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Chapter 665

Chapter 665 “I believe you. Do you want to sleep in your room tonight or another empty room?” Cynthia turned on the lights. The smile on Joshua’s face froze. He intended to sleep with Cynthia, but how did it end up like this? Joshua quickly came up with a plan and said, while maintaining his innocent appearance, “I won’tsleep. I’ll stay by your side and protect you.” Cynthia was confused. Joshua sincerely said, “You said you were scared just now, right? I’ll be by your bedside, keeping youcompany.” “No need,” Cynthia replied firmly. “Cynthia…” “Your presence is only going to scare me further,” Cynthia said.

Joshua genuinely could not understand Cynthia, but he did not doubt that she was trying to deceivehim. “Why?” “Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and seeing someone sitting, standing, or lying next toyour bed. Won’t you get startled?” Cynthia’s reasoning was sound, completely blocking joshua’sapproach. “We can keep the lights on.” “I can’t sleep with the light on.” “Cynthia, can’t you let me do something for you? “As long as you’re fine, I’m content. It’s getting late. Go to sleep. You can choose one of the tworooms.” Cynthia remained calm throughout the conversation. Joshua knew he had ruined his plans. Due to the expected turn of events, he could no longer be close

to Cynthia. “Cynthia,” Joshua suddenly called out. Cynthia turned around and asked, “Yes?” Are you really scared?” Joshua asked. “If you’re scared, then I’m not afraid. If you’re not afraid, I can handle it too,” Cynthia gave a vagueresponse and then returned to her room, closing the door. Joshua stood at her door, the disguise on his face disappearing instantly. After a while, he went back tohis own room. As lar picked up lais plone, there was an unread message. [Nadia: Don’t forget my reward. ? Joshua fiddled with the phone, pursing his lips before finally sending her a message, Is Cynthia scaredof ghosts?] Nadia only replied with a smiling face. Not long after, another message came [Nadia: That information comes with an extra price: [Joshua: You know that money is not an issue with me.] [Nadia: As far as I know, she isn’t scared of ghosts. In this world, besides children and Shirley’s crying,she probably doesn’t fear anything else.) Joshua’s gaze deepened. Chapter 665 Not scared, huh? Was she lying? Or did Nadia not really understand Cynthia? [Nadia: But I’m not a hundred percent sure either. She rarely opens up to people, and only her familyand friends would know the accurate answer.] Joshua did not reply to her message. Based on the information he gathered during his time in liverton,Cynthia’s friends were all on her side, and she would probably find out in the blink of an eye if he triedto bribe them.

Hence, he could not ask her friends. As for her family, based on his previous interactions with Shirley,she detested him to thenovelbin

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