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Chapter 760

Chapter 760

Aurora felt a chill go down her spine.She raised her hand and was about to slap the lady, but before herarm could be raised, she was held down by two other people.

The camisole top lady raised her hand and gave Aurora two more slaps.

Aurora's meticulously crafted hairstyle was instantly ruined.She screamed loudly, and this quicklyattracted the officers on duty.

However, they did not open the door.

Instead, they stood at the tiny window and gave a look inside.

"What are you doing?"

Someone muffled Aurora's mouth firmly, and another person answered, "Nothing.We're just foolingaround."

The officer banged on the door and ordered, "Be quiet," before leaving.

The few detainees worked together to pull the jewelry off Aurora's body.The items could not be takenaway, but humiliating her was pretty satisfying.

"I'm teaching you your first lesson today.This is what people call manners!"

The camisole top lady tore Aurora's dress and ruffled her hair.

"I did sell my body, but my daughter's much more thoughtful than you.When people ask her something,she knows what manners are and wouldn't simply bark like a bitch! You can't even be compared to adaughter of a prostitute.Who are you then that you would be detained here?"

While saying this, she pinched Aurora's tender thighs hard.

Aurora was in so much pain that her face was white, and her eyes widened in horror.

Yet, her mouth was covered, and she could not make a sound, no matter how hard she struggled.

"So what if you're born of noble breed? Aren't you still locked up in this cage with us ordinary folk?Where's all your nobility?"

The camisole top lady talked while she pinched at all of Aurora's tender spots.

Aurora was in pain and afraid, yet unable to make a sound.

When Aurora's skin was black and blue, the camisole top lady gestured for the people on the side to letgo.She used her backhand to pat Aurora's face.

"When someone talks to you properly, you answer properly.No one would put up with your temper."

After saying this, she spits at her and gets up to sleep.

Aurora lies on the cold floor in a mess.

Her eyes were red, and her fingers tightly gripped.

Before daybreak, the camisole top lady was bailed out by someone and got out.She dialed a numberwhen she got ina cab.

"I've done as you requested.About the remaining payment..."

No one answered on the other side.

After a short while, a payment of ten thousand dollars was transferred anonymously to the lady'saccount.Her lips twitched into a smile.

"Boss, if you need anything else done in the future, you can look for me."

The other side hung up the phone.

The incident of Leighton getting injured became a hot topic the next day.

Leighton's company claimed that he was accidentally scalded by boiling water.He was fine.

No one knew if this reply had any intervention from the Kane family.

As for Aurora, Stella saw no information on any news platform.

Thinking about it, the Kane family would not want this matter to get on the news.

Stella contacted Stuart to ask for Leighton's address.She wanted to order some fresh flowers and othersupplements to extend her greetings.

Stuart heard this and said, "Leighton's fans and the media will keep a close eye.Don't visit first, and letthe production crew discuss this.When he's slightly better, we'll organize for everyone to visit him oncetogether.Don't act alone, to avoid causing other complications."

Stella thought about it and agreed.

Stuart probably wanted to use this visitation to clear any rumors that Bella and Leighton haddisagreements, since having the lead actors in conflict would give the media something to talk aboutduring their future promotions.novelbin

As she thought about this, Stella asked, ''How are Leighton's injuries?"

Stuart answered, "It should be better now.I haven't gotten the chance to ask Leighton.I'll forward hisWhatsApp contact to you later, and you can ask yourself."

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