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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Stella clenched her fists and suddenly lost the courage to push the door open. She turned around andwent to the washroom. ‘Whoever he marries is the same. I wasn’t chosen because I was special, butbecause anyone is fine for him since they’re not her,’ she thought. Stella stood outside for over tenminutes and only returned after she had composed herself. She opened the door and saw that all thedishes had arrived. Keegan lifted his head and glanced at her. However, he did not speak. Dahliabeckoned her to sit down. “What took you so long?” Stella answered quietly, “Sorry, my stomach wasn’tfeeling so good.” Dahlia paused. When she saw Stella’s genuinely pale face and the slightly faded lipcolor on her lips, she asked, “Why wouldn’t your stomach feel good? Have you gotten it checked at thehospital?” “No. It’s nothing. It’s probably something inveterate.” Dahlia responded, “You should still getit checked at the hospital after this. What if you’re pregnant and you confuse it with something else,then something happens?” ‘Earlier on, I was surprised at how Dahlia was worried about my health.Turns out, she was just worried that I wasn’t aware of my pregnancy and wouldn’t be able to keep theKane family’s child,’ Stella thought. Stella smiled slightly. “Alright.” Dahlia stopped talking to her. Thefamily of three would occasionally speak to each other, making Stella feel as if she was an outsiderwho had invaded their family luncheon. Suddenly, there was a piece of pork ribs on her plate. Stellaturned to Keegan. However, he did not look at her and merely indifferently said, “Take whatever youwant yourself.” ‘No, I’m not an outsider. I’m just a temporary actor at this family luncheon. Keegan and Iare just exchanging favors,’ thought Stella. At this thought, she promptly felt rebellious. ‘You want me toput on a show? Fine, I’ll put on a show!’ she thought again. Then, Stella picked up a piece of spicychicken and took it to Keegan’s lips. “Babe, try this.” Keegan froze and gave her a weird look. However,Stella smiled with her eyes and had an affectionate expression. ‘Keegan doesn’t like to eat spicy food. Ipicked something spicy on purpose. Let’s see how he’ll continue to put on a show! If he rejects me,he’ll ruin the show. Then, he won’t be able to put the blame on me,’ Stella thought smugly. While shewas deep in thought, Keegan suddenly leaned over. He opened his mouth and bit the chickenslice. Keegan’s lips suggestively slid across the tip of her fork before finally taking in the chicken slice.novelbin

Then, he said to Stella’s dumbfounded expression, “Not bad.” Stella was speechless. ‘You dog! Die ofspiciness!’ she thought. Dahlia glanced at the two. Then, she lowered her gaze thoughtfully. A fewglasses of wine later, Keegan’s phone rang. Dahlia waited until Keegan went out to answer his phonebefore setting down her cutlery. She asked Stella, “Stella, how long has your stomach been feelingunwell? Did you puke?” ‘Don’t tell me she thinks I’m pregnant,’ thought Stella. She could only explain,“I’m not pregnant. I just had my period last week.” However, Dahlia did not seem to buy it. Shecontinued, “Did you take the medicine I gave you previously on time?” Hearing about the medicinesmade Stella’s stomach churn abruptly. Dahlia had been very persistent about Stella’s pregnancy. Forsome reason, she thought Stella must be the reason the two could not bear a child. Over the years,she had been seeking doctors and medicines and making Stella take a “fertility drink”. ‘Keegan’ssexually frigid, and I can count the number of times I see him in a year with a single hand. I’m not astick insect; I can’t produce asexually. If Keegan’s not willing to cooperate, how will I conceive?’ thoughtStella. “I did.” Stella knew Dahlia did not believe her, so she added, “Maya watched me drink it.” Aurorasnorted sardonically, “What did I tell you, mom? She’s infertile. What’s the point of giving her so muchof the best medicines?” Dahlia glanced at her and said in a neutral tone, “Don’t interrupt.” Aurorapouted and rolled her eyes. Dahlia asked again, “Did you and Keegan use contraceptives?” Stella wasspeechless. ‘Couldn’t she have asked it in a more reserved manner rather than being so blunt?’ shewondered. She took a deep breath and answered honestly, “No.” ‘We really didn’t. Keegan has a clearpicture of my menstrual cycle; he always avoids my ovulating days. That’s why it’s impossible for me toget pregnant even when we don’t use protection,’ thought Stella. Dahlia sighed, “I was tooimpatient.” Just as Stella was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Dahlia ask Aurora to pick upand open the box on the floor. Inside the box was a neat row of bottles filled with black-brownliquid. Dahlia unscrewed a bottle and pushed it in front of her. Suddenly, a bizarre smell of herbs waftedtoward her. Her fear of the “fertility drink” came rushing back. Stella promptly felt queasy in herstomach. She wanted to throw up. “One of my friends introduced me to an expert in Hong Kong. Herdaughter’s like you. she had a hard time conceiving. After she consulted the doctor for half a year, shemanaged to conceive twins. This time around, Aurora coincidentally went to Hong Kong, so I got her to

see the expert for me. She told him about your situation, and he readjusted the ingredients. This is anew concoction that has better effects than the one before. I got someone to prepare it for you. Youneed to take it on time every day. Once you’re done with these, I’ll send new ones.” Stella wasspeechless. “Dahlia, I don’t think this medicine works. I’ve been taking it for over a year now. The lasttime I went for a checkup, the doctor said that my body’s pretty great.” ‘I really want to tell her to let herson have the medicine instead. He’s the problem,’ she thought. Aurora said sardonically, “Why can’tyou conceive if your body’s fine? With that body of my brother, someone else would’ve had two babieswithin three years. I really don’t know why my brother married you. You’re a freeloader who can’t evenbear a single child!” Stella’s expression darkened when she heard that. Then, she glanced at Auroraicily. Aurora had a mocking expression as if she was certain Stella would not retaliate. To her surprise,Stella suddenly said, “Not conceiving is still better than conceiving and aborting it.” Aurora paled, “Whatare you saying?” “Nothing.” Stella shrugged, “I went to the hospital for a checkup previously, and I sawsome young girls getting abortions. I just had a thought, that’s all.” Aurora glared at Stella. There wasshock, terror, and a hint of doubt in her eyes.

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