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Chapter 659

Chapter 659

Felicity asked, "So? Is she pregnant?"

Vermont was still in shock after he saw the pregnancy checklist and has not snapped out of it.

'It was just that one time.Did she already get pregnant?’ Felicity's words slowly brought him back to hissenses.

He said softly, "Yes, she's pregnant."

"Sheesh, I knew it! I saw her taking a brochure about painless abortion just now.Who would look atthose things when they are pregnant? The baby in Hylda's belly is definitely not Albert's child! "

Vermont paid no attention to whose baby Hylda was carrying.He was more concerned about the babyin Felicity's belly, wondering if it was his.He thought about it for a while.

When they got in the car, he hesitantly said, "What do you plan to do with the baby? "Let me be clear.Ihave no plans of getting married and am not eager to have a child.But if you want to have the baby, Iwon't force you to have an abortion.You will have to take care of the baby on your own.I will providechild support if the baby is born.If you don't want to take care of it, I will raise the child myself," Vermontsaid.

Felicity was perplexed, but her expression slowly turned dark as she listened to Vermont.

'Did this shit think I was carrying his baby and discussed the baby's future with me in all seriousness?"

Felicity did not reply for a long while, so Vermont asked again, "What are your plans now?"

Felicity gritted her teeth and said, "I plan to crush it and flush it down the toilet.Who would have gottenpregnant with your baby? I stole someone else's urine!"Vermont paused momentarily before asking,"So, you're not pregnant?"

"No! You're pregnant! My period just ended yesterday!" Felicity glared at him.

"Crazy bastard!"

Vermont was speechless.

After driving for a while, Felicity suddenly thought of something.

"Copy the footage of your car's dash cam later.I want to check the young lover's car plate."

Vermont paused and immediately started to lay out his conditions.

"I'll copy it if you cooked for me for a month.I'll buy the ingredients you want.You won't have to spend apenny.All you need to do is to come to my house to make it.You don't even need to do the dishes,"

Vermont said while smiling, "How about that?"

Felicity's mouth twitched, 'Is he treating me like a servant?' She glared at Vermont once again.

"It's terrible!"

"But you could help your best friend," Vermont persuaded.

"Don't you want your bestie to get rid of those scumbags in the Jewell family?"

Felicity gave him a sideways glance.

"Your buddy is busy pursuing Stella.So apart from being helpful to your friend, you're threatening menow?"

"He screwed up himself.He could pursue her on his own.It's none of my business.He couldn't hack it ifhe couldn't win her back."

‘Would you look at that fake brotherhood!’ Felicity thought.novelbin

"I'll promise you, not only will you get the dashcam's footage, but you'll even get all the informationabout the young lover if you promise to cook for me for a month.How about that?"

Seeing Felicity's hesitated expression, Vermont sighed, "It's fine if you don't want to.It seems like you'renot that close to your bestie.Just a few days of cooking had made you hesitant."

Felicity's mouth twitched, "Don't try to sow discord among us.I don't believe you can find out theinformation."

Vermont smirked, "Miss bandit, I'm the boss of a listed company.How could I make it in the businessworld if I didn't have some abilities?"

Felicity started to waver in her decision.She realized she could not help Stella much after thinkingabout her isolated situation.

Vermont was annoying, but he had connections.

He could probably find out more than they could.

'It's just cooking for a month, right? I'll just treat it like feeding a dog!' Felicity thought.

She gritted her teeth and asked, "Will you keep your word?"

Vermont smirked and replied, "A real man never goes back on his words."

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