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Chapter 897

Chapter 897

Felicity had been in the film industry for ages. Naturally, she did not take the initiative to help a screenwriter change the plot.Instead, she would tactfully mention that the script could be better with some appropriate changes. However, this time, thescreenwriter passed this responsibility to her.

Felicity was fine with polishing the script, but she did not want to change the original plot. The screenwriter for the particularscript she was working on kept praising her and said that they could assign her as a co-writer if she executed it well.

Felicity was intrigued as soon as she heard that. Like everyone in the same field, she hoped to make a name for herself with oneof her works and become an actual screenwriter. Now that an opportunity had presented itself. Felicity had to take it. She let goof her other work and focused on changing the script.

Felicity stayed up almost every night for more than half a month, and when she finally revised the entire script, she sent it to theoriginal screenwriter. She was filled with joy as she waited for the other party to review her work and put her name on it.However, they said that the changes were not good enough and that they preferred the original plot.

Felicity was greatly disappointed, and although she felt hurt by their comments, she accepted them. Maybe the quality of mywork is just not there yet,’ she thought. Things would have been fine if the matter had ended there, but what happened laterdisgusted her to the core.novelbin

The script was bought by a film and television company within less than two months after she revised it. And, the production wasset to start within a year.

Felicity liked going on different group chats to talk about various topics and to get to know the small actors in the group. A fewdays ago, a friend of hers shared a piece of good news with the group, stating that she just got a part as the third-female leadand that her pay had increased by more than ten thousand dollars per episode.

Everyone was happy for her, and they planned to celebrate at her place. They had much to drink. The actress was so happy withthe increase in salary that she took the script and said she’d act out a short scene for them.

Felicity was screaming and playing around like everyone else at first, but her expression changed when she heard the script.‘Wait. That line sounds familiar. Isn't that my fucking work?!’ Felicity then compared the script with the one she wrote and foundthat the screenwriter had sold her version word for word.

This made her so mad that she went to the company the next day just to settle the score with the screenwriter. The other partyrefused to admit their wrongdoing and said they had mistakenly sent the revised manuscript. After some time, they said theywould compensate Felicity for the money. Felicity did not want that. Instead, she insisted on getting credit for her work. However,the screenwriter threatened her with the fact that the actress had already leaked the plot before filming even started.

Felicity was furious and exposed the matter to all the major group chats in the screenwriting world. The incident gained a lot ofattraction, but justice was not served. The film group continued on with the production of the series, and the asshole screenwriterstill got their money. On the other hand, the actress who showed her the script lost her role.

The company did not punish Felicity, but she was put on leave after they wrapped up the recent filming. Felicity knew that thiswas the result of her actions. She also knew that the company would devise another way to make her resign "voluntarily’ afterthis leave was over.

‘What a bullshit company! All they care about is money!’ Felicity had wanted to leave the company for a long time, but thethought of causing her friend to lose her job made her feel guilty.

Vermont knew his guess was correct when he saw Felicity's face and how she did not bite back. "Are they really thinking ofletting you go?"

Felicity pushed his face away and indifferently said, "Shut up.”"Your work ethic is immaculate. You would freaking wake up in the middle of the night if your boss asked you to do something.He'd be a fool if he's thinking of firing you!"

Felicity could not help but curse when she thought of all the time she spent doing overtime work and how much hair she lostbecause of this. ’He is a fool!" she yelled.

"The world's biggest idiot!" Vermont chimed in.

Felicity felt a lot more at ease after that. However, she inevitably grew anxious again when she thought about her job. "I think hewants me to voluntarily resign, but | won't get any financial compensation if | do that. At the same time, if he doesn't fire me andjust puts me on unpaid leave, | won't be compensated either. The only thing | can do now is to play this game with him. But, |don't think | can afford it."

Moreover, the script incident spread all over the industry. It may be difficult for Felicity to find another job as a screenwriter sinceno one would want an employee who caused chaos.

"Just submit your resignation. What's the point of staying in a company that doesn't even care about its people?" Vermont said.He then leaned back on the couch and added, "You can come to my company.’

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