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Chapter 205

Chapter 205‘Keegan had headaches because he always stayed up late!

‘| don’t like to stay up late. So, after we got married, my sleep routine affected Keegan. Over time, he rarely stayed up late. That'swhy he doesn’t have those sicknesses anymore.”

Cordelia believed in the Venerable Raphael Morghen a lot. And, Stella could not just break Cordelia’s belief. So, she suppressedwhat she wanted to say and said, “Grandma, | don’t think | have anything to do with that. It was mainly because Keegan is ingood health.”

“You deserve some credit for that too. Give it a try.”

Stella almost cracked. She could only give another excuse. “Grandma, | really can’t do it. The bracelet is so expensive, and I’mclumsy. It isn’t suitable for me.”

Cordelia looked like she suddenly understood something. “Stella, are you afraid that Keegan isn’t willing to buy it for you if youmanage to draw it? Don’t worry. I’ll buy it for you if you draw it. Even if you fail to draw it, I’ll buy you whatever you like from here.Just have a little fun.”

The corners of Stella's eyes almost twitched. ‘I’m not afraid of failing to draw it. I'm afraid that | will draw it!’novelbin

The rich wives and girls were jealous because of how Cordelia pampered Stella. Even Aurora was very envious of her.‘Grandma never even gave me such expensive jewelry in all my life. She’s just a social

climber’s daughter who married into our family. She doesn’t deserve to be treated better than me by grandma,’ Aurora thought.Then, she said, “Grandma, | like that bracelet quite a lot too. Since Stella doesn’t want to draw it, can | draw it?”

Cordelia waved her hand. “You're just a kid. You’re still studying. You shouldn't join the fun here. We'll talk about this after youget married.”

Aurora was dissatisfied and wanted to say something. However, Dahlia said, “Stella, just go and have a try. It'll be the Kanefamily’s blessing if you're really the destined one. I’m your mother-in-law; | should be the one who gifts that bracelet to you.”

Stella's heart sank a little.

At this point, she would look a little unappreciative if she rejected them again. Keegan then glanced at her. He pondered for amoment before he said, “Since mom said that, just go and give it a try, then.”

At that moment, she could no longer refuse it.

Stella’s steps were heavy as she went on stage. The moderator handed her the box, and he gently said, “Please draw yournumber.”

Stella looked at the people down the stage. Sophia lifted her lips as mockery filled her eyes. Albert avoided eye contact as hepretended to chat with the person beside him.

Dahlia’s expression was gentle, but her eyes were cold. There was no warmth in them at all.

Keegan was standing with Marshall as he indifferently stared at her. He absolutely had no idea how nervous Stella was.“Mrs. Kane, please draw your number.”

The moderator reminded her again.

Stella came back to herself. She gave a response as she put her hand into the box. Just when she almost took the card out, shesuddenly loosened her grip to cover her lips as she retched. Her face was exceptionally pale, her skin color suddenly faded, andshe looked like she was going to puke her guts out when she retched.

Everyone on the stage was stunned. The people below the stage burst into an uproar too. Cordelia worriedly said, “What'swrong? She was just fine a while ago. What happened?”

Just when Marshall wanted to move, Keegan had already gone up on stage to carry Stella in his arms before him.

Irene helped Cordelia hastily go up on the stage. When Cordelia saw Stella’s pale, pitiful face, she was so heartbroken that shefrowned. “Stella, what’s wrong? Are you sick?”

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