight face. “Say that again. I dareyou!’ When Silvia saw Neil’s expression of disbelief, she could not be bothered to continue humoringhim. “I’ve invited her here for you, so I won’t stay around and disturb you love birds. You just need tosign the divorce agreement and mail it to me,” she said coldly. Silvia turned around and left. Sheshowed no reluctance whatsoever. Neil was furious. Just as he was about to go after her, Ada grabbedhis arm. “Neil, I’ve prepared some tea for you to sober up. Please come inside and have some.” WhenNeil saw Ada’s hesitance, he frowned. He moved out of her grasp and said, “Ada, go home first.” Adashook her head. “Neil, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay here and keep you company. Silvia texted me and saidyou were drunk. I don’t feel at ease leaving you alone here.” Neil’s face froze. “Did she tell you thepassword for the door?” he growled. “Yes…” When Ada saw Neil’s gloomy face, she immediately said,“If you don’t like me being here, I won’t come over again. Don’t be angry.” Neil closed his eyes and saidin a deep voice, “Ada, I need to be alone for a while.” “I’ll be right here with you quietly. I won’t disturbyou.” “I’ll ask Sayer to send you home.” “Neil…” “Just listen to me!” Ada bit her bottom l*p. She noddedreluctantly and said, “Okay. If you feel sick, you have to call me!” “Okay.” After Ada left, Neil closed thedoor and walked to the living room. When he saw the divorce agreement on the table, dissatisfactionflashed in his eyes. He walked up to the table and picked up the divorce agreement. Then, he tore it upand threw it into the trash bin. She wanted to divorce him? In her dreams! The next morning, DarrionTorres came to see Silvia not long after she arrived at her office. He looked angry. He glared at Silviaand said, “Miss Pond, you fired half of my staff. Didn’t you go too far?” Silvia appeared indifferent. Sheraised her brows and said, “Mr. Torres, please stay calm. I’ll communicate with the HR Department.When we start recruiting new staff, we’ll prioritize filling up your departments.” Darrion was so angrythat his face turned red. That was not what he meant! Silvia had fired all the relatives he had recruited.They bombarded his phone with calls this morning and asked him what happened. Darrion was aconstruction worker when he met Silvia by chance. At that time, he was very poor. He did Silvia a favor,so she gave him ten percent of MY Corporation’s shares. In the beginning, Darrion did not care about

it. However, MY Corporation expanded under Silvia’s management. He only realized how much tenpercent was worth when he received up to ten million dollars every year. At first Darrion was grateful forSilvia, but the sudden large sum of money also changed him drastically. As his relatives and fellowvillagers k*ssed up to him, he became increasingly arrogant. He enjoyed the feeling of being butteredup by his relatives whenever he gave them a work position. When Silvia fired all his relatives, itembarrassed him. Hence, he was unhappy with Silvia. “Miss Pond, even if you’re planning to recruitnew people, it’ll still take some time. Besides, who knows if the newcomers will be able to immediatelytake over the work from the skilled staff who’ve been fired? Now that these people have been fired, thedepartments I’m managing will have to pause their operations!” Silvia put down the documents in herhands before she looked at him. It was as if she could see through him. For some reason, Darriondared not stare at her. He felt as though she could decipher his thoughts. Silvia chuckled. “What do youthink we should do, Mr. Torres?” Darrion immediately said, “Miss Pond, you just got back, so you’re notfamiliar with the company’s operations. I suggest that you understand how the company operates andwhat the departments do before you consider firing our staff.” Silvia remained silent for a while andnodded pensively. “You’re right.” When Darrion heard this, he felt happy about how easily Silvia waspersuaded. It looked like he could continue recruiting his own people into the company. However, whatSilvia said next immediately stunned him. “Since you’re here, why don’t you tell me what yourdepartments have done these past few years? What did the people I fired do every day?novelbin

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