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Chapter 712

Chapter 712

Trevor scrunched his face.

"I shouldn't have signed her.I hate fans like that!"

Jaylene's face turned pale as she clenched her fists tight.

Then, she looked down and said softly, "I'm sorry, brother."

Trevor paused before furrowing his brows.

"That's not what I meant.Forget it.Let's just wait for what the police have to say."

Then, he looked at Shannon and asked, "Who gave the coffee to Bella?"

Shannon replied, "An actress from Stardom Entertainment called Yolanda Fenley.However, she didn'tbuy the coffee.A friend of the director brought it to the set when he was visiting."

Trevor squinted before he said after a few seconds, "Announce the reason why Bella was admitted.Lether dogs bite someone else instead."

Shannon lifted her brows.

'How tricky.Now the center of attention will be shifted."

So, Yolanda's manager called her in the middle of the night and lashed out at her.

"Were you the one who gave Bella the coffee?"

Yolanda was half-awake.

"What coffee?"

"Bella is having an anaphylactic shock, right now.The doctor said that she's allergic to coconut water,and it came from the coffee she drank that day! The surveillance footage of the set showed that youhanded her that cup of coffee.Her fans are going crazy now.They won't stop calling our company, andthey even made a police report claiming that you were trying to kill Bella!"

Yolanda immediately woke up.

"What? How would I know what she's allergic to? Besides, it wasn't me who bought the coffee.All I didwas pass it to her."

Yolanda's manager knew her very well.

The manager figured that Yolanda would only pick on lesser- known artists.She would never doanything to offend a famous actress like Bella, let alone harm her.

However, the manager was still very baffled by her foolish actions.

"Even though you didn't buy it, how could you just hand it to her without finding out if it's safe? Are younew? I have no idea what to say about you."

Yolanda's expression looked ugly.

"Mr.Winfield's friend brought the coffee.Who would've thought that there'd be something wrong with it?I'll log on to my Facebook now to clarify that Mr.Winfield's friend bought it, and all I did was hand it toher."

"Are you trying to upset everyone?"

The manager was very frustrated.

"Give me your Facebook password.I'll take care of it for you.Don't log in to your Facebook for now."Yolanda said unhappily, "Am I going to just let them throw mud at me?"

"Bella hasn't woken up yet.I can't imagine what her fans would do to you if you said anything to offendthem."

Yolanda got angry.

"Are they stupid? Are they just going to ignore the fact that Stella did nothing to help her?"

Her manager felt like smacking her empty head.

"Which do you think is worse? Attempting to murder her or just ignoring her? Can't you use yourbrain?!"

Then, the manager added, "I'm hanging up now.Remember not to use your Facebook anymore."

Even though Yolanda was reluctant, she had no other choice but to listen to her manager.

Felicity argued with Bella's fans for two hours.She got so mad that she almost deleted her Facebook.

"I'm going crazy debating with these idiots!"

Stella just came out of the shower.She drank some water and said, "Sleep early and stop botheringthem."

Felicity slumped on the sofa.

"You can go to sleep first.I'll go back to the battlefield after resting for a while."

Stella could not do anything to convince her anymore.

"Don't stay up too long."


Stella went back to her room.

Then, she lay on her bed after applying her skincare.She was not really bothered by what the netizenssaid, but she could not help but think about those awful words they used after lying down.She washaving a very hard time falling asleep.

Then, her phone rang.novelbin

She grabbed it and saw Keegan transferring her five hundred and twenty dollars to her with a remark.

[Have a good rest.Don't think too much.]

Stella paused as she stared at the transaction amount for some time.She only realized that she calledhim after recollecting herself.Her hair stood on end when she looked at the name, The Worst Person,on her phone.She wanted to disconnect the call, but it was picked up.


Keegan's deep and magnetic voice could be heard from the phone, and Stella kept quiet.

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