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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Meanwhile, Bella’s manager, Wein, was quite worried about Bella participating in World Peace. AfterBella fell into the water last night, Keegan showed up and gave her a script. The script was not WorldPeace, but a show called The Tea Merchant. This show was similar to The Palace, which wasproduced by Daniel. It was also a show about a strong female lead. The Palace was aboutconspiracies in the palace, while The Tea Merchant, as the name suggests, was about the story of atea merchant.

In the story, the female lead went from being a maid to ward off bad luck for her husband, to themistress of the family and finally becoming the tea merchant of the generation. Truth be told, thecharacter design had even more emotional values than the female lead of The Palace. It was a showwhere the audience could empathize with the female lead as they watched her grow throughout herjourney. However, Bella rejected it because she felt that the production team was from a smallcompany, the scriptwriter was not famous enough, and the director used to produce literary films.Despite the fact that the movies had received some awards, they were always just good movies with asmall audience.

Bella started off with clout, so she was accustomed to paying attention to the numbers. She wanted toact in The Palace because Daniel had guaranteed statistics and quality. In contrast, The Tea Merchantdid not have a background. It was the typical award-winning type of show, which was not the type oftransformative work that she wanted.

The Tea Merchant was going to start filming at the end of the year. It would have to wait until nextyear’s summertime for it to be released. Bella’s contract termination with Neon Nebula was imminent.In addition to that, she did not have any impending work currently. If she accepted The Tea Merchant,her screen time would be entirely open, aside from a few offers from variety shows. For Bella, anactress who depends on clout, the inability to maintain exposure on the big screen was extremely

dangerous. That was because the entertainment industry was always full of newcomers. Bella wouldnot have dared to leave such a large gap on the big screen because the clout would have been heavilydivided.

World Peace, however, was a different situation. The production team was comparable to The Palace.Along with that, the work itself had fame. It would start filming this month and take three months tofinish. By the end of the year, it would be on air. The pay was also three times higher than The TeaMerchant. Most importantly, the release date clashed with The Palace. When that time came, theycould fight to make an impact on ratings. Bella had faith in her prime-time ratings.novelbin

Daniel had the guts to reject her, so she would not let go of The Palace so easily. Therefore, she turneddown The Tea Merchant and chose World Peace. After finding out about Bella’s stunt, Wein wasindignant. Bella claimed that she wanted to change, but she was unwilling to give up her clout. Sheknew about the controversy of World Peace, yet she still participated. She paid no attention tomaintaining her reputation.

At this point, there was nothing Wein could do. He bought hot searches and continued directing the warof plagiarism toward the author so that Bella could escape the mess. The official lineup of World Peacewent on trending soon after some fans deliberately interrupted. All the trending searches werecompliments about the lineup. The fans would fight off any comments about the plagiarism, saying thatthe show had nothing to do with the source material.

Just when Bella’s fans were celebrating, a legal letter came out of nowhere. The client of the legal letterwas Dusk Galaxy, the famous voice actor who abruptly withdrew from the internet a while ago. Thecontent of the legal letter stated that the client, a victim of cyberbullying, had developed depression andposted the medical record. They now demanded several accounts to delete their hate comment andpublicly apologize.

Soon a few marketing media found out that the few accounts mentioned in the legal letter were Bella’sfans. However, the owner of the accounts jumped out and denied that they were Bella’s fans. Afterdeleting their comment, they decisively terminated their accounts. Even so, Bella’s Facebook accountwas flooded with netizens who were denouncing her.

In contrast to Bella, who was now anxious, Stella was rather calm and relaxed. Originally, the legalletter was a deliberate act to warn others. The accounts they put out were not the mastermind, but allthese accounts acted based on a given order. And, it only showed one thing; they have an organizationbehind them. Whether Bella was involved or not, her sin was that she indulged her fans. Therefore, shewas not innocent. This gift should be able to keep her down for some time.

Inside the Vinci Rivera’Group building, Aldor entered Keegan’s office once he saw the people from R &D department leaving. “Mr. Kane, I think there’s something you should look at.”

“What?” Keegan did not look up, as he thought it was work-related.

Aldor continued, “A few days ago, you instructed me to cut out the cruise ship surveillance. I wanted todelete it, but out of curiosity, I took a look at it,” Aldor paused and softly said, “Ms. Young looked likeshe was pulling Mrs. Kane down with her when she jumped into the water. Mrs. Kane couldn’t breakfree, so she kicked her down.”

Keegan stopped and took the phone handed over by Aldor. The video was blurry, yet one still could seethe two’s reactions. Well, instead of saying that Stella kicked Bella on purpose, it was better to say thatshe was defending herself. She had to kick Bella away, or else Bella would not be the only person whohad fallen into the water that day.

“And, one more thing…” Aldor hesitated before he explained, “That night, when you and Mrs. Kanewent to Mr. Lowe’s appointment, Ms. Young’s assistant contacted me. They told me Bella was hurt, andthey wanted you to come over. But, you were arguing with Mrs. Kane at that moment, so I did not

mention it. I was afraid that something had happened to Ms. Young, so I secretly sent someone tocheck on her. It turned out that Ms. Young wasn’t injured or sick.”

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