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Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576

Sophia worked as a copywriter at Ethan's new media company. Knowing that she was incredibly skilled at crafting articles thatgrabbed people's attention, Ethan took advantage of this to introduce new internet celebrities.

Avideo of a drunk guy hitting on a girl and getting rejected went viral not long ago, propelling a figure known as HungryBaby intoonline stardom.

This influencer was a recent success story from Ethan's company. She did not have any notable talents or wit. She claimed to bea mukbang expert, but the videos of her eating are often off-putting. That was when Ethan brought Sophia in to help strategizeher videos.

Truth to be told, Sophia had a keen understanding of trends online. She knew exactly what topics to focus on to draw in thecrowd. Since HungryBaby lacked skills to talk about, Sophia decided to hone in on the most contentious issues of the day. Theseinclude wealth disparity and gender conflict.

The video that went viral was a classic case of gender conflict. It painted the intoxicated man as incredibly creepy. Even aftermultiple rejections from the woman, he continued to pester her. Considering how many women have faced similar situations inreal life, the video instantly sparked a whirlwind of discussions.

As the views skyrocketed, the account followed up with a series of videos touching on gender differences to capitalize on theinternet wave. The account quickly gained millions of followers after a month.

Sophia initially thought that managing this account might change Ethan's perspective of her. She even hoped the earnings fromthese videos could help recoup her past dues.novelbin

But Ethan was one cold-hearted individual. He did not give her proper compensation for her work and even publicly humiliatedher. He was in a heated affair with the rising star HungryBaby while he maintained his relationship with Sophia.

When HungryBaby taunted her about it, Ethan refused to help and even joined in on the scandal.

Sophia could not escape Ethan's grasp as she owed him money. Whenever she attempted to resist or flee, he would respondwith immediate physical violence and threats to reveal her location to her debt collectors.

It was not until she fell from grace that she finally saw Ethan's true colors. His so-called affection was merely predicated on herbeing the sole Jewell family heiress. He thought Sophia would inherit the Jewell family’s assets, and he could naturally take overeverything when they got married.

Now, with her parents in trouble and their assets frozen, Sophia did not inherit a dime. Not only that, but she was also deep indebt. She was no longer of value to Ethan, and he treated her like trash. At the same time, Sophia had no choice but to endurebeing exploited to avoid her debt collectors.

Aldor could hardly recognize her when he found her in a low- rent housing. He had not interacted with Sophia much. The mosthe saw of her was when she acted as the company's ambassador.

While Sophia might not be considered conventionally attractive, she can present herself exceptionally well. In Aider'srecollection, her outfit was thoughtfully put together each time he saw her, with accessories and lipstick perfectly complementingher attire.

Yet, the woman standing before him now had her hair tied up messily. She hardly had any makeup on and was wearing a cheapcoat. She was almost unrecognizable from a few months prior.

Sophia stood in the hallway, slightly hunched over, speaking softly to the man beside her, "Please, this is all the money | haveleft. I've given you nearly everything. You have to let me keep some to live."

The man snatched her wallet away, "Go earn some money if you're short on cash. Albert used our shares as collateral and spentall that money on you. It's only right that you pay it back since you've been enjoying the profits now that he's in a jam."

He glanced at Sophia and remarked, "Women have an easier time making money than men, especially someone with yourlooks. You can spread your legs, and a few hundred bucks will come easily. You only have to sleep with eight to ten men a day. Itwon't be long before you can pay me back."

With a lewd grin, he added, "Or you could spend the night with me for 500 bucks. | promise not to tell those people you're livinghere. What do you say?"

Sophia trembled all over, "You scumbag! Is this how your mother raised you?!" She yelled, unable to contain her outrage.

The man's face contorted with anger, and he raised his hand to strike her. "You wench. Don't act like you're all high and mighty,"he said as he hit her.

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