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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Arthur’s insult was mainly aimed at Albert. Stella then felt that he wasn’t a confused old man. Albertsmiled apologetically and said, “Keegan treats her very well. Stella is blessed to have married him.How is she in a lion’s den?” The old man snorted and did not speak again.

Keegan’s appearance was rare at the Jewell residence. Albert wanted him to at least stay for a meal.Initially, Keegan and Stella planned to pick Arthur up and leave, but Albert insisted on them staying.After having lunch with the Jewells, they rested there for a bit before driving the old man back to theirplace. It was already 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. when they got in the car.

Stella asked her great-grandfather if he wanted to lie down for a while, but the man wanted tonovelbin

He said he could not see from the window if he lay down. Stella thought that it was funny, but sheobeyed his wishes.

Arthur had lived in his hometown all his life. But now, he was in Rivera, the farthest place he had evertraveled. Aldor intentionally slowed down to let him take in the view. Arthur’s golden eyes were fixed onthe slowly receding scenery outside the window. The rows and rows of buildings in Rivera lookedmagnificent.

Arthur looked at the road for a long time and said, “The place is developing really well. There are somany skyscrapers here.”

Stella suddenly felt sad and whispered, “You can stay here longer if you like.”

Arthur smiled and joked, “I didn’t expect to have such a blessing at this age.” As he said that, hesuddenly put his hand into the pocket of his coat, rummaged it for a long time, and took out a piece ofFerrero chocolate. He handed it to Stella and whispered to her like a child, “I found this in Sophia’s

room. She said it’s chocolate, and it’s super delicious. But, I can’t eat it since I have no teeth left. Canyou eat it and tell me if it’s any good?”

Stella was taken aback. She did not really have any impression of her great-grandfather since she didnot return to her hometown often. When she was younger, she only stayed there for a day or two andleft in a hurry. The only thing she remembered was that her great-grandfather took out a paper bagfrom his coat, put his hand into it, and handed her a piece of candy. The candy was much moreunpalatable than the ones she ate at home. It tasted like artificial sweetener, but her great-grandfatherhad asked her if it was good. So, she ate the piece of candy and said yes. Arthur then smiled so hardthat Stella could not even see his eyes.

Now that they had met again, Stella noticed that her great-grandfather looked even older than beforeas his hair turned gray. However, when Arthur took out the chocolate from his coat and handed it to her,it reminded Stella of her childhood. And, it was a bittersweet moment for her.

Seeing the expectant expression on Arthur’s face, Stella took the piece of chocolate and unwrapped it.The chocolate had been in his coat for too long, and it had already melted. slightly by the warmth of hisbody. Stella said nothing about it and lowered her head to take a bite “It tastes wonderful,” she saidsoftly.

Arthur’s eyes curved into a smile as he said, “I’ll get you a few more later so that your father won’tseem biased.”

Keegan tilted his head and looked at the two with a thoughtful expression. The old man caught hisgaze and immediately covered the chocolate in Stella’s hand. “It’s not for you!” he said.

Keegan was speechless while Aldor burst out laughing. He immediately suppressed his laughter whenhe met Keegan’s narrow eyes and continued to drive in a serious manner. Keegan had asked twoservants from the company to come and take care of the old man. When Stella was not busy, she

would bring the old man to visit the scenic spots in Rivera. Keegan would tag along occasionally, but hewas usually busy with work. So, it was difficult for him to find the time to join them. Moreover, even if hedid spare some time, the old man did not want to see him.

Every time he joined them, he was asked to carry a bag or run errands like buying drinks. At the sametime, Stella was not allowed to help him out.

Whenever Arthur was dissatisfied with what Keegan did, he would say, “Oh, the city folk…. They’re justnot good enough. They can’t do anything right. When I was young, I chased your great-grandma downthe street with a pig in my arms. The widows in the village blushed when they saw me.”

Whenever Keegan got mad, the old man would say, “The city folks sure have a bad temper. No girlsfrom our village would ever want him, even if he’s the last man alive. Even if he does end. up gettingmarried, his wife would surely run away with another man.”

Keegan then realized that he was not supporting Stella by bringing Arthur to stay with them; he wasjust making his own life difficult.

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