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Chapter 327

Chapter 327

Aurora was taken aback. She had never seen Dahlia get so angry before. She was stunned for a long time before she said, “I-It’snot like that. I-I just think that Uncle Chandler treats us pretty well.”

Dahlia knew that she was overreacting, so she took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, “He wouldn't do that if he didn’t wantsomething from us. Can you use that brain of yours?” Aurora thought that her uncle was kind to her. She did not know what hewould ever want from her, yet her mother always regarded his family as their enemies. However, she did not dare to tell her momthat since Dahlia had always been hostile to her uncle’s family. She was not only hostile toward Cyrene but also Chandler.

From Aurora’s point of view, Chandler had treated their family well over the years. When she was younger, Chandler would giveher and her brother whatever Jackson had when he returned from a business trip. Sometimes, she would receive more gifts thanthe two boys. Aurora lost her father when she was young, and Chandler became quite the father figure for her. So, sheinstinctively wanted to be closer to him, but Dahlia often felt disgusted. Aurora did not dare to talk back to her mother, so she onlyresponded obediently. “Yes, mom.”

When the situation in the car had calmed down a little, Dahlia said, “Go to your brother's place later and bring this fertilitymedication to Stella.”

Aurora frowned. “No. It’s better if she can’t get pregnant. Grandma already loves her so much. If she becomes pregnant withKeegan’s child, grandma will love her even more! It’s better if she’s not pregnant for the rest of her life!”

“Do as you are told. Do you not want me to talk to your grandma about your marriage with Marshall?” Aurora’s eyes lit up. “Haveyou told her already?”

“| just mentioned it, and she understood the message. She has no objection as long as the Moore family is fine with it.”

“Aunt Moore is definitely going to agree. She has always loved me since | was a child.” Aurora was quite confident in that aspect.She had a crush on Marshall for years and had been trying to get his mom to like her for quite a while. Both their families kneweach other well, so there was no better candidate for Marshall than her.

“Don't get too excited. We still don’t know if Marshall wants to be with you. Since he had that illness before, his family hasbecome more accommodating to him. No one can force him into marrying you if he doesn’t want to.”

Aurora did not care. Marshall was a dutiful son, and everyone in the wealthy circle knew that.’ | still have a chance as long as hisparents agree,’ she thought.

Dahlia could tell what Aurora was thinking just by looking at her expression since she was the one who gave birth to her.

“You should put more thought into caring for Marshall. Remember to let him be the one who initiates things so that you won't justbe a second choice when you get married,” she said lightly.

“You sound rather experienced, mom. Was that how you got my dad to marry you back then?”

Dahlia paused. She then pursed her lips and said, “Shut your mouth and remember to deliver the medicine.”

“Okay.” Aurora pouted in reply.novelbin

On Chandler’s side of the family, Cyrene started talking about what went down today after getting into the car.

She told Chandler all about Stella and Dahlia. She could not help but laugh out loud when she remembered the look on Dahlia’sface when Cordelia chose Stella as the organizer of her banquet.

“| think she never expected to lose to her daughter-in-law. | heard that she fell in love with a bracelet at the last jewelry exhibition,but the old lady asked Stella to buy it. It’s a pity | wasn’t there at that time. It would have been fun to see her face.”

Chandler frowned and glanced at her. “That's enough. Please act like an adult in front of your child.”

Cyrene snorted. “Stop at the intersection ahead. | want to get off,” she said to the driver.

“Aren't you coming home with us, mom?” Jackson asked.

Cyrene patted his head and said, “I’m meeting up with Mrs. Chapman for a facial, darling. I'll be back later in the evening.”

“Isn’t Mrs. Chapman close with Aunt Dahlia? Why do you have contact with her?” he asked.

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