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Chapter 1578

Chapter 1578

“It was..." Sophia paused and smirked. "Find me a place to stay and help me get rid of Ethan. Then, I'll tell you the rest."Aldor frowned, "You're giving me too little information. How can | be sure that you're not lying to me?"

"What happened that day was too strange, so | took a picture of the note,” Sophia replied.novelbin

She took out her phone and showed Aldor the picture as she spoke.

The number "0713" was written on the note, and a room card was next to it. The date in the picture showed that it was taken onVermont's birthday, so Aldor knew that Sophia was not lying.

As Aldor was about to take a picture of that note, Sophia quickly put her phone away, "You do what | asked, and I'll send you thepicture."

Aldor frowned, "Weren't you worried it might be a trap? Why would you just go to the room without knowing anything?"“Your trick is not going to work on me," Sophia said coldly." If you want to know who gave it to me, do as | say."

Aldor glanced at her and said in a deep voice, "Okay then, I'll help you. However, you can't tell anyone we spoke today, includingthe person who handed you the note. You'll be responsible for the consequences if anyone else ever finds out about this." Hepaused before continuing, "I have other ways to find the truth, even if you won't tell me."

Sophia’s gaze darkened, and she nodded, "| promise."

After Aldor left the cheap rented room, he immediately called Keegan to explain the situation. "Mr. Kane, you were right.Someone indeed guided Sophia to your room.

However, she won't reveal who that person was unless | help her get rid of Ethan. So, I've agreed to help."Keegan's gaze turned deep as he asked, "Who do you think it could be?"Aldor dared not make any assumptions. After all, most of the guests at the venue that day were people they knew.

"| believe that the person who handed Sophia the room card was not one of the guests at the birthday party that night. It could'vebeen a staff member, someone she wouldn't have to meet again after that night. Otherwise, she would've definitely held thatperson accountable after she messed up that night, which also explains why she kept the note."

What Aldor said aligned with Keegan's suspicions. Keegan even had an idea who that person might be, but he found it hard tobelieve.

Keegan closed his eyes and said, after a long silence," Proceed with your plan and try to get as much information as you canfrom Sophia. Then, investigate the list of hotel staff who resigned in the past six months. Also, | want you to find out every personwho performed that night and ask them questions. Keep it low, and do not raise any alarms."


After hanging up, Keegan paced back and forth. Then, he picked up his phone and made a call. "Hello, Doctor

Walford. It's me, Keegan. Are you free this afternoon? I'd like to ask you some questions. Great, I'll see you later at 3 p.m."Aldor was very efficient. He rented another house for Sophia the next day and even paid a year's rent upfront.

Sophia was very satisfied with her new place and quickly moved in.

As promised, she sent a picture of the note to Aldor.

However, she still did not disclose who had given her the room card. She said that she would only do that after Aldor helped hercompletely eliminate Ethan.

Aldor soon contacted Ethan through his connections, attempting to negotiate with him to let Sophia go.However, Ethan offered a ridiculous twenty-million-dollar compensation because Sophia had breached the contract.

Of course, Aldor was not going to let his boss pay. Although investigating the matter through Sophia was the fastest way, it wasnot the only option.

He then made a few calls to put pressure on Ethan, which he quickly succumbed to.

Ethan did not believe a word of the promises Aldor made. However, he realized that his social media accounts and companywould continue facing severe restrictions if he did not give in. His source of income would be destroyed.

So, he reluctantly agreed to terminate Sophia's contract but insisted that she repay the five million within three years or he wouldtake legal action against her.

Sophia was desperate to break free from him, so they quickly agreed. However, Ethan played a dirty trick and exposed Sophiaas the illegitimate daughter of the Jewell family, who had also falsely accused Stella of abusing her. He also revealed that Sophiawas the daughter of the cofounder of Sunlight Kindergarten.

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