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Chapter 1408

Chapter 1408The Jewell family’s affair had finally come to an end, and what followed was the sentencing.

Rainee's birthday happened to be around that time, too. Stella planned to go to the cemetery alone to celebrate Rainee'sbirthday quietly.

However, Keegan was already waiting outside when she was about to leave after getting ready. He dressed formally in a blacksuit without a tie, with a white flower tucked into its welt pocket.

His suit coincidentally matched Stella's black outfit and white hat.

He stretched his arm out and said softly, "Let me go with you.”

“Aren't you afraid she might hate you for not kneeling during the funeral?" Stella asked.novelbin

Keegan nodded. "| am. That's why | want to make amends quickly and reassure her that I'll take good care of you."Stella smiled.

Then, she held Keegan's hand and spoke gently. "My mom may be sharp-tongued, but she actually had a very soft heart. Justbring some of her favorite food and speak nicely to her. She'll forgive you."

Keegan wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her on

the forehead. "Let's go buy them then."


The two of them bought a lot of things. When they arrived at the cemetery with the flowers, Trevor was already there.Stella called out to him, "Trevor, why are you here?"

Trevor turned around and replied with a smile, "| came to tell Ms. Spade that I'm taking you back to the Saun family. | feared shemight miss you, so | figured | should let her know in advance."

He shifted his gaze to Keegan after saying that. He pursed his lips and added, "Are you here to take a bow again?"Keegan kept quiet.

Stella grabbed Keegan's arm and said, "He brought a lot of food here, and all of them are my moth... foster mother's favorite.

Trevor glanced at them and said nonchalantly. "He never did anything for her when she was alive. She must be very happy totaste the food he brought now that she has passed away.”

Stella kept quiet.She went forward and softly said as she grabbed Trevor's sleeve. "Trevor, come with me. | have something to tell you.""I'm still paying my respect to Ms. Spade. We can talk later," Trevor replied.

"I'll have to postpone the banquet to announce my return to the Saun family if you don't come with me now."

Stella's words left Trevor speechless.How dare she threaten me with that!’

He glared at Keegan and reluctantly let Stella pull him away. When they were about a hundred feet away from Keegan, Stellastopped and let go of Trevor's hand.

"Trevor, please understand that Keegan and | are together now."Stella got straight to the point.Trevor's eyelid twitched, pretended to be clueless, and said," | already saw you two coming here together."

Stella did not give him a chance to play dumb. "What | meant was we're in a relationship now. It's official, and we might getmarried.”

The edge of Trevor's mouth twitched, and he blurted out," Did that scum trick you with his money and sweet words? Did hebrainwash you? Or were you charmed by his face? Stella, if you like him for his looks, | can find someone else who looks just likehim. Our family has a lot of money, and | can definitely afford to find a man younger, smarter, more vibrant, or even more caringthan him!"

Stella's face darkened. "Trevor, I'm looking for a partner, not an escort."

Trevor glowered at her and said, "You fell for his cunning face, didn't you? Besides his looks, what else does he have to offer?"

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