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Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553

Keegan had been waiting in the car for Stella. As soon as she got in, she fumed, "How dare he strut around in front of me! | maynot have caught him red-handed, but I'm not a fool!"

Keegan opened a water bottle and handed it to her. "Here. Take a sip and tell me what happened."

Stella took a few sips and cleared her throat before she said, "I know all this happened because of Chris! But, | don't have anyconcrete evidence that could link him to this incident. Otherwise, | would've fired him on the spot!"

Stella had noticed the financial assistant as soon as she joined the company. She was quite attractive and about the same ageas Stella.

Stella had been busy with the new product launch recently and spent a lot of time in the store. She would run into the staffcasually gossiping whenever she went to the break room or restroom.

From those conversations, Stella learned that the financial assistant had been specially recruited and had a close relationshipwith Chris. Some of them had even seen them leaving a hotel together. However, no one dared to speak up since he was inahigher position than them.

When Stella saw the financial assistant being accused of the crime, she knew that Chris must have had something to do with it.However, the assistant was unwaveringly loyal to Chris and willingly shouldered all the blame.

Stella was naturally upset that she was unable to catch the person who was actually behind the incident.

After listening to the story, Keegan chuckled. "He's a store manager. He only makes money if the store makes money. The factthat he would do this is either because he has a grudge against you or some ulterior motives."

“Well, | think he should fuck off." Stella took off her high heels and put on the flats Keegan had prepared for her. "The Velvet'srevenue is fairly high. | doubt Darcie would let go of the company so easily. The worse | do, the more reason she has to take itback. But, | won't give her the satisfaction."

When Stella returned to the Saun family, she did not expect to get anything from them. However, Darcie was cautious aroundher. She was not even willing to leave a room in the house for Trevor. She appeared kind on the outside, but she had never trulyaccepted Stella.

Since that was the case, Stella knew that Darcie would not hesitate to take what was rightfully hers.

Seeing her so clear-headed, Keegan chimed in and said," You shouldn't let those who oppose your management cause troubleright under your nose. Find a reason to let them go."novelbin

Stella sighed, "You don't understand, Keegan. Chris and Darcie have some sort of relationship. Otherwise, she wouldn't haveentrusted the store to Chris so easily when

she went abroad. If | fired him for no apparent reason, Darcie would go to my dad and complain. Even if he doesn't openlycriticize me, he'll definitely compensate her. Firing him would do more harm than good. | can't do anything unless he doessomething majorly wrong."

Keegan was about to speak, but Aldor, who was driving, interjected their conversation. "That's not the way to go, Madam. Isn'tthis your specialty? Remember that time when you and Mr. Kane went to a banquet and, on the way back, you accidentallyknocked over your precious plant? You didn't want to spend money to buy a new one, so you pinned the blame on Mr. Kane. Hewas drunk at the time and naturally couldn't remember what he had done the night before. In the end, not only did hecompensate you for the Clivia, but he also gifted you a handbag. Have you forgotten?

"You just need to find a fault for him to commit. When the time comes, just frame him, and you're good," he added.

Keegan turned to her abruptly and said, "You were the one who broke that flower pot?!"Stella was stunned. 'What a blabbermouth!' she thought.

Keegan clenched his teeth and asked, "Was it really you?"

Stella gave a wry smile. "Uhh... It was so long ago. | don't think | remember..."

Keegan's face darkened. "That morning, you were sitting on the edge of the bed crying. You said that it was a birthday gift fromyour mother on your twelfth birthday!"

Stella choked up a bit and said that she had placed the flower by the door, hoping that it was the first thing he saw when hecame in. She thought it would improve his mood since he'd been so busy with work lately. "| wouldn't have put it there if | knewyou would come home drunk."

That was when Keegan knew that Stella was the one who knocked over the flower pot and not him.

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