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Chapter 809

Chapter 809

"His sister initially wanted to splash his ex-wife, as in Stella, and Leighton shielded her. So he'sprobably avenging his ex-wife."

Trevor darkened his gaze. After a while, he finally said, "Keep him in check, and don't let him makeFacebook posts rashly. Let him join the set only when his injuries are fully recovered. I'll speak to thecrew."


After Trevor left Leighton's manager, he called the company's PR manager.

"Sorry for calling you this late at night, Sampson. You must've seen the trending topics already. Think ofa way to remove Stella from the incident. You come up with a plan, and I'll get Leighton to cooperate."

The person on the other end said, "Mr. Saun, I can come up with a plan. However, I think you're a littletoo overprotective of Ms. Jewell. For trending topics like these, no one will remember them after a fewdays tops. For an actor, this is nothing. It's better to divert things rather than remove them entirely.Besides, Ms. Jewell doesn't have a work she is well-known for yet. If the company is too protective ofher, it'll create news that's disadvantageous to her instead."novelbin

Trevor frowned, ''So I'll stand by idly and watch?!

Sampson laughed, "Mr. Saun, Ms. Jewell is different from Bella Young; she genuinely wants to act well.She cares about a bigger stage and spotlight, not shallow fights among the fandoms. I understand thatyou don't want her to go down the wrong path, but things are bound to go rocky if one wants to achievesomething. She's new in the industry, and the actors she meets compete for popularity. In the future,when she stands on a stage with superstars, her competitors will be even stronger, and the audience

will be even harsher; she'll need to have a certain degree of resistance to stress. Moreover, I think pettytrending topics as such aren't exactly a bad thing. Compared to giving her a public persona, gettingslandered and turning things around with the truth actually attracts more fans."

Trevor was silent for a while and had calmed down. Then, he said, " We could remove the topics,right?"

Sampson laughed, "I'll make the arrangements."

Stella only saw the post where Leighton tagged her before she went to bed. She laughed and replied toLeighton with a finger heart emoji. Then, she switched off her phone and went to sleep.

‘People can say whatever they want online. I'll keep myself in a good state and wait till I start work,' shethought.

Meanwhile, Bella did not have a good mindset like Stella. After she saw Leighton's Facebook post thatalluded to her, she was practically fuming.

'That Tiger, Leighton. Was he talking about me when he said someone with bad acting skills? And thatidiot, Yolanda, thought she was so clever with her tricks. In the end, she still directed the flames ontome!' thought Bella.

She stared at the Facebook posts and repeatedly edited the comment dialogue box. In the end, shedeleted them one by one.

‘Leighton didn't explicitly mention any names. So if I respond; now, I'm fitting the shoe onto myself andslapping myself on the face! I can't respond yet. I initially wanted to smear Stella's reputation, but in theend, she gained quite some exposure because of Leighton,' she thought.

Bella took a deep breath.

‘This is good too. If she's too unpopular, nobody will see it when her reputation falls to ruin,' she thoughtagain.

It only took a day for the photo of the standing positions to disappear from the trending topicscompletely. Of course, phrases like #Bella Young Bad Acting Skills# also trended during this period.Regardless, they disappeared very quickly.

A day later, the shooting for Motives for Murder officially started. Stuart purposefully hired a shaman totell the most auspicious time, and the opening ceremony officially started at eleven twenty in themorning.

Before Keegan went to pick up Stella, he went to the detention facility.

Aurora was under administrative detention for seven days for aggravated assault. After the attorneypaid the fine, they brought

Aurora out of the detention facility.

She looked incredibly haggard and disheveled, not her former elegant -looking self. She had alsobecome much more taciturn.

Since she left the facility and got into the car, she practically did not speak at all throughout the journey.

Meanwhile, Keegan was in a car nearby. When he saw this, he felt a little bad. So Aldor said in a lowvoice, "Mr. Kane, why don't we go over and look?"

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