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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 879

Chapter 879novelbin

Everyone was curious. Aside from the giant mango on the first day of shoot, Stella

had always kept a low profile on the set.

Her food and accommodation were the same as everyone else. She had never been

picky with the lunch boxes they gave her on set and ate whatever was given. After all,

actors who were the slightest bit popular or came from well-off families were all very


Filming was one thing, but they would never let themselves suffer apart from filming.

For instance, Bella and Yolanda had never eaten the lunch boxes on set. After they

finished filming, people would escort them out with umbrellas and walk them to the


The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and there were even specially- made

meals. What was even crazier was that some people even brought their masseuses

over to massage them in the car.

This was why everyone could not help but feel curious about Stella’s family.

Stella smiled and told a half lie, “He’s sort of… My ex, I guess.”

Everyone was stunned. Their attention immediately shifted from Stella’s family to the

’ex” she spoke of.

‘Why would she break up with an ex who can afford to give her such a bag?! ‘they


“May I know the reason behind the breakup?” someone cautiously asked.

Stella laughed, “It’s really cliche. Some woman fell in love with him and couldn’t get us

to break up, so she lied about him having an affair. I believed it and broke up with


Then, she glanced indifferently at Bella. Bella felt the hairs at the back of her neck

stand and subconsciously tightened her fists.

“God! How can there be someone so disgusting?”

“Isn’t this person knowingly being a homewrecker?”

“I want to know what this homewrecker looks like. How could she have the guts to

steal Stella’s man?”

“What’s her name? What does she do? I’ve got a friend who specializes in digging up

dirt. Send me her details. I’ll get my friend to expose her and publicly embarrass her!”

Bella turned paler and paler. She pursed her lips tightly and did not even dare to

breathe too loudly.

After Stella was done admiring Bella’s reaction, she said slowly, “She’s also in the

entertainment industry and is pretty popular. However, I don’t plan on exposing her for

the time being. I want her to live in fear every day. I want her to be unable to eat or

sleep well because she’s constantly worrying about when I’ll expose all of this

information, which will ruin her career and the public persona she worked hard to

create. How could I easily spare someone like her?”

The moment Stella uttered her last word, Bella was so frightened that she froze and

knocked off the bag on the table.

Stella walked up to her. Then, she bent down to pick up the bag and gently patted

away the dust on it. She handed the bag to Bella and said through her red lips, “Hold

this properly, Bella. Such an expensive thing will be worthless if it’s ruined. Keep it

properly; you can trade it for money to enjoy the rest of your life if you quit the

entertainment industry someday, no?”

Bella turned ghostly pale. Stella’s smile was clearly gentle, but Bella felt a chill run

down her spine and was terrified.

Bella suppressed the terror she felt within. She took the bag with trembling hands and

did not say another word.

Timothy transferred the money into Stella’s bank account and asked his staff to carry

the goods downstairs. Before he left, he thought for a while and said, “Ms. Jewell, if

you plan on selling this bag, please do prioritize me. I’ll surely offer you an irresistible


Stella lowered her gaze and stroked the bag. Then, she smiled.

“There probably won’t be such a day.”

This bag was a gift Keegan had gotten her when he went on a business trip in the first

year of their marriage.

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