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Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556

Felicity wanted to retort, but she could not find a good reason to do so. ‘I guess being rejected after a confession and pursuingsomeone else doesn't really harm anyone,’ she thought.

However, she still felt that something was a bit off. 'How could he shift his affection for someone to another person so quickly?’Felicity bit her lip and expressed her concern. "Did you really... like your ex-girlfriends?"”

Vermont sighed. "Do you really want to discuss this when we're spending time together?"

Felicity did not say anything, but her expression showed her discontent.

Vermont wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head. "| don't want to hide anything from you. | definitely hadfeelings for my exes. | wouldn't have dated them otherwise."

"| grew up in the town with my grandpa. Even after | made money, | didn’t have any grand aspirations. | thought treating yourpartner well was about sharing what | found enjoyable, but they didn't see it that way. | worked so hard to find affordablerestaurants to take them to, but | would be

criticized for being cheap. They also questioned the hygiene of the places | chose.

“Most of them didn't even care about the taste of the food. They were more focused on whether the restaurant had a certain levelof class. | didn't have the right to judge their preferences. At the time, | felt that our pursuits in life were contradictory. We focuseda lot on the gains and losses in the relationship. So, we weren't fully invested in it. That is why | don't feel much attachment to myexes once things ended."

Vermont paused and gently caressed Felicity's cheek. "But, after meeting you, everything changed. It's completely different withyou. | never have to worry about whether you like going out to eat with me or whether our tastes match. Even if we get married, |want to be with you every single day. I've started to understand that | was too picky in my previous relationships. | didn't feel likebeing with someone forever, so | wasn't willing to change for anyone.”

Felicity's heart felt warm. She realized that she was no match for Vermont. He was able to sway her with just a few casualsentences. He had her wrapped around his fingers.

Felicity did not dare to look into Vermont's eyes. She lowered her gaze and murmured softly, "If you cared about me so much,then why didn't you continue to pursue me after | rejected you?"

"Oh, | did. You're just a bit naive. | used all sorts of tactics to court you, but you thought | was indifferent," Vermont said." | wasalso afraid that you'd dislike me. When we used to watch shows together, you said you hated clingy men. So, | didn’t want tocontinue pestering you to avoid you disliking me."

Felicity was overwhelmed with guilt. She whispered, "| rejected you because of your erectile dysfunction. But, when you startedto ignore and avoid me, | felt terrible. At that time, | decided that your disability did not matter. | didn't want to see you withanother woman."novelbin

Vermont kept quiet. 'This seems like a perfect time to reveal my secret. Should | take the chance?"

"Actually..." Just as he was about to confess, Felicity's phone rang.

She glanced at it and pushed Vermont away slightly. "It's my supervisor. | have to take this." With that, she picked up her phoneand walked to the balcony to answer the call.

Vermont was organizing his thoughts. He was wondering how he should explain himself so that his actions would not seem soharsh.

But, before he could find the right words, Felicity hurried back into the room.

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