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Chapter 608

Chapter 608

When Cordelia had finished speaking, Baldwin was asked to gift each of them a money pouch.Stellareceived the pouch with a"Thanks".

Jaylene, on the other hand, declined and said, "I'm afraid I'm not worthy of the money pouch MadamKane is giving.I lack talent."

Stella paused then smiled immediately.

She said, "Ms.Saun, this is not a competition.We wrote the calligraphy to congratulate Grandma.Will itmatter who is more talented as long as Grandma feels blessed?"

Baldwin added, ''Ms.Saun, please do keep it.Take it as a blessing from Madam Kane."

Jaylene hesitated a little before finally taking it.

"I'm sorry for my narrow-mindedness."

Stella did not reply to that, and she kept her thoughts to herself.

'I felt something fishy when Jaylene proposed to write calligraphy together.There were a lot of ways forher to be in the limelight, but she insisted on doing it together with me.It felt like she was using me as astepping stone.Maybe her thought process isn't as innocent as I thought.Jaylene, being a daughter ofthe Saun family, shouldn't have any need to use others as a stepping stone.Maybe I'm overthinkingthis."

After the table was moved away, Marshall headed toward Keegan and Vermont.novelbin

Vermont greeted, "What took you so long, Marshall? I thought you weren't coming tonight."

Marshall politely smiled and replied, "There were a lot of cases to settle these past two days.That's whyI was late."

His eyes trailed to Stella who had just arrived in front of him.

Marshall then continued, "Better late than never.Otherwise, I wouldn't see such an amazing sight if Iarrived a moment later."

Stella smiled and replied, "No one would realize the surprise if you didn't point it out.I might evenbecome a laughing stock if I did it myself."

The satisfaction Stella received was several times better when Marshall revealed the hidden portraitthan if she did it herself.

‘My pretentious attitude was worth it after all, especially when I get to see all those faces in shock anddisbelief.I can't believe a random skill I picked up from boredom since marrying Keegan could finally beof use."

"I didn't do much.What should be revealed will eventually prevail anyway.By the way, how did you pickup this skill?" asked Marshall curiously.

"There was nothing much to it.I was just blindly brushing away."

Keegan's face turned darker and darker, as the two continued to merrily chat away.

Right at that moment, Aurora came over, held Marshall's wrist, and said, "Marshall, would you like todance with me?"

Marshall humbly said, "I've just arrived, and I want to take a breather."

Aurora, not letting go of his hands, said, "The gazebo at the center of the lake is quite tranquil.There'srarely any passerby, and it's a good place to take a rest.How about I bring you there?"

Marshall frowned.

When he was about to speak, Keegan came with a plate full of fruits.

He handed it to Aurora and said, "Here are some refreshments.Bring Marshall over there to have agood rest."

Aurora was exhilarated that her brother was helping her to get together with Marshall.

She then said, "Alright, brother."

Taking the fruit platter as she spoke, she pulled Marshal] toward the direction of the lake.He could onlysuccumb to being pulled away.He was unable to outright reject Aurora, who was still holding the fruitplatter, in front of the public.

Vermont still could not comprehend what had happened and asked, "Why did you so readily agree tolet Aurora pursue Marshall when you have always seemed to disagree back then?"

"Since when have I disagreed? He'll make a good brother-in-law since he's such an upright person,"said Keegan as he took a sip of fruit juice.

Stella pouted as she said to herself, 'Are you even sure your sister is virtuous enough for Mr.Moore?'"Stella, how much did Madam Kane give you?"

Vermont winked at her as he continued, "Go on, open it."

Stella was curious, but she whispered, "Won't it be disrespectful to open it here?"

Vermont responded, "It's alright.No one's watching.Go ahead and open it."

Keegan's eye twitched from hearing the ongoing whispers between the two of them.

"Go on, open it."

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