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Chapter 450

Chapter 450

Stella collapsed on the floor. She was unconscious.

Felicity panicked. She was loud when she said, "Stella! Stella! What's wrong? You're scaring me!"

Marshall's expression changed slightly. He swiftly walked forward. He then bent down to hold Stella'supper body up.

Her face was pale, her eyes were blue, and her lips were almost bloodless.

While Marshall was holding her, he said to Felicity, "Stop shouting. Quickly get the doctor here.”

"Yes, yes. Call the doctor.” Felicity came back to her senses. She then got up and ran outside. Sheshouted as she ran, "Doctor!

Doctor! Help!”

Marshall frowned. He had been holding Stella for a while, but she still had no response. So, he carriedher in his arms.

Soon, the nurses pushed a bed to go to them under the guidance of Felicity. Marshall then put her onthe bed. After that, he and Felicity followed them until they reached the emergency room.

Felicity worriedly walked in circles at the same spot. Finally, around ten minutes later, the doctor cameout of the room.

It was probably because Stella did not rest well for the past few days. She was also extremely tenseand had minor anemia. She could not handle all of those at once. That was why she fainted.

But the doctor still advised her to have a full body checkup. After all, she was still very young. It was notnormal for her to suddenly faint. She had to get a full body checkup to be safe.

Meanwhile, at Alodale, the light of the operating theater was finally switched off. Keegan stood up. Notlong after that, the doctor then pushed a bed out.

It was Bella, who was still unconscious due to the anesthesia. Keegan walked past her to go to the bedbehind her.

Coco was sleeping. Her tiny face was pale. She was clenching a candy she took from Keegan's carwhen she entered.

The doctor said she was talking about meeting with "Aunt Stella" after the operation. She wasunconscious a few seconds after she was given anesthesia. But she kept holding the candy and did notwant to let go of it.

Keegan gently opened her hand and took the candy away.

This was the mint candy Stella gave him in the car when he had a meal with her and Marshall backthen. He had been putting the candy in the car. Coco found it in his car when he came to Alodale thistime.

When she heard that Stella had given it to Keegan, she put it in her pocket. Unexpectedly, she evenbrought it with her into the operating theater.

Keegan pinched the mint candy as he looked at it. He then put it back in Coco's hand. After the doctorcame out, he asked, "Doctor Boyle, how's she?"

"The operation was very successful. But we still need to monitor her for the next few days. She'll beokay if there's no sign of rejection. She'll return to her normal condition if she adheres to takingnovelbin

medicine after that.”

Coco was a premature baby. She also had severe aplastic anemia. And she had an uncommon bloodtype. So, she had many near-death experiences since birth.

She was almost seven years old but looked like a five-year-old kid.

If not because of her developmental problems, the operative risk would be lower if she had theoperation when she grew older.

Her growth was a lot slower than people around her age. So her surgery could not be delayed anylonger.

Luckily, everything went well.

Doctor Boyle suddenly said, "Mr. Kane, what's your relationship with this kid?"

Keegan suddenly stopped moving. He glanced at him without speaking.

Doctor Boyle was the most experienced specialist that did bone marrow transplants in the country. SoKeegan hired him to come here to Alodale to do this surgery. And all the whereabouts were hiddenfrom others. That was why he was curious.

But Doctor Boyle realized he had asked a question that should not have been asked when he looked atKeegan's expression. So, he changed the topic, "As long as there's no sign of rejection in the first threedays, you guys can leave if you have something to do. She must stay in the hospital for at least onemonth.’

What he actually meant was that the longer they stayed, the easier their whereabouts would beexposed.

Keegan did not reply to him. Instead, he turned away and left.Stella said, “okay.”

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