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Chapter 1633

Chapter 1633“What makes you say that?" The doctor asked.

Trevor briefly recounted the situation, and the doctor said, "| see. People can respond differently to the loss of a loved one. Yoursister might be displaying unexpected strength, but she could also need time to come to terms with it. The only thing you andyour family can do is just be there for her.”

Trevor nodded as he took the doctor's advice.

Stella seemed resolute in her belief that Keegan was still alive. She ate her meals on time and actively participated inrehabilitation. Before she knew it, a week had passed.

When friends came to visit, Stella would behave just as she normally would. This facade carried an underlying unease. Yet, noone dared to touch the subject. Only Stella would ask Trevor about the progress in the hospital's search efforts with unwaveringdetermination every single day.

Each time Felicity overheard, it sent shivers down her spine. Just two days prior, they had recovered Keegan's watch and one ofhis shoes from the river. It was becoming increasingly likely that he had met a tragic fate. The Kane family had scaled down theoriginal team of 40 to 50 searchers. Now, only six to seven people remained.

Despite Vermont, Marshall, and other close friends leading their own search efforts, the Kanes had made their stance clear; theyhad accepted that Keegan was dead.novelbin

Continuing the search served two purposes, which included retrieving Keegan's body for a proper burial and providing someform of comfort to his living relatives.

However, Stella seemed to reject the outcome of the search wholeheartedly. She clung to the belief that Keegan had beenrescued and was recuperating in some hospital nearby.

Felicity was distressed and worried about the situation. She feared that Stella might be suffering from a mental breakdown due toKeegan's absence.

Meanwhile, Stella seemed oblivious to it all. She would read her movie scripts in her free time and even scroll through the newsonline.

That was when she found out about Sophia's death.

Sophia had a falling out with an internet personality named HungryBaby, who was working at her ex-boyfriend Ethan's company.Online reports suggested HungryBaby was the other woman in Sophia’s relationship with Ethan.

Enraged, Sophia exposed her during a live stream for staging a viral video, creating a gender divide and staining the reputationof independent women in the eyes of the public.

The incident received airtime on television, and the platform permanently banned HungryBaby's account. Before that,HungryBaby gained online traction and received many sponsorship deals. However, she was unable to fulfill their requests dueto her social media account being taken down. Consequently, various brand partners contacted her and demandedcompensation for breach of contract.

HungryBaby was infuriated and confronted Sophia. Amidst their argument, she accidentally pushed Sophia off a building, whichled to her death.

This happened just a day before Stella and Keegan were abducted, and it had not made headlines yet at the time. Today,Ethan's company published a Facebook post addressing Ethan's ties with HungryBaby and officially terminating their contract.The news of HungryBaby accidentally taking someone's life only started trending after this.

Stella stared at the news for a prolonged moment before turning to Felicity, "Sophia's dead."Felicity was momentarily taken aback. After seeing the news herself, she remarked, "Good riddance; she was a deceitful person.

Even in her death, she was a menace." She then paused and sighed, "Life is so unpredictable. People can be here for onemoment and be gone the next."

Feeling that her reaction might not be entirely appropriate, Felicity looked up and met Stella's gaze.

Right at that moment, there was a knock on the ward door.1 What good timing,’ thought Felicity, relieved she did not have to bestared down for long. However, any thoughts of relief vanished the moment the door swung open.

Standing outside with a book in his arms was Marshall.Felicity's face dropped when she saw him, but she maintained her composure.Since Stella had awoken, her friends took turns visiting, and Marshall was no exception. In fact, he spent the most time with her.

In the past, Felicity would have teased Keegan about his best friend liking Stella and told him she would be better off withouthim. Now, she found Marshall extremely annoying.

However, Marshall did not do anything inappropriate during his visits. He would recommend Stella a lot of books and tell herstories from his court cases in hopes of making her feel better.

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