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Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620Stella wiped away her tears. She endured the heartache and ran in the direction Keegan had indicated.

Keegan turned to check on the approaching headlights and went in the opposite direction. He attempted to throw them off byclenching his fingers tightly and creating a trail of blood.

Stella was crying, as she ran. She tried not to think about Keegan's injuries, as she feared that she would not be able to resistturning back. All she could do was push forward and run even faster.

Time seemed to stretch on forever, but she eventually came across the bridge that Keegan had mentioned. Underneath thebridge was a turbulent river shrouded in mist, and the air was cold.

Stella was overjoyed, and tears streamed down her face. Just as she was about to rush across the bridge, she heard the growlof an engine approaching from behind.

Panic surged through her, and she quickly sought cover.Then, the car came to a stop not far from the bridge. Stella heard the door open, and footsteps followed.Someone walked to the bridge and paced back and forth. Each step that they took made Stella's heart race even more.novelbin

After a short while, the footsteps receded, and the person returned to the vehicle. The door of the car was opened again, and theabusive man stared at Keegan, who was tied up once again. "Where did she run off to?" he asked.

Keegan stayed silent, refusing to even look at him. His defiance irked his torturer.The man tugged Keegan's hair, forcing him to meet his gaze. "I'm asking you a question. Where did she run off to!?"

Half of Keegan's face was covered with blood, but a cold smirk remained on his lips. He proceeded to spit a mouthful of blood atthe man's face.

The man's face darkened, and he landed a vicious punch on Keegan's abdomen.Keegan let out a grunt. His face instantly became paler than before.

"There's no way she'd abandon you. She didn't leave you behind when she had the chance last time. Why would she do it now?"The attacker sneered.

Keegan furrowed his brow. ‘What does he mean by last time? |

Before he could ponder the matter further, the man grabbed him by his collar and yanked him out of the car. With woundscovering his body and hands tightly bound, Keegan was practically being dragged.

Stella remained hidden in the shadows. Her heart ached, as she listened to Keegan's intermittent and heavy breathing.

There was a soft rustling of leaves coming from above the bridge. Stella's view was obstructed, and she could not see anything.Yet, a subtle sense of unease settled in her chest, and she tightened her grip on her clothes.

In no time, the abusive man's voice echoed again. "I know you're nearby." He spoke while dragging Keegan with one hand andwielding a flashlight to scour the surroundings with the other.

"You've got some guts, woman. How dare you trick me twice?"

No one replied to the man. All that filled the air was the sound of flowing water beneath the bridge and the rustling leaves stirredby the breeze.

"I'll give you ten seconds. Come out, and I'll let bygones be bygones. If you don't..." The man suddenly grabbed the back ofKeegan's neck and pushed him toward the edge of the bridge. "I'll throw him into the river!"

Stella's heart sank.Keegan smirked and said, "Do you think she'd be foolish enough to walk back into danger after leaving me behind?"

Stella clenched her fist. Keegan did not know if she had escaped, but he did not want to take the chance of her being caught. Hewas not only saying those words to the kidnapper but to her as well, in case she was nearby.

“Why not?" the abusive man sneered. He abruptly tugged Keegan's hair and said, "Why would you lead me away from her afterhow she treated you? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

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